Duphaston – action, indications, side effects. Duphaston is pregnant

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Duphaston is the market name for a drug containing dydrogesterone. It is a synthetic hormone modeled on progesterone – the female sex hormone naturally secreted in the human body. Duphaston is recommended for women who have problems with their menstrual cycle due to progesterone deficiency or who are planning to become a mother if they have had a previous miscarriage. It is also used to support pregnancy in the case of spotting occurring in the first trimester.

Progesterone is a corpus luteum hormone that is involved in regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle. Its concentration increases in the second half of the cycle. Its main role is to prepare the uterus for an egg to implant. In other words, it prepares a woman to become pregnant. If fertilization fails, the hormone levels drop.

What is the risk of progesterone deficiency? Well, this condition is associated with fertility problems. In addition, hormonal dominance of estrogens may occur, and this carries a risk of health and wellness turmoil such as: weight gain, decreased sex drive, mood swings and depression, premenstrual syndrome, cycle dysregulation, heavy bleeding, endometriosis, tender breasts, the formation of fibroids, problems with the gallbladder and thyroid gland. (1) The effects can therefore be serious and require specialist consultation.

Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic steroid hormone with multidirectional action. Dydrogesterone is a progestogen, it has an effect similar to natural progesterone.

After oral administration, dydrogesterone is rapidly absorbed. Its maximum concentration is obtained within 30–150 minutes, and the maximum concentration of its main metabolite approximately 90 minutes after taking the drug. Dydrogesterone is rapidly metabolized in the liver, with dihydrodydrogesterone being the major metabolite. It is mainly excreted in the form of metabolites, mainly in the urine.

See also: Hormones under control, i.e. the hormonal profile for women

Indications for taking Duphaston

Duphaston is taken for the treatment of various conditions that depend on the effects of progesterone. The indications for taking it may be: painful or missed periods, irregular cycles, troublesome symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, abnormal vaginal bleeding, endometriosis, recurrent miscarriages (we refer to them when pregnancy is lost three times in a row or more), the risk of miscarriage or difficulties with becoming pregnant, caused by failure of the corpus luteum, menopause symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances).

The dosage of the preparation depends on the type of ailment for which it is prescribed. Do not exceed the recommended doses, as an overdose of Duphaston is a serious threat to health and life. Following the expert’s recommendations also reduces the risk of side effects.

A specialist should always decide on the dosage of the drug. On the haloDoctor.pl website, you can make an online teleconsultation with a gynecologist. The doctor will answer all your questions and implement the appropriate treatment.

See also: Miscarriage – causes, symptoms, prevention. How to recognize a miscarriage?

Taking Duphaston is associated with the risk of side effects, although they do not appear in all women who use the preparation. Possible side effects include headache, nausea, problems with the menstrual cycle (e.g. heavy bleeding), painful breasts.

In addition, mood changes, dizziness, liver dysfunction, jaundice, abdominal pain, skin rash and itching, and excessive sleepiness may occur. Anemia is a very rare complication.

Talk to your doctor about other likely side effects. In addition, it is recommended to read the leaflet attached to the preparation. Duphaston is recommended when the benefits of taking it are greater than the possible occurrence of side effects.

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Duphaston is pregnant

There are some contraindications associated with taking the drug. Duphaston is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding. During pregnancy, it may only be used with the consent of the doctor, if deemed necessary.

In the case of infertility caused by luteal failure, treatment is started in the second half of the cycle.

Duphaston while breastfeeding

According to the information in the duphaston package leaflet, progestogens pass into breast milk in small amounts. The risks of taking this medicine while breastfeeding your baby have not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, it is not recommended that the drug be used during lactation.

Duphaston a alkohol

With duphaston, there is no clear prohibition that categorically prohibits combining the drug with alcohol. The key factor, however, is the ailments for which the drug was prescribed. In the case of dysmenorrhea, excess progesterone or in the treatment of endometriosis, alcohol is not strictly prohibited. However, in case of use during pregnancy, in order to minimize the risk of miscarriage, alcohol consumption should be completely refrained due to the developing fetus.

Duphaston – interactions with other drugs

Remember to inform your doctor about all medications you have recently taken, including those over the counter.

Duphaston may interact with herbal medicines containing St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), sage, ginkgo, anticonvulsants like phenytoin, carbamazepine, antibacterial medicines like rifampicin, antiviral medicines like ritonavir, nelfinavir, nelfinavir.

Duphaston and driving and operating machinery

When taking this medicine, symptoms such as dizziness and drowsiness may appear. They may have a negative influence on driving vehicles and operating machines.

Duphaston should not be used by women who are allergic to any of its ingredients, who have cancer that depends on the action of progesterone (or is suspected to have such a tumor), and when there are unexplained vaginal bleeding.

It is worth knowing that taking Duphaston (dydrogesterone) together with a preparation containing estrogens is associated with the risk of very serious side effects – if you are taking estrogens, you should definitely inform your doctor about it!

Before using Duphaston, it is important to provide the doctor with information about the health condition, past diseases or family predispositions, as some of them are contraindications or require an individual dose. These include depression, liver problems, porphyria, cancer, a family history of thromboembolism, and other risk factors.

Hormonal problems affect many women. They can cause ailments such as mood swings, shortness of breath, poor mental state or problems with getting pregnant. In this case, proper diagnosis is important. Take advantage of the hormonal test package for women that you can perform all over Poland and take care of your health today.

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