Xerosis or xeroderma is a condition in which the skin is very dry and destroyed. The reason for this violation lies in the errors in the work of the sebaceous glands. They produce too little or no fat at all. It is necessary to maintain moisture in the epidermis.
Risk factors also include diseases of the internal organs, living in ecologically unfavorable areas, work in hazardous industries.
What does dry skin mean?
Dry skin (xeroderma) is a symptom that the epidermis does not receive enough moisture. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin, which is represented by horny scales. There are no living cells in the epidermis. It contains little water, about 20%. When this level of moisture drops, the layer of skin located under the epidermis begins to evaporate it intensively. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, the skin becomes dull and vulnerable. Through such a weak layer, pathogenic microorganisms freely penetrate. They can cause various diseases.
Types of dry skin
Dry skin can be of 2 types:
Skin with increased tone. The elasticity of such a dermis is not broken. If a person takes proper care of her, then premature wrinkles will not appear in him. In the absence of care, the tone of the dermis quickly decreases. Such skin is typical for young people.
Skin with low tone. Such a dermis is dry and thin, it is prone to the formation of wrinkles. Caring for her is difficult, it is difficult to restore her with the help of cosmetics. To fight premature aging, a person needs to resort to various methods, since standard cosmetic kits do not allow to cope with the problem.
Determining your skin type is not difficult. Just pinch it between two fingers and release. If the wrinkles are smoothed out slowly, then it is overdried and not sufficiently moisturized.
Causes of dry skin
So that the skin does not dry out, it is endowed with a water-lipid layer that covers its cells. The water-fat film also protects the dermis from moisture loss.
Its main functions:
Maintain skin elasticity.
Suppression of the growth of pathogenic flora.
Maintain normal pH levels.
Elimination of toxins from the body.
When the dermis loses lipids and moisture, it loses its protection and becomes vulnerable to external factors, that is, it becomes dry.
External (exogenous) causes
Reasons leading to excessive dryness of the skin:
Environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, wind, frost, hot air, harmful emissions contained in the air, etc. These factors can cause the skin to dry out even in absolutely healthy people.
Misuse of cosmetics or improper skin care: excessive application of liquid soap, gels to the dermis, washing with hot water, etc.
Insufficient rest timeoverwork, too much work, etc.
Contact with household chemicals without the use of protective equipment. Many manufacturers indicate on the packaging that when interacting with their products, you need to wear gloves. However, often these tips are simply ignored. As a result, aggressive chemistry destroys the skin. The dermis becomes dry and tight, and damage appears on it.
Frequent peels. If you abuse exfoliating compounds, the skin will become dry and thin.
Smoking, drinking alcohol. These bad habits negatively affect the state of the dermis. They dry it out, change its color and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. The vessels that feed the skin suffer. It becomes so thin that capillaries begin to show through it.
Features of professional activity. In a negative way, the state of the dermis is affected by work in the field of mechanical engineering or glassmaking, in hot shops, in the dining room. The skin loses moisture and becomes very dry.
Taking certain medications. Dry skin is often observed in patients taking retinoids, diuretics, hormones, corticosteroids.
Internal (endogenous) causes
There are many internal causes that can lead to xerosis.
The most common of these include:
Hereditary factors. Often dry skin is a feature of genetics. Xerosis accompanies various genetic diseases, for example, it is characteristic of atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, ichthyosis.
Errors in the diet. The skin can lose moisture due to the fact that a person receives less vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and just fluid. In a negative way, the state of the dermis is reflected in an overabundance in the menu of spicy, salty and spicy foods.
Hormonal imbalance. During hormonal surges, the dermis often becomes dry. A similar problem haunts many teenagers, pregnant women and women during menopause.
Renal insufficiency. Most patients with severe kidney problems have dry skin. Organs do not cope with their functions, harmful substances are not excreted with urine, but accumulate in the body, poisoning it. In addition to dry skin, patients suffer from excessive fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, nausea and lack of appetite.
Chronic colitis. With this violation, the lining of the large intestine becomes inflamed. A person suffers from diarrhea, which exhausts the patient, leads to weight loss, weakness and fatigue. Vitamins are excreted from the body, vision suffers, symptoms of beriberi develop. Dry with such a violation will be not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes.
Hypothyroidism. This pathology is characterized by a violation of the thyroid gland. In patients, the skin is very dry, the hair begins to fall out, swelling appears. Other complaints include: constipation, low blood pressure and excessive weakness.
Diabetes. With this disease, most of the metabolic processes in the body fail. The carbohydrate, protein, water-electrolyte and fat balance is disturbed. The main symptom of the disease is frequent urination. The body loses water, a person wants to drink all the time. Other signs of the disease include: dryness and itching of the skin, increased weakness and fatigue, blurred vision, ulcerative processes that affect soft tissues. Skin defects do not go away for a long time, which is associated with poor nutrition at the cellular level.
Dystrophy. With this disease, tissues lose or accumulate substances that should not be in them. The skin of a sick person becomes dry and pale.
Deficiency of vitamin A and vitamin PP. The patient’s skin becomes dry and flaky. Such beriberi occurs according to the type of pityriasis versicolor (external signs).
Sjögren’s disease. This disease is autoimmune in nature. Various glands of secretion are affected. Dry skin is a clinical sign of this disorder. Other symptoms of the disease include: photophobia, blurred vision, caries, stomatitis, etc.
Stress. Emotional shock is accompanied by an increase in the level of cortisol in the blood. Excessive levels of this hormone cause dry skin.
Dry Skin Symptoms
The following symptoms will indicate that a person has dry skin:
Tightness of the dermis. Even with a slight impact on her, she is injured. The skin peels off and flakes off.
Ash shade – if a person’s skin is dark, then it acquires just such a shade. This is the main symptom of her dryness.
Cracks in the skin. They can be deep and cause pain to a person. He experiences discomfort during water procedures, during movements, etc.
Itching itch. This symptom significantly reduces the quality of life of a person and causes severe scratching.
Excessive dryness of the skin of the arms, legs, abdomen and back. There are few sebaceous glands in these areas, so the dermis on them is especially dry.
Premature aging of the skin. It loses elasticity, small wrinkles appear on it. First of all, the face suffers: the corners of the eyes, the nasolabial triangle, as well as the neck. If measures are not taken in time, then wrinkles will become deep, their number will increase.
Diagnosis of diseases that provoke dry skin
If a person notes excessive dryness of the skin, then he should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a set of examinations and determine the cause of the loss of moisture. The basic diagnostic scheme is as follows:
Taking an anamnesis, listening to the patient’s complaints.
Donating blood for biochemical and clinical analysis.
Urine for general analysis.
Donating blood for hormones.
Microscopic examination of the dermis. To do this, make her scraping.
Conducting allergy tests.
Immunological studies, if necessary.
Ultrasound (appointed at the discretion of the doctor).
To make a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention not only to dry skin, but also to other symptoms that may indicate certain diseases. If a person is taking any medication, then he should warn the doctor about it. Sometimes medications can change the clinical picture and mislead a person.
Principles of treatment of dry skin
Dry skin is accompanied by excessive separation of fat and sweat, loss of moisture and disruption of the blood vessels. As a result, a person has all the symptoms described above, and the quality of life also decreases. To deal with the violation, you need to take action.
Hygiene measures for dry skin care
There are general recommendations that a person with excessive dryness of the skin should follow: drink enough water (about 1-1,5 liters per day or more), eat right, give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, exercise. The menu should include vegetables and fruits. If you have to spend time in the sun, you need to apply protective creams to the skin.
During hygiene measures, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water. It shouldn’t be too hot or too cold.
The shower should take about 10 minutes. The longer the dermis is in contact with chlorinated water, the more moisture it will lose.
For washing, do not use soap and other aggressive alkaline products.
When wiping, do not rub the skin too roughly or stretch it.
Before applying makeup, the skin needs to be moisturized. To do this, half an hour before using the foundation, the dermis is lubricated with nutritious compounds.
In a living room, the air should not be too dry. To cope with this problem, you should purchase a humidifier.
Ventilate the room at least 5 times a day.
Medical cosmetics for dry skin of the face and hands
Basic rules for dry skin care:
It is necessary to exclude products that contain alcohols and acids.
The composition of the caring cream should contain natural substances that will allow moisture to be retained in the dermis.
You should use not only night creams, but also masks. You can buy them at the store and cook at home yourself.
To remove makeup from the face, it is recommended to use a special milk or micellar water.
So that the dermis does not dry out during the daytime, it must be moistened with thermal water. The pH level of such water should be neutral.
Entire lines of cosmetics have been developed for dry skin. They allow you to qualitatively care for the dermis, keeping moisture in it. It is believed that French cosmetics occupies a leading position in this regard. The composition of products for external use includes lipids and water. They are represented by an emulsion. Their use allows you to normalize the broken skin barrier, as they are as close as possible in their structure to the own lipids of the dermis.
Emollients are another class of effective cosmetics for combating dry skin. They prevent moisture loss and help restore the lipid layer. If the epidermis contains a sufficient amount of moisture, then fine wrinkles are smoothed out on their own. This is the advantage of using emollients. In addition, they have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.
Medical therapy for dry skin
If a person has dry skin, then he is recommended to use special ointments that help restore its cells. They allow you to cope with discomfort, get rid of peeling and itching, stop inflammation.
Creams that can be used for dry skin:
Bepanten. It can be used during lactation. It is allowed to apply the cream on the skin of a newborn baby. The cost of Bepanten is 550 rubles.
Lucobase. This cream is used to care for very dry skin. It does not allow moisture to leave its cells, “locking” it from the inside. The price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Dexpanthenol. This cream allows the dermis to resist environmental factors, enhances the production of collagen and elastin. Thanks to its use, burns heal quickly, skin cells regenerate well. The cost of the cream is 150 rubles.
Radevit. This cream allows you to stop the existing inflammation on the skin, promotes cell renewal. Its use makes it possible to get rid of itching and peeling, from “chicks”. Radevit acts in a complex way, it moisturizes and nourishes the skin, evens out its tone and structure. The use of this tool makes the dermis velvety and soft. The cost of the cream is 500 rubles.
I see. This cream allows you to get rid of dry skin, helps to smooth fine wrinkles, stops inflammation. Due to the regular application of the product to the skin, its cells are restored. Therefore, it is prescribed for injuries of the dermis of various origins. The cost of the drug is 250 rubles.
Losterin. This cream has a wide spectrum of action. It does not contain a hormonal component. It is used to eliminate itching and flaking of the skin, for facial care. The cream is often used by teenagers with problematic dermis and older people. Losterin helps to eliminate tightness of the skin, promotes saturation with moisture and high-quality nutrition of cells. The cost of the drug is 600 rubles.
To determine the drug for dry skin, you need to contact a dermatologist-cosmetologist. After the diagnosis, the specialist will select the most suitable remedy for the care of the dermis. If there are indications, the doctor may prescribe vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, drugs to cleanse the liver. These can be such means as: Vitrum Beauty Elite, Vitrum Beauty Q10, Merz Special Dragee, Aevit, Vitrum Beauty, etc.
Beauty treatments for dry skin
To get rid of dry skin, cosmetologists offer their clients a wide variety of methods. They allow you to quickly get rid of the problem and achieve a positive result.
Experts recommend approaching the problem of dry skin in a complex way. It is necessary to use home remedies along with professional procedures. This will prevent the loss of moisture, keep it in the cells of the epidermis, stimulate the renewal of skin cells, make it more elastic and softer.
Procedures offered by beauty salons:
Hardware gas-liquid peeling Jet Peel. This is a modern procedure, which is carried out on special equipment. It involves the impact on the skin of a jet of compressed gas. The keratinized scales are removed, the dermis is updated. This type of peeling is considered one of the most gentle. The cost of processing varies from 2500 to 8500 rubles. It all depends on how much work the specialist has to do.
Microcurrent therapy. This method allows you to speed up metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, restore the epidermis. Under the influence of currents, the skin is renewed, acquires a healthy color, fine wrinkles disappear, and its elasticity increases. You will need to pay about 1500 rubles for the procedure. To achieve the desired effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which consists of 8-12 sessions.
Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. During the procedure, microscopic punctures of the dermis are performed, due to which certain drugs are injected under the skin. To cope with the dryness of the epidermis, products based on hyaluronic acid are used. It retains moisture in the skin, gives it elasticity and smoothness. You will have to pay 2800-4500 rubles for the procedure.
Biorevitalization. This procedure allows you to start the process of production of elastin and collagen in the skin. If it is dry, then it is recommended to use preparations with hyaluronic acid. Peptide-based injections are also performed. The cost of biorevitalization is 2500-3000 rubles.
How to eat with dry skin?
Often the skin is overdried in people who receive less vitamins and minerals from food. The lack of B vitamins negatively affects the state of the dermis. To replenish their reserves, you need to include eggs, fish, green vegetables, brown rice, dairy products, black bread, cookies, nuts and fruits in the menu.
Regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables helps boost collagen production. Animal liver acts as a source of proteins.
Vitamin C is also good for the skin. It can be obtained from citrus fruits. It is found in large quantities in sea buckthorn juice.
Be sure to include sour-milk drinks and dairy products on the menu. They are the building blocks of skin cells.
The dermis needs “good” cholesterol. Its source is fatty fish. You can get vitamin A from red fruits and vegetables. They need to eat at least 0,3 kg per day. It can be tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, red apples. If it is not possible to replenish the supply of vitamins from food, then you can resort to the help of special supplements.
Canned food, chips, semi-finished products, crackers, salinity, pickled products negatively affect the skin condition. In order not to disturb the water and electrolyte balance in the body, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of coffee and carbonated drinks.
Prevention of dry skin of the body
To prevent drying of the skin, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
Avoid bathing in hot water.
Wear gloves when handling household chemicals.
Do not be exposed to the sun’s rays during their maximum activity.
To refuse from bad habits.
Eat right.
Do not use cosmetic products containing alcohol.
Treat all chronic diseases promptly.
Avoid stress.
Do not come into contact with allergens.
Experts recommend to be more often in the fresh air, as this helps to increase immunity. To maintain healthy skin, you should get rid of problems in the digestive system.