Dry skin is almost never an independent disease, but is a consequence of serious diseases, hormonal changes, allergic reactions, and atypical pathologies.
The reasons why there is peeling, itching, redness, irritation of the body and face in a child, women, men include not only internal deviations in the functioning of the body. Occasionally, external negative factors become a provocateur of a deterioration in the appearance of the hands, feet, and head. But, regardless of why severe dryness has arisen, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
Features of dry skin
Immediately after the diagnosis of the skin, you need to remember that not a single cream, mask or oil can improve the condition of dry skin at a sufficient level. At best, the patient expects a slight improvement due to local effects, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of the victims. This is especially true for those individuals whose dermis, due to a hereditary predisposition, is prone to a similar problem.
Here you will need expert advice on how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, fight against the tightened layer in other parts of the body. Only complex remedies will help out with global drying of cells, which include not only ointments, but also vitamin complexes.
Physiologically normal skin is represented by the epidermis, which is covered on top with natural lipids, which are also called healthy sebum. If everything is in order, then the sebaceous glands produce a sufficient amount of substances for a beautiful appearance of a person. But increased production, as well as situations where there are not enough natural components, leads to the fact that a person progresses hair loss, dandruff, and serious diseases.
A healthy person has an elastic epidermis, which is perfectly protected from dehydration in winter and spring due to a thin natural film that helps to resist the harmful effects of the environment.
When the protective layer is violated due to various factors, pathological symptoms appear, such as loss of moisture, loosening of a smooth surface, and, as a result, dryness of the fingers, lips, intimate area, eyelids, palms, and feet. First, the victim is faced with spots, and then they are joined by burning, irritation, inflammation. But, no matter what signs can be traced in a baby or an adult, when the first deviations are found, you should immediately contact a dermatologist for further recommendations.
Despite the fact that tightness can cover areas on the elbows, near the nails, feet, hands, knees, it is preferable to affect:
- shins;
- arms;
- stomach.
If you ignore problematic manifestations, or try to eliminate them at home, the disease begins to progress rapidly. In the most “successful” scenario, the victim will experience dermatitis, and in the worst case, the launch of irreversible processes in the body, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy and in newborns. Therefore, it is so important not to try to look for how to deal with anomalies by self-treatment methods, but to seek help from a doctor. It is likely that the specific dryness of the skin is associated with an allergic reaction, however, it is possible to determine the cause of damage to the skin, mucous membranes only after undergoing laboratory diagnostics.
Before treating the depleted dermis, you will need to determine which of the two types it belongs to:
- with high tone
- with low tone.
The first characteristic provides for the feeling of lack of moisture under the skin, but at the same time its elasticity is still preserved. The problem can be solved if the violation is diagnosed in time, the lack of vital minerals and vitamins is replenished. Good care will help even with menopause, will not allow wrinkles to spread too quickly.
It is much more difficult to relieve depressing symptoms in those who are carriers of low tone. Such a fate can befall even those who have combination skin. Not everyone understands what this condition means, believing that it is easy to fix it using dubious advice received through the forum.
From a physiological point of view, skin with reduced tone is characterized by excessive dryness, thinning, and a tendency to wrinkles. The situation becomes more complicated with diabetes, after childbirth, hormonal changes.
No foundation will help here to hide the consequences during the deterioration, or a shampoo with a well-known name. To help determine how the situation is running, a simple test will allow. If the skin squeezed between the fingers recovers slowly, then you should immediately seek qualified help. And the dermatologist, on the basis of the examination, complaints such as weakness, drowsiness, brittle nails, the results of the tests, will advise which drugs will help best to help eliminate the sudden loss of elasticity.
Exogenous factors of influence
Negative meteorological conditions affect even the oily skin of a child’s body. There are four main factors worth mentioning:
- UV radiation;
- wind;
- frost;
- heat.
The action of UV rays causes deviations in children and persons over 50 years of age with the same intensity. Here, the most important rule of what to do to prevent loss of elasticity and the appearance of age spots is prevention. Better than using sunscreen and going out into the sun only at favorable hours, humanity has not yet come up with. So it will turn out to prevent rashes on the cheeks, open back.
Because of the wind, the dermis often experiences problems with thermoregulation, which pushes for an uncontrolled release of moisture. As nutrition is suspended, the victim’s appearance worsens.
Almost the same thing happens under the influence of frosty air. Here you will need a collective instruction on how to cure peeling, cracks. Shockingly low temperatures immediately after biorevitalization add difficulties, and the situation is aggravated with chronic liver dysfunctions.
Too dry and hot climate is no less destructive, especially for unadapted people who have changed their place of residence. The main thing that causes problems in a baby or adults on the neck, near the ears, in the forehead area is an intense loss of moisture. It will be traced even immediately after a shower. Therapy with folk remedies under such conditions is ineffective, since there are risks of developing edema or eczema.
No less often, household chemicals become the culprit in the formation of a rash on the body, or the victim is faced with sagging skin. Not in vain, after all, in the instructions for use, developers always warn about the need to use protective gloves, glasses, overalls, otherwise the risks of contact allergic dermatitis increase significantly.
Also, a possible reason that the baby itches the area near the joints, or the adult has the appearance of soreness, rash, dryness of the penis, scrotum, buttocks, corners of the mouth, forearm is improperly selected cosmetics. Even soap can provoke an unfavorable response of the body.
The same will happen with the constant use of chlorinated, too hard water. Even if this is not an allergic reaction, but simply exposure to an aggressive environment, each time after the bath, local or general dryness will be felt.
Among other catalysts for why the dermis is cracking, there are:
- unfavorable indoor climate, low humidity, dry air when using heaters;
- uncontrolled peeling;
- bad habits, for example, alcohol abuse, which provokes frequent urination, smoking, when inhaled smoke disrupts metabolic processes in the body;
- harmful working conditions;
- incorrect choice of cosmetic products, the products of which upset the balance in the body;
- excessive passion for solarium;
- taking specific medications.
In the latter case, no matter how high the price of the tablets and the degree of purification of the active substance, you will have to face dryness when using diuretics, retinoids, corticosteroids, and drugs for hypothyroidism. Also, very often, those women who take oral contraceptives on their own without consulting a doctor face the withering of the upper layer. They suffer from a dry vaginal environment, which is especially dangerous for anemia. To avoid a sharp deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to consult an experienced gynecologist regarding contraception, otherwise no linseed, olive oil, glycerin, medicinal herbs bought at a pharmacy will have the desired effect.
Endogenous influence
Most often, internal sources of damage include atopic dermatitis, as well as other hereditary factors. The following diseases, which are accompanied by peeling and dryness, are especially difficult to treat with medication:
- psoriasis;
- ichthyosis.
The second place is shared by psychosomatics and disorders in the diet. With constant stressful situations, emotional overload, a cascade of functional changes develops in the body, if hydrocortisone is added to them, then the deterioration of the epidermis of the lower extremities remains only a matter of time.
Avitaminosis, as a result of malnutrition, especially often develops during the restructuring of the body closer to spring, when the diet is traditionally preserved, including spicy, fatty foods against the background of low intake of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the correction of the diet with the inclusion of seafood saturated with fish oil, vitamin complexes with mineral supplements should begin in the middle of winter.
Provoking factors can be thyroid dysfunction, as well as conditions during menopause, age-related transformations in adolescence or old age.
Often, redness with dryness appears after surgery for oncological pathologies, or depends on a number of concomitant diseases:
- renal dysfunction;
- chronic colitis;
- dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- diabetes mellitus.
With endocrine disorders, one should not turn to homeopathy in order to neutralize local manifestations. You will have to prepare for a long-term treatment, in which the primary is the elimination of the primary source of the deviation, and only then the relief of dryness in the perineum, on the foreskin, chin, ankles, and other problem areas.
According to an identical scheme, it is necessary to act in case of hormonal failure, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis. Patients with HIV should consult their physician about immune boosting medications.
How to overcome dryness?
Regardless of whether the victim has congenital or acquired dryness, only an experienced dermatologist should prescribe a course of treatment. If necessary, in addition to recommendations for the local use of skin softeners, consultations of highly specialized specialists may be required:
- endocrinologist;
- gastroenterologist;
- gynecologist;
- neurologist.
Based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, the conclusions of other specialists, the optimal means are selected that will be effective for softening after washing, or for eliminating tingling and peeling at the fingertips.
In addition to treating the cause of the problem, as well as vitamin supplements, experts will present a program to improve diet and maintain water balance.
To reduce the negative sensations after shaving, skin care products may be offered. You will also need to review the usual set of cleansers, and choose formulations with a minimum content of surfactants and allergens.
You should wait with the use of aloe, masks containing coconut, sunflower oil, honey, hyaluronic acid, artificially created collagen or anti-wrinkle baths. All of the above can be used only with the permission of a beautician. The same rule applies to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the scalp, which is often observed in women during breastfeeding.
Even seemingly simple cracked heels, which are considered to be signs of dryness, should not be treated on your own without a doctor’s recommendation. In some cases, they indicate the initial stage of the development of diabetes.
An effective factor in preventive measures that help eliminate the symptoms of skin fatigue, prevent the formation of small peeling, feeling of tightness, is measures to maintain the optimal level of humidity in the room (about 45%) with the help of humidifiers. Their budget version provides for laying out wet towels in batteries.
After the pool, it is better to use thermal water, which must be marked with a neutral level of acidity. It is sold in the form of a spray, so that it is more convenient to apply not only on the face, but also on the neck, shoulders, and breast area.
Following such simple rules will avoid the development of serious pathologies accompanied by diarrhea, the formation of pustules or crusts on the face, armpits, or even on the penis. It is also worth considering whether a raw food diet and other extreme dietary options are a provocateur of a deterioration in the condition of the skin.
- Sources of
- Internet resource – Dry skin: causes.
- Internet resource – Dry skin of the body – Causes, symptoms and solutions.
- Navigator of the Moscow healthcare system. – Dry skin.