Dulcobis – how does it work? Can you get addicted to Dulcobis?

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Dulcobis is an enteric laxative. It is used, among others to treat constipation and digestive problems. This agent is indicated for use before and after operations, and in situations that require easier and faster bowel movements, such as preparation for diagnostic tests.

Dulcobis – what is this drug?

Dulcobis is a local laxative. The preparation supports the process of defecation and softening the stool. One tablet contains 5 mg of bisacodyl. Excipients are lactose monohydrate (33,2 mg) and sucrose (23,4 mg). Dulcobis is available in the form of gastro-resistant tablets. The laxative effect begins 6-12 hours after taking it.

Dulcobis – indications for use

Dulcobis is used for the short-term treatment of constipation. The indication for taking the drug is too low frequency of bowel movements and sometimes other accompanying ailments, such as difficulty in passing stools every day and the need for excessive pressure – this is often accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movements. Dulcobis is also given to people who are preparing for tests, both before and after surgery.

Dulcobis – contraindications to the use of the drug

The preparation should not be taken by people with the following diseases:

  1. intestinal obstruction – the characteristic symptoms of this disorder are difficulties in the transport of intestinal contents through the small and large intestines. The disease can be caused by various inflammations, conditions after surgery and neoplastic diseases, as well as inconspicuous hernia, adhesions in the abdominal cavity or twisting of the bowel loop.
  2. Appendicitis – is an inflammatory process that occurs in the appendix, which is located in the lower part of the intestine. Acute appendicitis most often affects people under the age of 40. Whether there is a single cause of the disease has yet to be established. Nevertheless, the most important cause of the disease is the obstruction of the appendix, e.g. due to the ingress of feces or a foreign body into it.
  3. Acute inflammatory bowel diseases – is a disease caused by inflammation of the digestive tract, i.e. the body’s response to injuries, infections and irritation. This disease is, among others Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The symptoms of the disease are abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, low-grade fever and disturbances in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Other contraindications to taking the drug are also:

  1. allergy or hypersensitivity to one of the ingredients of the drug,
  2. dehydration,
  3. severe abdominal pain,
  4. nausea,
  5. sugar intolerance,
  6. age – children under 4 years of age.

Dulcobis – dosage

The drug should not be used for more than 5 days. Also read the package leaflet before taking the first dose. The size of the dose is always determined by the doctor who prescribes the drug. However, if for some reason there are no such recommendations, then Dulcobis should be taken as follows:

  1. For children from 4 to 10 years of age – if necessary, 1 tablet (5 mg) is recommended.
  2. For children over 10 years of age, adolescents and adults: 1 or 2 tablets (5-10 mg) in the morning to empty the intestines completely and 1 or 2 tablets (5-10 mg) in the evening
  3. The maximum dose should not be exceeded.

Dulcobis – possible side effects

Taking Dulcobis, like any other medication, may have side effects. In order to minimize the risk of their occurrence, the drug should be used for no longer than indicated. Otherwise, the body will react with water and electrolyte disturbances and hypokalemia. Water deficiency in the intestines causes dehydration. When these side effects occur, discontinue use of the drug and resume it only under the supervision of a physician.

Another side effect may be blood in the stool, but it is mild. Other possible side effects are dizziness and fainting due to the straining of bowel movements or a vasovagal reaction to abdominal pain. The most common side effects are abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.

Dulcobis – overdose

Taking the drug too intensively can cause an overdose. Symptoms of this condition include diarrhea, intestinal cramps, abdominal pain, loss of fluid, electrolytes and potassium. These conditions worsen when a person takes the drug for a long time – then diarrhea is chronic, and kidney stones and secondary aldosteronism may appear. Too frequent use of laxatives can also damage the kidney’s tubules and weaken the muscles.

Dulcobis and drug interactions – leaflet

During the medical interview, tell your doctor what medications you are currently taking. Moreover, it should also be said about those that have been used in the past and those that are planned to be taken. The simultaneous use of diuretics or steroids is harmful, otherwise the risk of electrolyte imbalance will increase, which may increase the sensitivity to cardiac glycosides.

Concomitant use of Dulcobis and other laxatives is not recommended. This can cause side effects which are harmful to the gut and stomach. To avoid premature dissolution of Dulcobis tablets, they should not be taken simultaneously with agents that reduce acidity in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Dulcobis can also react with food and drink. To prevent premature dissolution of the drug, it should not be taken simultaneously with products that reduce acidity in the upper gastrointestinal tract, e.g. with milk.

Dulcobis and pregnancy

There are no indications that Dulcobis should also be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What are the causes of bowel problems?

We can talk about the occurrence of constipation when a person has a bowel movement less than 3 times a week. The accompanying symptoms are pain, gas and belching after eating. The patient also has a problem with full defecation, which results in worse well-being and weakness in various spheres of life. The use of drugs such as Dulcobis is recommended when constipation is prolonged.

The most vulnerable to constipation are overweight people, pregnant women and women after childbirth. Gastric diseases also contribute to the development of the disease. Problems with bowel movements often cause ailments such as:

  1. hemorrhoids – their other name is haemorrhoids. These are convex and vascular structures that close the anal opening that connects to the artery. The disease is most troublesome when it is accompanied by inflammation. The main cause of it is a sedentary lifestyle, but the disease is still not fully understood.
  2. diabetes – type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease and type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease. It is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, or hyperglycemia, which causes a defect in the production or function of insulin secreted by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets. The most common type of diabetes is type 2 diabetes.

Problems with defecation are mainly caused by a diet low in fiber. Fiber causes the fecal masses to stay in the intestines for a shorter time. The reason for its deficiency is the consumption of few vegetables, fruits and multi-grain products. Yet another cause of constipation is inadequate hydration.

How To Treat Constipation?

  1. High-residual diet

A high-residual diet is a diet that contains more foods that are high in dietary fiber and fluids. However, this type of diet should be introduced slowly, especially if the person has not consumed 25 g of fiber a day before – this will avoid bloating and abdominal discomfort. The diet should be implemented slowly until the daily amount of fiber is between 50 and 60 g of fiber.

The products recommended in a high-residual diet are:

  1. wholemeal rye bread,
  2. pumpernikiel,
  3. bread with grains,
  4. bran,
  5. bread,
  6. cereals,
  7. fresh milk,
  8. kefirs, yoghurts and buttermilk,
  9. sweet cream,
  10. butter, olive oil,
  11. eggs,
  12. lean meat,
  13. raw vegetables,
  14. legume seeds,
  15. fruit.

Consuming the above-mentioned products will prevent the body from being deficient in fiber. The ingredient is the residue of plant cells that have not been digested by enzymes. Thanks to him, there is an increase in the volume of the stool and the maintenance of water in it. All this improves the peristaltic movements of the large intestine and causes stretching of the rectal walls – as a result, it speeds up the excretion process.

  1. Physical exercise

Regular physical activity significantly speeds up the process of treating constipation, and is even an obligatory part of a curative treatment. It’s worth taking care to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Thanks to this, the work of the intestines will be more efficient and the intestinal passage will be stimulated and there will be a faster flow of fecal masses through the intestinal lumen.

Not only physical exercise will help in the treatment of constipation, but also just going for walks or light jogging. However, to bring the expected results, you should exercise during the day – morning and evening. People who work at desks on a daily basis should take short breaks and perform warm-up exercises during them, or walk around the room for at least a few minutes.

  1. Herbs

The most effective herbs for treating constipation are:

  1. cumin – is one of the best known herbs for digestive ailments. It helps in the treatment of flatulence, belching, abdominal pain and mild constipation. Cumin also has milk-promoting properties, so it also stimulates lactation. You can eat it, for example, in a ground form with the addition of marjoram and wash it down with water – a teaspoon a day is enough. Cumin is also found in various herbal teas.
  2. Fennel – its fruits have the greatest medicinal value. It is considered a natural remedy for all digestive ailments and contains many vitamins, flavonoids, sterols, minerals and oils. Fennel reduces the abdominal smooth muscle tension. It also increases the peristaltic movements of the intestines. The most effective way to consume fennel are infusions, for example in the form of teas.
  3. Peppermint – the flavonoids contained in it inhibit the activity of mast cells, i.e. cells of the immune system that are found in the intestines. Mint causes the intestines to become more relaxed, so that any accumulated gas comes out of them. Interestingly, it will be helpful to drink even one peppermint infusion due to the large amount of oil in one mint bag.
  4. Coriander – relieves indigestion, gas and constipation. It can be consumed, for example, in the form of an infusion – pour one teaspoon of coriander fruit with boiling water and wait several minutes for it to brew. Coriander can also be added as a seasoning to meat. Its fruits contain essential oil, flavonoids, coumarin compounds and protein compounds.
  5. The star anise – it can be consumed both as an infusion and in the form of an addition to baked goods. It has a carminative effect, relieves constipation, stimulates lactation and calms down. Its fruits contain 90% of anethole and approx. 6% of essential oil, as well as protein, minerals, flavonoids and sugars.
Name of the drug / preparation You will be sweet
Wstęp Dulcobis is an enteric laxative medicine that is used, inter alia, in to treat constipation and digestive problems.This product is indicated for use before and after surgery, and in situations that require easier and faster bowel movements, such as preparation for diagnostic tests.
Manufacturer Sanofi Aventis
Form, dose, packaging Gastro-resistant tablets, 5 mg, 20/40 tablets
Availability category The drug is available without a prescription
The active substance Bisacodyl, a diphenylmethane derivative (diphenol acetic ester)
Indication Symptomatic treatment of constipation, preparation for diagnostic tests, operations and procedures
Dosage For children from 4 to 10 years of age – if necessary, 1 tablet (5m) is recommended. For children over 10 years of age, adolescents and adults: 1 or 2 tablets (5-10 mg) in the morning to empty the intestines completely and 1 or 2 tablets (5-10 mg) in the evening. The maximum dose should not be exceeded.
Contraindications to use Contraindications occur when the patient is allergic to any component of the drug, is dehydrated, suffers from obstruction or other intestinal diseases (strictures, atony). In addition, the drug can not be used in the presence of appendicitis and severe pain in the abdomen. It is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy. Particular caution should be exercised in people with renal insufficiency or the elderly, for whom dehydration may be particularly dangerous.
Warnings x
Interactions Please inform your doctor about any antibiotics you have taken before
Side effects Examples of side effects that Dulcobis may cause are vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, blood in the stools, dizziness, abdominal cramps. Caution should be exercised when it comes to driving a motor vehicle or performing other activities related to the operation of machines or other devices, as the use of the drug may result in the symptoms described above, such as abdominal cramps or fainting.
Other (if any) x

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