Dumbbell cardio exercises to burn fat with the Pin Twins

Dumbbell cardio exercises to burn fat with the Pin Twins


Follow the first lap of the Pin Twins cardio training with the level that you feel most comfortable with and remember that after finishing the first series you must do three more equal laps to complete the circuit

Dumbbell cardio exercises to burn fat with the Pin TwinsPM4:14

To start the day with energy or finish off a workday, Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, propose a cardio fitness routine to burn fat and increase heart rate.


45 ” each exercise
TV Shows
15 ″ (between series)

Unlike other times, this week Esther Pineda, on the left, will perform the training with a greater range of motion, that is, there will be more jumps and impact. Instead Gema Pineda, on the right, will do these exercises with lower level of difficulty, focusing on coordination and balance.

The complete circuit, consisting of four exercises, must be performed four times. While the time per exercise is 45 seconds, the rest time between series is 15 seconds. What will we need to carry out the training? Unlike other routines such as those for the abdomen or buttocks that do not need material or elastic bands are used, respectively, this time we will take two dumbbells or one-liter bottles. Remember that the weight is free, so you can take a kilo, two kilos …

This week’s routine was recorded on the premises of The Corporate Gym.

Exercise 1. Opening jump

In this exercise, it is performed without material, Esther Pineda, on the left, coordinates her legs, which jump, opening and closing, with her arms, which are extended to the sides in the shape of a cross and stretched over her head. As you jump and spread your legs, your arms are spread out to the sides, and when your legs come together in another jump, your arms are extended in front of your chest. Then the legs are separated again and the arms are stretched upwards, and when it is time to bring them together, they are again stretched in front of the chest.

Gema, for her part, does not perform any jumps, but her legs come together and separate with small steps at the rate that her arms open or close.

This exercise is done for 45 seconds.

Exercise 2. Dumbbell bouncing

We begin the following exercise with the legs separated and bent at the level of the shoulders while the arms are bent upwards, holding the dumbbells in the hands. Esther, on the right, performs the exercise more quickly and on tiptoe, that is, supporting the front part of the sole of the foot, and Gema, on the right, has the entire sole of her feet supported and her movements are less rapid . These bounces are made for 45 seconds.

Exercise 3. ‘Punch’ with dumbbells

With the legs separated at the height of the shoulders, we will make ‘punchs’, that is, punches in the air as if we had a punching bag in front of us. Every time the right arm is extended forward, its same leg advances at the same time, and when the arm is gathered in the chest, that leg goes backwards at the same time. Esther, on the left, performs the exercise with small bounces while Gema, on the right, keeps the leg she is not using in this exercise static. Do it for 45 seconds and on the next lap, switch hands and legs.

Exercise 4. Bounce squat

In a squat position, bring your right hand to your left foot and your left hand to your right foot. While Esther, on the left, performs a jump before each descent, Gema, on the right, only does the dumbbell hand change. This exercise is done for 45 seconds.

Remember that once the first round is finished, there are three more exactly the same to complete the training that the Pin Twins propose to us to increase the pulsations.

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