Dug-in pools

Collapsible type fonts in the country are good because of their mobility. However, the bowl standing in the middle of the courtyard, like an old trough, spoils the whole view. Another thing is a pool for a summer residence, dug into the ground. The stationary font harmoniously fit into the landscape design, organizing a great place to relax.

Varieties of dug-in fonts

The stationary pool in the ground constantly stays on the street under any weather conditions. The bowl is affected by severe frost, soil pressure, and the upper layers of groundwater. In order for the font to serve for many years, special requirements are imposed on the material and installation technology.

Polypropylene fonts

Polypropylene is one of the most popular materials for in-ground pools. Elastic properties allow you to give the bowl any shape. The material does not decompose in the ground, is environmentally friendly, is characterized by low weight and high strength. Temporarily, a polypropylene pool can be installed on a flat area, but usually it is dug in, and a concrete base is poured under the bottom.

Important! The polypropylene walls of the font are afraid of strong mechanical influences. An accidentally dropped heavy object can pierce the bowl.

The advantage of polypropylene fonts is as follows:

  • Flexible polypropylene sheets allow you to create a bowl of any shape.
  • The font will fit into the landscape design, decorate the site. If desired, the bowl can be disguised, hiding away from the eyes.
  • Polypropylene walls do not require additional sealing. After installation, the bowl is ready for use.
  • Polypropylene has anti-slip properties. A person stands steadily in the water. The smooth surface is easily cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner without the use of chemicals.
  • Polypropylene retains heat well, while the fungus does not multiply on the surface.
  • Dug-in pools made of polypropylene are characterized by a long service life and do not fade under the sun.

Polypropylene instilled pools have disadvantages, but they are more often noticed by picky users:

  • Over time, scratches appear on the surface of the bowl. Often this happens through the fault of the owners due to a negligent attitude, as well as violations of the rules for caring for the pool.
  • Installation of a polypropylene font involves soldering with an extruder. If the technology is violated, noticeable joints of sheets will remain on the bowl.
  • Solid color is not to the liking of lovers of mosaics or border patterns.
  • Owners of concrete pools with high-end finishes find that polypropylene bowls have a cheap look.

Despite a small list of disadvantages, polypropylene pools are easy to install and are the best solution for giving.

Fonts made of concrete

Dug-in pools

Concrete pools for summer cottages dug into the ground are considered the most reliable. Various options for finishing with decorative material allow you to create a real architectural work of art. The problem lies only in the laboriousness of the process, and if the installation technology is violated, the concrete bowl can crack.

Concrete pools have the following undeniable advantages:

  • Concrete is resistant to low temperatures. In winter, you can organize an excellent skating rink in the pool.
  • A reinforced concrete bowl will last at least 20 years. In case of mechanical damage, the walls can be repaired.
  • The use of decorative stone and other finishing materials allows you to give the pool a luxurious look.
  • When pouring a concrete bowl, you can make depth differences, steps and other elements for comfortable bathing.

Among the shortcomings, the following points stand out:

  • Building a concrete pool is expensive. In addition to the cost of materials, you will additionally have to pay hired workers. It is impossible to pour tens of cubic meters of concrete alone.
  • Reinforced concrete construction requires precise adherence to the installation technology. An improperly equipped pillow will lead to a subsidence of the bottom. Poor quality concrete or a weak reinforcing frame will cause the font to crack.
  • Concrete pools occupy a large area and are not suitable for small cottages.

Having decided on the construction of a concrete structure, it is better to turn to specialists for help.

Composite bowls

Dug-in pools

An insulated pool made of composite meets all modern requirements. In the manufacture of the bowl, from 6 to 9 layers of material are used. You can order a font only at the factory, and the choice of shapes and dimensions is limited to standard offers. The cost of a composite pool, together with installation work, is equal to reinforced concrete fonts.

The advantages are:

  • Installation work is carried out by a specialized team in a short time. It takes a maximum of a week to equip the pit and install the bowl.
  • The built-in font made of composite materials is resistant to mechanical damage, as well as to the effects of aggressive chemicals.
  • The bowl has a perfectly smooth surface without seams.

Dug-in pools

Any material has disadvantages, and the composite is no exception:

  • A composite pool is a one-piece bowl of enormous size. To deliver the font to the site, you will need specialized equipment.
  • The cost of a composite font is not available to an ordinary summer resident.
  • The consumer does not have the opportunity to purchase an exclusive bowl. The manufacturer offers only standard options.
  • Self-assembly is not possible. For work, a team with specialized equipment is hired.

Composite pools are very expensive. However, such a dug-in font is not installed for one year.

Self-installation of a hot tub made of polypropylene

Dug-in pools

If there is a desire to independently install an instilled pool, it is better to make a choice in favor of a polypropylene font.

Pit arrangement

Dug-in pools

An insulated pool will require a pit. Dimensions depend on the dimensions of the bowl, plus add 1 m in width on each side and 0,5 m in depth. Large gaps are needed for ease of installation, connecting communications and pouring a concrete base.

Advice! Excavation is best done with an excavator. Manual labor is resorted to in case of impossibility of the entrance of equipment to the site.

In the finished pit, it is important to properly equip the bottom. The soil is leveled and carefully compacted. In the provided depth margin of 0,5 m, a concrete base is equipped. First, sand and gravel are poured into the bottom in layers. A reinforcing mesh is laid on top and a concrete solution is poured. Further work is carried out at least two weeks later.

Bowl mounting

There are two options for installing a polypropylene pool: a bowl can be ordered at the factory or independently soldered from sheets. In the second case, you will need soldering equipment, as well as several training sessions on pieces of polypropylene to gain the skill.

Advice! The costs of self-soldering a polypropylene bowl are identical to the cost of a finished font. To speed up the process and avoid marriage, it is better to buy a product on order.

Dug-in pools

Installation of the pool begins with the arrangement of the bottom. The hardened concrete slab is covered with geotextile. Expanded polystyrene sheets are used as insulation.

Dug-in pools

The finished bowl is placed on the prepared base. If a decision is made to independently manufacture the pool, then first the polypropylene sheets of the bottom of the font are soldered. Welding of seams is done double: from the inside and outside. After the bottom is made from polypropylene sheets, the sides are soldered. For strength, the finished structure is equipped with stiffeners.

Connecting communications

Dug-in pools

The full functioning of the instilled pool is impossible without the connection of communications. After soldering all the polypropylene sheets, holes are cut out in the finished bowl for drain and water supply pipes.

The entire pipeline is protected with thermal insulation and connected to the bowl through the bottom and supply nozzle. A filter with a pump and a skimmer are inserted into the system. Additionally, you can install a device for heating water. After installation, a little water is poured into the pool, the bowl is checked for leaks and the equipment is working.

Bowl concreting

Dug-in pools

After successful testing, the concreting of the bowl from the outside is started. The process is carried out simultaneously with the filling of the pool with water. It is important to equalize the pressure difference between the inside and outside to avoid wall deformation.

Formwork is installed around the bowl, a reinforced frame is equipped. The sides are covered with polystyrene foam. The plates will play the role of a heater and prevent damage to polypropylene sheets by concrete. Concreting is carried out in layers. 30 cm of water is taken into the pool and a layer of concrete is poured into the formwork of a similar thickness. After the solution hardens, the cycle is repeated until they reach the top.

Dug-in pools

After removing the formwork, there will be a gap between the concrete walls and the foundation pit. The voids are covered with soil or a dry mixture of sand and cement. In the final, a decorative arrangement of the site around the digging pool is carried out.

The video shows an example of installing a fiberglass pool:


Before you decide to install a pool, you need to carefully calculate the estimated costs. This will help to correctly determine the choice of the type of bowl and bring the work begun to the end.

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