Dry white wine: what is it made of, how to choose and drink

Dry white wine is a drink containing no more than 0,3% sugar, as a result of which it has a pleasant acidity, which may differ in its severity depending on the grape variety. It is noteworthy that this variety of wine can be made from a wide variety of grapes, even black berries can be used.

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What is dry white wine made of?

In the production of any wine, the first thing they care about is the quality of the raw materials from which this drink is made. Sauvignon blanc, chardonnay and riesling are considered the most popular grape varieties for dry white. Other grape varieties can also be used, the berries of which have been peeled and have an almost colorless juice.

Some wines are often named after the grape variety from which they are made. The most popular industries are run by France, Italy and Germany.

How to choose white wine

Each bottle of dry white wine is unique, because some people like it and others don’t.

  1. Chardonnay grapes give the drink a completely different taste, which also depends on the additives – chardonnay is like a “base” for wine.

  2. Sauvignon Blanc itself has a refined taste with light fruity notes and harmonizing sourness, and is also unpretentious in cultivation.

  3. Muscat is known for its acidity, but the wines of this variety can taste good – you just have to look.

Dry white wine has an impressive amount of flavor variation, just like any other type of wine – it’s up to your tastes.

Another question: how to choose a decent quality wine? There is a small guide for this.

  1. Before inspecting the bottle, shake it – there should be no sediment at the bottom.

  2. Examine the label – according to the standard, it does not use more than 3 colors.

  3. Pay attention to the cork. If it sticks out relative to the level of the neck, the pressure in the bottle is too high, which means that the wine has not been stored properly. If the cork is below the neck, then it is dried up (made of low-quality materials) and passes harmful substances.

How to drink white wine

  1. Wine is best served chilled to 8 ° C to 10 ° C.

  2. Wine is recommended to drink slowly, in small sips, in order to reveal the fullness of taste.

  3. The glass should be less than half full in order for you to appreciate the delicate aroma of the drink.

  4. Dry white wine goes well with cheeses, fresh and grilled vegetables.

  5. You should not choose sweet desserts for this wine: you will only spoil the taste of the drink. If you like it sweeter, consider picking up a different sort of wine.

Benefits of white wine

The fact that dry white wine has a minimum amount of sugar is a lot of advantages. Firstly, dry white wine is dietary compared to the rest. Secondly, it is suitable for diabetics. Also, because of the low sugar content, this wine is used everywhere: in cooking, for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology. With moderate use of dry white wine, you can strengthen the health of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as minors.

Relevance: 04.09.2018

Tags: wine and vermouth

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