Duplex scanning of vessels of the head and neck

Frequent headaches and dizziness may be the result of vascular pathologies of the brain. In order to identify them, there are various diagnostic and research methods, one of which is duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head.

This method is non-invasive and therefore considered safe. It is especially attractive that it does not require any special preparation and has no contraindications.

What is a diagnostic method

This method of vascular diagnostics provides complete information about the state of the human vascular system. With the help of ultrasound, you can evaluate and analyze the speed and nature of blood flow, as well as determine the presence of thrombosis or other vascular pathologies.

The study usually proceeds in two stages: two-dimensional mode and duplex study.

In XNUMXD mode, you can see the vessels and adjacent tissues, limited only by this information. He does not give any information about the blood supply.

With a duplex examination, the doctor sees a complete picture of what is happening in the vessels, with a detailed description and a two-dimensional color picture.

What is the procedure for?

Unlike simple ultrasound, this diagnostic method provides the most complete information about hard-to-reach vessels of the neck and head. This is especially true of the brain, which is difficult to visualize.

Before the advent of the technique, it was extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, to examine the state of the brain.

Diagnosis was carried out using ultrasonic Doppler equipment. The uzist applied the sensor to the problem areas and recorded the sound using a special apparatus.

But it became possible to see what is happening in the vessels of the cervical region and the brain only when using the duplex scanning technique.

What is the difference between duplex and triplex scanning

These diagnostic methods are very similar to each other and have practically no differences, with the only difference being that with triplex scanning, the vessels can be viewed in three-dimensional space. Duplex mode represents information in only two planes. In fact, triplex scanning is positioned as an additional procedure when conducting a duplex study.

And if we take into account the fact that the crystal that transmits and receives the signal is the same, then the resolution of the triplex method is considered slightly worse than the duplex one. The quality of work will depend entirely on the quality of the apparatus and the qualifications of the doctor conducting the study, and not on the diagnostic method.

Who needs the procedure

Usually, a doctor prescribes such a procedure to a patient if he is diagnosed with: atherosclerosis or endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis or vasculitis, aortic aneurysm, diabetic angiopathy, various vascular injuries, varicose veins, vascular anomalies of the head and neck, vertebral artery syndrome.

Such an examination is indicated as a screening for asymptomatic diseases and as a control after surgical intervention in the vessels of the circulatory system.

Currently, transcranial duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is considered the main technique for studying the vascular system. It is done using ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, as well as through spectral analysis.

The main indications for such an examination are:

  • dizziness, severe headaches, migraines;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • deterioration of memory, attention;
  • curvature of the spine in the cervical region, hernia in this area;
  • hearing loss;
  • chronic and acute cerebral ischemia;
  • vasculitis and diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular pathologies of the brain;
  • various brain diseases with identified blood flow disorders after surgery.

Preparation for the procedure and contraindications

This technique is especially popular precisely because it is absolutely harmless and has no contraindications. This procedure can be performed on patients regardless of age: both children and the elderly. You can repeat the manipulation as many times as necessary until the diagnosis is definitely established.

In addition, the diagnostic examination does not require any preliminary preparation. But there are some recommendations that will make this procedure much more effective.

On the day of the examination, give up nicotine and any other substances that, to one degree or another, affect vascular tone. It::

  • coffee;
  • energy;
  • strong tea.

If you use any medications, such as adaptogens (Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, etc.), magnesium, piracetam, vinpocetine, you should first warn the neurologist who prescribed this procedure about this. Before scanning, you need to get rid of jewelry from the neck and head: earrings, chains, hairpins, and others. After the examination, you must thoroughly wash your hair.

How is the procedure

This diagnostic method is absolutely painless and does not require general or local anesthesia. The patient is examined standing, lying or sitting, depending on which organ needs to be examined.

The surface of the skin is lubricated with a special gel, which facilitates the conduction of the signal. The sonographer then directs the probe to the desired area.

When duplex scanning the brain, the sensor is applied to the so-called “ultrasonic windows” – parts of the skull where the bones are thinner or where they have physiological holes.

Through such zones, the ultrasound beam freely enters the cranial cavity.

During the procedure, the patient may be required to adopt a more comfortable posture for the examination. The doctor may also ask you to hold your breath or do something similar. Manipulation lasts about half an hour and does not cause absolutely no discomfort.

Advantages and disadvantages of the methodology

The advantages of this examination technique include the detection of vascular diseases, such as aneurysm or atherosclerosis, in the early stages, the most reliable data on the state of blood flow and the vascular system of the brain. This is an easy way to diagnose pathologies of vascular patency, to identify thrombosis.

The most important advantage of the method is the detection of diseases in the early stages, when there are no clinical manifestations yet.

This method is safe, it can be carried out as many times as needed. In addition, it is non-invasive, which means that during its implementation it is not required to use any medications. This is also a significant plus, since it certainly excludes the presence of possible allergic reactions or side effects.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is one of the most effective, inexpensive and informative diagnostic methods. It is absolutely harmless and safe, does not require any special preparation. Research allows you to identify diseases and vascular pathologies in the early stages of their development.

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