Tessa Hansen-Smith is an ordinary student from sunny California. This is exactly the impression she makes on those around her. Few people know that this smiling girl suffers from a rare disease and avoids water with all her might. It is difficult for her even to cry and drink!
119 136 22November 28 2019
The life of a 21-year-old student from California turned into a series of suffering after she was diagnosed with aquagenic urticaria. Tessa Hansen-Smith has been suffering from a rare type of water allergy since she was 10 years old. It is believed that fewer than 100 people worldwide suffer from this disease.
Due to her illness, the girl tries to stay away from the bathroom and takes a shower only twice a month. As soon as water gets on Tessa’s skin, the American woman gets a rash and a fever sets in.
And if everything was limited only to bath procedures, there would be nothing. But things are much worse in Tessa’s case. It even hurts her to cry, and a sip of water brings her continuous torment.
“This is a really difficult condition because I am allergic to my own tears, saliva and sweat. I feel bad if I eat foods that contain water. For example, vegetables and fruits. Even drinking water can cause cuts on my tongue, ”the Daily Mail quoted Tessa as saying.
When, at the age of 8, the girl showed the first signs of the disease, her parents first decided that it was all about an allergy to soap or shampoo. But it turned out that the cosmetics were not to blame for anything, and the scarlet spots on Hansen-Smith’s skin appeared with an enviable frequency. Since Tessa’s mom is a doctor, she sounded the alarm first.
Currently, Tessa takes nine antihistamine tablets a day so that the symptoms of the disease do not turn her life into a waking nightmare. She tries to look to the future with optimism. For example, before the girl took 12 pills, now their number has been reduced.
“I am often reminded that aquagenic urticaria cannot be completely cured. Sometimes it is very difficult to hear, ”Tessa admitted honestly. However, she still does not lose her fortitude.
Despite her condition, the girl tries to attend classes at the university and loves to spend time with friends. Tessa admitted that she would not allow the disease to lock herself in four walls. And while she gives a decisive rebuff to the disease!
tessa.hansensmith/YouTube.com, Getty Images, @livingwaterless/Instagram