Dukan exercises

During the “Attack” phase, physical activity is mandatory. You need to walk at least 20 minutes a day. When body weight significantly exceeds the norm and it is difficult for the body to cope with the loads, it is necessary to do 2 sets of 10 minutes each.

During the “Alternation” phase, the duration of walking should be increased to 30 minutes per day. At this time, the body is already accustomed to the introduced diet and begins to resist the process of losing weight. Therefore, if the weight has stopped, then you need to walk a day for at least an hour and continue to eat protein foods. If difficulties arise, you can break an hour of walking into two sets of 30 minutes each.

During the Consolidation phase, the author of the methodology recommends walking for at least 25 minutes a day.

For walking to give positive results, you need to follow the recommendations that Dukan developed for his followers:

  • It is necessary to observe a fast pace while walking. The usual walking step is not suitable, as it will not allow you to strain your muscles properly.

  • Hiking is best after the next meal. This will allow you to spend extra kilocalories and improve the process of digesting food.

  • It is necessary to try while walking to strain the muscles of the body as much as possible in order to feel them.

  • It is important to watch your posture. The back should remain straight.

So that after getting rid of extra pounds, the skin does not sag and does not become flabby, you need to tighten it. This allows you to make strong and inflated muscles. Therefore, Dukan recommends going through the so-called “drying the body.” Thanks to specially selected exercises, muscle mass will be preserved, and the fat layer will go away.

So, in order for the body to be toned and the skin to become elastic, the following 4 exercises should be performed:

1 dukan exercise

This exercise can be performed immediately after sleep, or after a person has breakfast. Starting position: lying on your back in bed with a pillow or roller placed under the upper body.

The legs should be bent at the knees and held with your hands. From this position, the torso is lifted up by the force of the abdominal muscles. Hands do not strain and do not involve. Then you need to go down on the pillow again and go up again. 15 lifts are done in this way. Then you should lift the torso from the roller 15 more times, but already with biceps tension.

In total, 30 lifts are obtained. In the evening, the exercise must be repeated. Thus, a person will perform 60 body lifts, which will strengthen the abdominal wall and arm muscles.

To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you need to add 1-2 body lifts daily. By the end of the first week, the number of rises will be equal to 36 in the morning and 36 in the evening. After the first month of training, you need to reach 140 lifts per day, and later, up to 200 (100 in the morning and 100 in the evening).

2 dukan exercise

You need to lie on the roller, and stretch your arms along the body. They must be tense. This exercise should be performed immediately after the first exercise is completed.

The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are brought together. Exhaling, you need to raise your hips up to get a bridge. The body must be straight. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds. The muscles of the buttocks should remain in tension. Then you need to get down on the bed. Repeat the exercise 30 times in the morning and 30 in the evening before going to bed.

Sometimes it happens that a person fails to lift the pelvis up. This indicates that his muscles are very weak and need to be exercised. You should not worry about the fact that it is not possible to complete 30 lifts the first time. The load should be increased gradually. Over time, the muscles will get stronger and will work at full strength. No matter how hard it is, you need to do at least 10 body lifts in the morning and evening. Every day, you should add 1 lift of the body, gradually bringing them to 100. Having reached such indicators, you can make sure that the muscles of the pelvis and abdominals have become more elastic and strong.

3 dukan exercise

This exercise is aimed at working out the quadriceps femoris muscle. To perform it, you need to stand in front of the mirror, not spreading your legs too much, straightening your shoulders and holding on to the edge of the table. From this position, you need to slowly sit down until the buttocks touch the heels. Then you need to go up. This exercise should be repeated 15 times, adding 1 squat each day. Having reached 30 squats in the morning and evening, you can feel how much more elastic the thigh muscles have become.

Thanks to such squats, you can tighten the body, burn extra kilocalories and prevent sagging skin.

4 dukan exercise

It is aimed at working out the muscles of the hands in their upper part. To complete the exercise, you will need a 1,5 liter bottle of water.

You need to stand up straight and bend your arm with the load until the load is at shoulder level. The palm should be facing inward when the bottle is down. During lifting, the palm should be twisted so that by the time it is raised it is turned up. Then you need to slowly lower your hand. The number of repetitions is 15 times for the right and for the left hand.

After 7 days of training, you need to start doing 20 lifts for each arm, and after another week – 25 lifts. By the end of the first month of classes, it is necessary to bring the number of lifts to 30.

It should be understood that it will be possible to tighten the skin qualitatively only after six months of training. An instant result cannot be achieved. However, the effect of the classes will certainly be noticeable, so they should not be abandoned.

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