Dryness in the intimate area in women
One of the most annoying symptoms of menopause is vaginal dryness. Discomfort and burning “there” are constantly disturbing, favorite trousers become uncomfortable, and sex becomes painful. But we’ll fix it!

According to statistics, every second woman experiences dryness in the intimate area during menopause. Many are ashamed to admit it even to a doctor and suffer in silence, depriving themselves of the joy of intimate life. Meanwhile, at the initial stage, you can get rid of discomfort without medication. So don’t delay going to the doctor. Why dryness occurs and what to do about it, we asked gynecologist-endocrinologist Svetlana Ivanovna Lizunova.

Causes of dryness in the intimate area in women

During menopause, the function of the ovaries fails, which stop producing female hormones. Due to their deficiency, the production of hyaluronic acid also decreases and the process of tissue hydration is disrupted. This affects the condition of the skin – it becomes less firm and elastic, flakes off. The lack of hormones also leads to dryness and discomfort in the intimate area.

– Due to a decrease in estrogen, blood circulation worsens, the pH of the vagina changes, the mucous membrane gradually becomes thinner, atrophies. As a result, there is irritation, burning, – says Svetlana Ivanovna. – Libido and sensitivity during intercourse decrease, orgasms disappear – this is a disaster for a woman. In parallel, there are also problems with urination – in particular, urinary incontinence. The mucosa of the bladder, the urethra becomes thinner, atrophic, which is why troubles happen: sneezed or strained – soaked underwear, you have to constantly use pads. Leakage can also happen during intimacy, which is especially painful for women.

Symptoms of dryness in the intimate area in women

Dryness in the intimate area is not just a concern – it interferes with life! It manifests itself with such symptoms:

  • dryness, irritation, burning,
  • frequent urination and urinary incontinence,
  • pain during sex.

Treatment of dryness in the intimate area in women

At the first manifestations, lubricants will help. They have a pH neutral, so the products do not cause irritation or inflammation.

– Local hormonal therapy can be started at least at 45, at least at 70, – the doctor notes. – These are creams, suppositories, ointments containing estriol – an inactive hormone. It improves blood circulation in the endometrium, bladder and relieves discomfort and pain.

This treatment can be used long-term, for many years after menopause.


– There is a well-established scheme for determining dryness in the intimate area during examination and according to standard tests that are prescribed to women during menopause. A regular smear, in particular, will immediately show if there is a problem, says our expert.

Modern methods

Surgical treatment: reduction of the walls of the vagina. The vagina itself has very thin muscles, and after childbirth with a large fetus, ruptures, or due to weight lifting, drooping of the walls occurs. Manifested by urinary incontinence, intermittent urination, squelching sounds during intercourse, painful sensations. ⠀

Aesthetic gynecology: injections of hyaluronic acid into the intimate area. Helps with age-related dryness of the vagina, decreased libido, flabbiness of the labia, sagging of the walls of the vagina. It has a short-term effect, but it is a good support in 50 – 55 years.

Prevention of dryness in the intimate area in women at home

There are no special secrets – follow the general rules of a healthy lifestyle, and without waiting for menopause. Eat right, add flaxseeds and soy products to the menu, which contain plant analogues of estrogen. If you are overweight, try to bring yourself back to normal. Exercise, take daily walks. Quit smoking. During intercourse, if necessary, use lubricants and lubricants so as not to injure the mucous membrane. To prevent age-related prolapse of the internal genital organs, do Kegel exercises.

Popular questions and answers

What factors can contribute to the appearance of dryness in the intimate area?

The most important is the decrease in the level of female hormones. Also, dryness appears when the bacterial flora in the vagina is disturbed after inflammation, frequent candidiasis (thrush).

Is dryness in the intimate area dangerous and is it necessary to treat it?

Dryness itself is not dangerous. But this is the background for the development of inflammation of the vagina and always leads to a decrease in libido due to painful sexual contact. Timely maintenance of the mucosa eliminates these unpleasant consequences, improves the quality of life.

Is it possible to avoid dryness in the intimate area?

Oh sure. With the timely correction of the deficiency of female hormones, the use of both MHT and non-hormonal therapy.

Folk remedies will help relieve itching and burning? For example, herbal baths, douching …

All methods of non-hormonal therapy are reduced to taking natural natural components. Cimicifuga is a plant that contains phytoestrogens, wild yam is a phytoprogesterone. Independent douching with well-known herbs (chamomile, etc.) does not give the desired effect.

Are there any features of personal hygiene during menopause?

The main thing during this period is to maintain a certain level of moisture, not to dry the skin. To do this, pharmacies have a lot of intimate hygiene products in the form of gels, wipes.

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