Duff (Duff)

“Duff” is a brand of beer that originally originated in the animated series The Simpsons as a parody of inexpensive but over-hyped standard-tasting drinks. The prototype of Duff is the American beer brand Budweiser, which has long been in legal battles over the name with the Czech brewing company. Paradoxically, similar legal proceedings also affected Duff beer itself with the start of real sales of the intoxicating drink of the same name.

Various beer makers capitalized on the popularity of The Simpsons by selling the character’s favorite drink for much more than the actual cost. For the film studio 20th Century Fox, the situation was complicated by the inability to register the rights to a trademark that did not exist in reality. At present, the issue has not been finally resolved, but Duff beer in various versions can be found in many countries of the world, including on the shelves of Russian retail chains.

Historical information

The first favorite beer of the animated character was brewed in the 90s by the Australian company Lion Nathan. Although the bottle and label did not replicate the design of the fictitious product, the beer has become a collector’s item with individual lots valued at over $10. Nevertheless, the release was discontinued by agreement with the “right holder”.

In 2006, the production of Duff beer, which is as close as possible visually to the “virtual” product, was launched in Mexico and extended to other countries in the region – Colombia, Brazil, Chile. Since 2009, the production of Duff Beer began on the European continent – in Germany (Duff Beer UG), Great Britain (Daleside), Belgium (Haacht), Spain.

In 2016, 20th Century Fox launched its own premium Duff lager in Chile, but was accused of creating an attractive image of alcohol for teenagers, and refused to massively intervene in the beer market. The “official” version of Duff beer is now brewed by the Florida Beer Company for a theme park in Springfield. An equally real drink from The Simpsons is produced by the German Eschweger Klosterbrauerei, the Czech United Breweries sro, a number of little-known breweries in Europe.

Duff (Duff)

Interesting Facts

The first to produce beer “Duff” before its appearance on the screen began the New Zealand company of the same name in Dunedin. But after a conflict emerged in the beer market, 20th Century Fox insisted on renaming the brewery to McDuff. In 2017, the equipment of the enterprise was dismantled.

The Simpsons’ leading role in the popularity of Duff Beer is confirmed by the relative failure of this brand of beer in France, where the “Duff” logo was blurred on the screen due to the ban on alcohol advertising.

In 2016, Duff Beer was named one of the world’s most influential fictional companies by Time magazine.

Types of beer “Duff”

Duff Premium Stock, 4,7%

European pale amber lager with a low head of foam. The aroma is dominated by the spice of malt. The taste is bitter-refreshing with minimal acidity. The aftertaste is malt with an unobtrusive hint of hops. The alcohol content is up to 5%. Duff beer is produced in Germany (Eschweger Klosterbrauerei) and the Czech Republic (United Breweries sro).

Duff Grape, 2,9%

Low-alcohol beer mix of golden-orange color with low foam. The taste and aroma are predominantly grapefruit, orange, lemon shades. Very little presence of hops and malt.

Duff Beer, 4,8%

An amber golden lager from Florida, brewed with light and dark malts. Creamy foam. In the aroma – grain motifs, a little grass and nuts. The taste is sweet and bready.

Duff (Duff)

Florida Beer Company offers two more varieties of beer – Duff Dry and Duff Lite. It is curious that in one of the episodes, Homer Simpson, visiting the brewery with a tour, finds out that all three types of Duff intoxicating drink are the same beer.

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