Vareniki with fresh milk mushrooms is a dish that surprises with its unusual taste. Housewives are used to harvesting fresh milk mushrooms for the winter by salting or drying, but few people know that they make a very tasty and satisfying hot snack. It is easy and quick to prepare, and due to the fact that the mushroom goes well with various ingredients (potatoes, cabbage, rice), you can experiment with the filling. After trying different options, everyone will find the most suitable for themselves.
How to make dumplings from mushrooms
According to the cooking technology, the dish is similar to dumplings, only it has a different shape and several types of filling. To make a semi-finished product, you need to prepare minced meat, which includes mushrooms and components according to personal preferences, as well as knead the dough, consisting of water, flour and salt. You can add an egg to it if you like. Next, small crescent-shaped dumplings should be molded from the finished soft and plastic mass and boiled in lightly salted water. You can cook dumplings with mushrooms for future use and enjoy their fragrant juicy taste all winter. To do this, raw blanks just need to be placed in the freezer, and cooked before use. You can serve the finished snack with butter, sour cream or sauce.
Recipes for dumplings from milk mushrooms
There are several recipes for snacks, the main component of which is breast. They involve the use of both fresh and salted or dried mushrooms. As an addition to the filling, potatoes, onions or rice are most often used, but some housewives add cabbage, beans, and even herring to minced meat. But regardless of the composition, do-it-yourself dumplings with milk mushrooms will definitely deserve a lot of positive feedback from households.
Recipe for dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms
Ingredients included in the test:
- flour – 2,5 glass;
- water – 180 ml;
- salt to taste.
For the filling:
- fresh milk mushrooms – 300 g;
- potatoes – 2 pcs .;
- onion – 1 pcs .;
- vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l .;
- spice.

Choux pastry dumplings are especially tasty
For the sauce:
- a bunch of fresh dill;
- half a cup of sour cream;
- 2 garlic cloves.
Stages of preparation:
- Sort fresh mushrooms, wash thoroughly, peel, chop in a blender.
- Boil the washed potatoes with salt, mash into a puree.
- Peel the onion, finely chop, fry until golden brown.
- Mix the prepared ingredients in a deep bowl.
- To knead the most successful choux pastry for dumplings, the sifted flour should be combined with salt, boiled water should be added and kneaded quickly (first with a spoon, then with your hands).
- Roll out the finished mass immediately into a layer, cut out circles from it with a glass, fill them with stuffing, fold in half and pinch the edges.
- Place the blanks in a pot of boiling water, salt, cook from the moment of boiling for 10 minutes.
- Mix finely chopped dill, sour cream and finely chopped garlic for the sauce.
- Serve hot with sauce.
Vareniki with salted mushrooms
A hot appetizer stuffed with salted milk mushrooms is very delicate in taste, and even an inexperienced hostess can cook it.
Products for harvesting:
- flour – 0,5 kg;
- water – 200 ml;
- egg – 1 pcs .;
- oil – 30 ml;
- Salt – a pinch.
Minced meat ingredients:
- salted milk mushrooms;
- bow;
- oil for frying.

As a filling, you can use salted, pickled, dry and frozen milk mushrooms.
Technology of preparation:
- Break an egg into a glass, salt, stir, add water to the top.
- Pour the mixture into the sifted flour, knead the dough.
- Roll the mass into a ball, wrap in cling film, leave to “approach” for 30 minutes.
- Peel the onion, chop.
- Throw the mushrooms in a colander, wash, finely chop, mix with onions, season with oil.
- Cut the dough into small pieces, roll each into a thin cake, put fresh minced meat on top, pinch the edges, giving the shape of a crescent.
- Boil in small portions in salted water for 5 minutes.
- Serve the finished dish with sour cream.
Vareniki with fresh mushrooms and beans
Ingredients for the dough:
- flour – 200 g;
- water – 100 ml;
- egg – 1 pcs .;
- salt.
For the filling:
- fresh milk mushrooms – 200 g;
- beans – 100 g;
- onion – 50 g;
- melted lard – 1 tbsp. L.;
- spice.

The finished dish can be frozen or boiled immediately
Step-by-step recipe:
- Sift the flour, gather in a slide, make a well in the center.
- Pour the beaten egg, water, salt into the hole.
- Knead elastic dough, cover, leave to “rest” for half an hour.
- Rinse beans, boil, put in a colander.
- After the broth has drained, mash the beans.
- Finely chopped onion fry in lard.
- Wash fresh mushrooms thoroughly first in hot, then in cold water, sort out, cook until tender.
- Throw on a sieve and wash again, finely chop.
- Mix all the ingredients, adding your favorite spices.
- Form dumplings, boil, serve hot.
Recipe for dumplings from raw milk mushrooms with cabbage
Ingredients included in the dish:
- 1 glass of water;
- 2 cup of flour;
- 2 st. l. sunflower oil;
- 4 fresh mushrooms;
- small onion;
- 0,3 kg of cabbage;
- salt to taste.

Mushrooms with cabbage are a traditional filling for dumplings
Stages of the technological process:
- From the sifted flour, butter, warm water and salt, knead a stiff dough, wrap it in a bag, leave for an hour.
- Soak mushrooms for a couple of hours, wash well, remove damaged specimens, chop.
- Peel the onion, finely chop, fry.
- Chop fresh cabbage into thin strips, stew. After 20-30 minutes, add mushrooms and onions, salt, simmer until tender.
- Roll out the mass for the workpiece into a layer, cut into small squares, put minced meat in the center of each, fold it into a triangle, pinch.
- Dip the semi-finished products one by one into boiling water, salt, after 10 minutes, pull out with a slotted spoon.
- Serve topped with fried onions.
Recipe for dumplings with salted milk mushrooms and rice
Hot Appetizer Ingredients:
- flour – 1,5 glass;
- steep boiling water – 200 ml;
- salted milk mushrooms – 60 g;
- rice – 100 g;
- onion – 2 pcs .;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- pepper;
- salt.

During sculpting, workpieces are recommended to be laid out on a surface sprinkled with flour.
- Wash the mushrooms, boil for 5-10 minutes, chop, strain the broth.
- Chop the onion, fry in oil, divide into two parts.
- Rice washed several times with ice water, pour boiling water, boil.
- Mix all ingredients, season with salt and pepper.
- For the sauce: put the rest of the fried onion in a pan, add flour, gradually stirring, pour in a thin stream of mushroom broth, bring to a boil.
- Knead the dough in a custard way, mold products from it, adding 1 tsp to each. fillings, lower in small portions into boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes.
- Throw the dumplings in a colander, dry, put in a serving dish and pour over the sauce.
Calorie dumplings with mushrooms
The mushroom is a very juicy, fleshy and unusually tasty mushroom, which contains about 32% protein. In terms of calories, it surpasses even meat. The number of calories in ready-made dumplings from fresh mushrooms directly depends on the composition of the dough and the additional components of the filling. The most low-calorie, about 183 kcal per 100 g of product, are dumplings with milk mushrooms according to the classic recipe, without potatoes, rice and other ingredients.

If you cook a dish for a couple, then it will turn out to be dietary.
Vareniki with fresh mushrooms is not only nutritious and tasty, but also a healthy, vitamin-rich dish. Although its use has a number of contraindications. Eating a hot snack is not recommended for children and people suffering from gastritis and prone to flatulence.