Duodenitis in adults
Together with expert Sergey Vyalov, we discussed what duodenitis can be dangerous for, what role diet plays in its treatment and prevention, and whether duodenitis can be completely cured

What is duodenitis

Duodenitis is an inflammation of the duodenum. It is usually considered in combination with other problems of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) – stomach, small intestine, pancreas, etc.

Duodenitis is acute and chronic. And each of these forms has several types with their manifestations. So, in acute catarrhal duodenitis, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, in acute erosive and ulcerative duodenitis, erosions and ulcers appear, and in acute phlegmonous duodenitis, there may be bleeding, suppuration, and even rupture of the intestine. The latter type is, as a rule, a consequence of acid and alkali poisoning.

Chronic duodenitis differs in origin.

  • Primary duodenitis occurs mainly after acute duodenitis.
  • Secondary – against the background of other diseases, Helicobacter pylori infection or food allergies.

But this is not all varieties of chronic duodenitis. It is subdivided into

  • superficial (the mildest form, in which the mucosa is simply inflamed),
  • atrophic (the mucosa is already thinned),
  • hyperplastic (mucosa grows and thickens),
  •  erosive and ulcerative (erosions and ulcers form on the mucosa).

In addition, duodenitis can be local, when some area is affected, and diffuse – in this case, the atrophic lesion affects both the mucosa and the glands of the duodenum.

Causes of duodenitis in adults

If this is a separate independent problem (it is sometimes called primary duodenitis), then it occurs most often due to inflammation in the stomach caused by Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium creates such conditions that the contents at the outlet of the stomach, just in the duodenum, become very acidic and damage the wall. Errors in nutrition, an abundance of spices, strong alcohol and smoking will finally help to finish it off. However, these sins by themselves are not powerful enough to create a problem out of the blue. But stress and emotional background can do this, and a typical place for the appearance of stress ulcers is the duodenum, where inflammation and ulcers can occur as early as one week of experience.

Secondary duodenitis is already the consequences of existing pathologies. For example, chronic diseases of the pancreas, small or large intestines, gallbladder, parasites in the intestines, allergic diseases.

At risk of duodenitis are those who have weak intestinal motility and often have chronic constipation.

Symptoms of duodenitis in adults

  • Pain. It occurs in the upper abdomen, in the right hypochondrium on an empty stomach, either 15-20 minutes after a meal, or at night. The pain is felt especially sharply when pressing on the stomach, and in the squatting position, it usually decreases.
  • Digestive disorders: belching, heartburn, bitter or sour aftertaste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting, bloating.
  • Disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system and their consequences: weakness, dizziness, palpitations, sweating, tinnitus, hand tremor.
  • Stool disorders: diarrhea or constipation, which may alternate. Unlike other symptoms characteristic of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this one is typical for duodenitis.
  • Yellowed skin, darkened urine, discolored feces. Not the most typical symptoms, but they appear due to a violation of the outflow of bile during duodenitis. 

If acute duodenitis lasts for more than three months, then it becomes chronic. In this case, ulcers may also appear with such complications as intestinal bleeding, acute pancreatitis, perforation of the intestinal wall.

Treatment of duodenitis in adults

In the case of duodenitis, diet is really not just a recommendation, but one of the most important components of treatment. The diet will not cure duodenitis, but it will stop worsening the situation. It is necessary to refuse food, which can again cause irritation of the mucous membrane, alcohol and smoking. In addition, the doctor will prescribe drugs for pain relief, healing and protection of the mucosa. Treat duodenitis at home. Hospitalization is indicated when a tumor is suspected or if the disease is severely advanced.


Duodenitis can masquerade as other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, it is not always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of symptoms. And for the final conclusion, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are assigned.

Analyzes for the diagnosis of duodenitis:

  • general analysis of blood, urine;
  • fecal analysis (for occult blood, coprogram, bacteriological culture);
  • blood chemistry.

Instrumental studies for the diagnosis of duodenitis:

  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS) of the duodenum with a biopsy – a procedure that is popularly called “swallow a probe”, is the main one in the diagnosis of duodenitis, the rest, as a rule, are prescribed as additional research methods;
  • breath test for Helicobacter pylori.

Modern treatments

Treatment of duodenitis is prescribed by a gastroenterologist. And it depends on the clinical form of the disease. it can be diet and drug therapy.

To date, there are effective methods for the treatment of duodenitis, which allow you to return the condition of the duodenum to its original form in 2-4 weeks without any side effects. Additionally, pills may be required to eliminate some causes of duodenitis, if necessary, but this will be clear from the results of the examination. The cause must definitely be eliminated, otherwise duodenitis will return within a few weeks after the end of treatment. Then you will call it “chronic” instead of remembering that the cause of everything must be found and eliminated.


Only “harmful” food will have to be excluded from the diet during the treatment of duodenitis. Very often, dietary recommendations for duodenitis from the Internet are meaningless and redundant, even lead to poor health when they suggest abandoning traditionally healthy foods – for example, foods rich in coarse dietary fiber. These are most fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains. A diet for duodenitis eliminates all factors that irritate the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is characterized by the ability of self-healing. The main thing is not to interfere with her in this! And it is not so much the person himself who interferes with her food, but the inflammation of the mucosa itself, in which it simply cannot heal.

Products for duodenitis – lean meat (poultry, veal, rabbit meat), milk, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetable and fruit purees, well-boiled cereals.

Nothing fried, canned, smoked, spicy. Steam, boil or bake (but not to the “crust”!). We completely exclude spices and spices, soda, alcohol. 


What drugs are prescribed:

  • reducing gastric secretion (antacids, proton pump inhibitors);
  • accelerating the recovery of the mucous membrane (gastroprotectors and drugs to improve tissue regeneration);
  • for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection (antibiotics);
  • improving the discharge of bile and reducing pain (antispasmodics).

Drug treatment is prescribed in combination with a diet.

Prevention of duodenitis in adults at home

The main thing in the prevention of duodenitis is proper nutrition. In this case, it means: do not starve, give up excesses, smoking, alcohol.

A person with a history of chronic duodenitis should finally cure this sore, and if it doesn’t work, then double-check the condition of the duodenum and eliminate the cause of duodenitis.

Popular questions and answers

Is it possible to treat duodenitis with folk remedies?

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of duodenitis. But there is absolutely no need for them, since this type of treatment existed in the Middle Ages and from hopelessness. Modern treatment allows you to get rid of the problem without side effects in 2-4 weeks, and over the years of treatment with folk remedies, only a duodenal ulcer or cancer has time to occur.


In folk medicine, for the treatment of duodenitis, cinquefoil tea, sea buckthorn oil, oatmeal jelly with aloe, infusion of chamomile, lavender, shepherd’s purse, buckthorn and licorice bark, marshmallow root, etc. are used. Many of them cause constipation and worsen the situation with duodenitis, others by themselves cause erosions in the stomach, thirds increase pressure, and fourths simply soothe.

What is the role of the duodenum in the body?

The duodenum is the first and very important section of the small intestine. Here, with the help of pancreatic juice and bile, food evacuated from the stomach is digested, nutrients are broken down and absorbed, hormones are produced that regulate the activity of the digestive tract.

Why is duodenitis dangerous?

If acute duodenitis is not properly treated, it can cause serious complications: duodenal ulcer, intestinal bleeding, acute pancreatitis, perforation of the intestinal wall. If duodenitis is chronic and exists for more than 6 months, then this is fraught with oncology.

Is it possible to cure duodenitis completely?

Yes, this is what needs to be done. The terms of treatment are 2-4 weeks for the healing of the duodenum itself. The timing of the treatment of the cause may vary, everything will depend on the specific cause.

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