Dull aching pain in right back

What can cause a dull aching pain in the back on the right?

Dull aching pain in right back

Back pain on the right side can be caused by various disorders in the body, diseases, injuries, and some other reasons. In any case, it is necessary to visit a specialist to establish the true cause of the pain.

Below is a list of diseases and conditions that can cause dull, aching, or sharp pain in the back on the right side:

  1. The most common cause is curvature of the spine.

    Many factors lead to poor posture:

    • acquired curvature may be a consequence of diseases (rickets, polio, tuberculosis and some other ailments);

    • the curvature may be congenital (for example, due to abnormal intrauterine development);

    • prolonged stay in the wrong position (“sedentary work”);

    • sedentary lifestyle, or complete lack of physical activity;

    • too soft mattress or uncomfortable bed, etc.

  2. Displacement of the intervertebral discs leads to pain in the back. Deformed discs affect nearby nerves, resulting in discomfort.

    There are many reasons for disk misalignment:

    • previously suffered spinal injuries (strong falls on the back, fractures, dislocations, etc.);

    • degenerative changes in the spine caused by certain diseases (for example, osteochondrosis). In this case, the intervertebral discs cannot perform the fixing function in full;

    • operations on the spine;

    • violations of the normal state of the vertebral discs caused by pathological processes;

    • heavy physical labor, weight lifting;

    • weak bones from birth;

    • trauma to children during childbirth;

    • age changes;

    • congenital or acquired spondylolysis (abnormal structure of the spine);

    • sharp muscle contractions, temperature changes;

    • staying in one position for a long time.

  3. Aching pain in the back on the right may be the result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Improper nutrition leads to hormonal failure, the appearance of pain can be a symptom of this disorder.

  4. Pain in the back on the right side appears as a result of kidney disease. In this case, the pain can also be given to the abdomen and under the ribs. Most often this occurs due to the presence of kidney stones or a violation of the outflow of urine.

  5. People suffering from obesity often complain of back pain on the right. Excess body weight adversely affects the work of all organs and the musculoskeletal system. Large loads lead to back pain, after bringing the body weight back to normal, discomfort, as a rule, disappears.

  6. In women, back pain on the right side is often a symptom of gynecological diseases, in most cases – inflammatory processes. The presence of tumors, cysts and inflammation of the pelvic organs can be expressed as moderate discomfort or aching pain in the back on the right side. Women often “write off” such sensations for weight lifting, uncomfortable postures during sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, etc. And only with sufficiently severe pain, a visit to the doctor becomes inevitable. After a series of studies, the true cause of pain becomes clear.

  7. If the upper back hurts on the right side, it can be assumed that there is a respiratory disease. Constant dull or aching pain may indicate the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. In some cases, doctors manage to make a correct assumption about the pathological process based on the patient’s complaints alone. Tumors in the bronchi or lungs can be accompanied not only by back pain, but also by a feeling of discomfort in the chest area. Sometimes, when the organs of the respiratory system are affected, the pain radiates to the arm, and also spreads to the left side of the back.

  8. Disorders in the work of the peripheral nervous system are sometimes the cause of back pain. Neurological pain occurs in all age groups of the population.

  9. Sharp or aching pain in the back are a direct consequence of injuries of a different nature. In this situation, you should regularly visit a doctor and conduct the necessary studies (magnetic resonance imaging).

  10. Back pain on the right or left can be caused by pathologies of the paravertebral muscles resulting from injuries or infectious diseases. Chronic intoxications also sometimes lead to back discomfort.

  11. Back pain on both the right and left sides can appear after hard physical labor or intense physical exertion. To reduce the likelihood of such sensations, you need to take the necessary measures in advance. The best prevention is to perform a set of exercises to strengthen the back muscles. You also need to constantly monitor your posture, to prevent the wrong position of the back during a long “sitting” position. Pain after the first exercise is a completely normal phenomenon, after a while the discomfort should pass. But if dull or aching pain in the back (especially on the right) does not go away for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Perhaps there are chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

  12. Pregnancy is not a disease, but a temporary condition. However, a large percentage of complaints of dull and aching pain in the back (both on the right and on the left side) occur in pregnant women. Almost all expectant mothers face this symptom. Back pain is not dangerous if there are no chronic diseases of the spine or kidneys. Drawing pain in the back on the right occurs due to increasing body weight and, as a result, an increasing load on the musculoskeletal system. To reduce the manifestation of pain, you can perform special exercises for pregnant women, swim if possible, wear a special bandage and sleep on a comfortable bed. Heavy physical activity is contraindicated for all pregnant women.

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