Dry yeast mash: how to choose and put mash + nuances

Experienced moonshiners are familiar with different recipes for making mash. Among them there are both traditional (from grain, sugar, legumes) and exotic (from tomato paste, halva, bananas).

One of the classic options available to everyone is the preparation of mash with dry yeast: wine, alcohol, bakery, turbo. Sugar is usually used as raw material.

wine yeast recipes

What are the benefits of dry yeast?

The advantages of a powder product in comparison with a pressed mass:

  1. Long life and easy storage.

  2. Wide range and availability.

  3. Moonshine lacks a pronounced yeasty aroma and taste.

  4. The possibility of obtaining high-strength mash (up to 18–20 °).

  5. The presence in the composition of most top dressing products for high-quality fermentation and defoamers to prevent liquid runaway.

How to choose the best dry yeast for mash?

Most professionals recommend brands:

  1. Saf-Levyur

  2. Beckmay

  3. Spirits

  4. Pure Moment

  5. Bragman

  6. Turbo-24

  7. Turbo-48

It is believed that they are the most productive, but others will do. Separately, it is worth mentioning the English “Turbo-24”, “Turbo-48”, which cost a little more, but fully justify their price.

They are characterized by: accelerated fermentation of the product and excellent quality of the finished moonshine.

Baker’s yeast

Baker’s yeast “Pakmaya Cristal”, “Saf-instant”, products of the Minsk Yeast Plant are also used for the preparation of mash.

To obtain a quality drink, it is very important to observe the proportions.

How much dry yeast per liter of mash will be required

There is no strict dosage, it all depends on a particular brand.

The conditional norm is 20 g of yeast powder per 1 kg of sugar (moonshine yield is about 1,1 l). But it is better to focus on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Almost all packages contain a recipe for cooking. So, the amount of Turbo yeast per 1 kg of sugar is 13-16 g, Belarusian – 16 g, Saf-Levure – 20 g.

If there are no exact indications, you should rely on the average dosage.

dry yeast activation

Most dry yeast require activation before use. It involves diluting the granules in warm water (26-28°C).

To do this, the required amount of powder is poured into a small container with liquid, a little sugar is added, mixed well and left in a warm place (or wrapped).

It will take 15-20 minutes to raise and foam the yeast, after which they can be added to the mash.

For Turbo yeast, this stage is skipped (otherwise it can be spoiled) and the granules are immediately scattered over the surface of the wort; for Belarusian yeast, the “awakening” time is increased to 2 hours, and the water temperature is up to 30–35 ° C.

How to put mash on dry yeast?

The cooking process is quite simple and does not require any specific skills. The main thing is to stock up on quality ingredients, a water seal and a suitable container, which should be filled with wort no more than two-thirds of the volume.

You will need:

  1. Pure raw water. It can be filtered, settled or bottled. No need to boil the liquid!

  2. Good sugar from a trusted manufacturer. Optionally, it is pre-inverted with heat and citric acid, but this step is optional.

  3. Yeast prepared as recommended.

The best temperature for fermentation is considered to be between 20 and 35 °C. It must be adhered to so as not to spoil the product.

The higher the temperature, the faster the process proceeds and less fusel oils and impurities are formed.

The simplest recipe for cooking is as follows.

How much mash to fill in a cube for distillation?

The distillation cube is best filled to 70-75% of the nominal volume.

Recipe for mash from sugar and dry yeast

Yeast is activated (if necessary) in 1 cup of warm water by adding 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.


  1. Water – 20 L

  2. Sand sugar – 5 kg

  3. Yeast – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. In a fermentation container, mix sugar and water.

  2. Pour the prepared yeast into the mixture.

  3. Put the shutter and take the vessel to a dark warm place.

  4. Wait about 1-1,5 weeks (until the fermentation processes stop).

  5. Pass the mash through a cotton / gauze filter, clarify, use for distillation.

Relevance: 18.08.2020

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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