Duplex scanning of the vessels of the penis

Sometimes, for a more accurate diagnosis and detection of various kinds of pathologies, the attending physician may prescribe duplex scanning or dopplerography of the vessels of the penis. What is the nature of this procedure? Is it necessary to prepare in some way for its implementation? What contraindications does she have? You can find answers to similar questions by reading the following article.

What is dopplerography of the arteries and veins of the penis and to whom it is indicated

Dopplerography or duplex scanning of the veins and arteries is a modern method of ultrasound examination of the veins and arteries of the penis, with which you can identify various pathological processes associated with the blood filling of the penis in men.

Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to more accurately diagnose diseases associated with vascular pathologies in the male genital organs, the most common of which is erectile dysfunction or impotence.

This type of examination is prescribed in various fields of medicine: urology, andrology and oncology. It is used to diagnose diseases caused by arterial or venous pathologies of the genital organ in men. This procedure is prescribed by the attending physician, based on the patient’s complaints of impotence and primary symptoms.

In this case, it is necessary to understand whether the problem actually exists, or whether it is caused by any psychological problems. It is in this matter that duplex scanning of the veins and arteries of the penis helps a lot.

In addition, this procedure can also detect a disease such as Peyronie’s disease. In which a large fibrous plaque is formed, and its further growth leads to a curvature of the penis and, accordingly, to problems in the genital area.

Scanning is most often carried out simultaneously with an ultrasound examination of the genital organ, which makes it possible to diagnose not only vascular pathologies, but also organic diseases: injuries, curvature, fractures, anomalies in the development of the organ and various neoplasms.

Preparation and procedure

Dopplerography of the veins and arteries of the penis is usually performed in urological centers, as well as in large private clinics. Diagnosis is carried out by a qualified specialist andrologist or urologist who has a certificate that allows for functional diagnostics.

No necessary preliminary preparation before the procedure is required. It is enough just to perform a standard morning toilet of the genital organs from the outside.

For diagnosis, the patient must be in a prone position and expose the groin area.

The sensor is supplied with a special gel and is installed in the projection of the trunk of the patient’s penis. Initially examined:

  • spongy and cavernous bodies;
  • the structure of the penis;
  • white shell.

After that, you need to cause an erection. To achieve this effect, a tourniquet is applied at the base of the penis and a drug is injected that expands the vessels into one of the cavernous bodies. After ten to fifteen minutes, the drug begins to act, spreading through the anastomoses in the cavernous bodies of the penis. As a result, an erection occurs.

The sensor monitors the blood flow during an erection, and then it must be removed, since maintaining it for a long period of time can be dangerous.

The duration of the procedure takes from twenty-five minutes to an hour.

Contraindications and interpretation of study results

The procedure itself is harmless and safe and has no contraindications to conduct. However, it should be postponed in the presence of open inflammatory processes in the male genital organ, especially accompanied by painful sensations.

In addition, the introduction of the drug directly into the cavernous bodies of the penis is fraught with possible adverse reactions, such as:

  • hematoma;
  • pain at the injection site;
  • persistent painful erection – priapism.

Using this procedure, you can easily see the direction and speed of blood flow in the vessels of the patient’s penis. The pulses received by the device are processed by the software and displayed on the screen as a color picture.

In order to diagnose the presence of pathologies, it is necessary to measure the speed at which the arteries fill with blood and the time it takes for this action. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the indicators of outflow of blood through the veins.

With a persistent erection, venous outflow should be minimal or completely absent. If this does not happen, this is the first sign of the development of erectile dysfunction. To make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to present the conclusion of a Doppler study to the attending physician.

In conclusion

The method of duplex scanning of the veins and arteries of the penis can quickly and accurately determine the possible pathological processes associated with impaired blood flow in the male organ. It can be used to detect the development of a disease such as erectile dysfunction or impotence in the early stages. Or to refute the presence of the disease, based on the testimony of the ultrasound machine. In any case, this procedure is prescribed by the attending physician and helps him in establishing the correct diagnosis, as well as in prescribing appropriate therapy.

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