Dry skin in a child: what does it mean

Children’s skin is like a litmus test: it instantly signals malfunctions in the body and improper care. That is why it is so important to pay attention to any changes in her condition. Let’s talk about how to develop an algorithm for caring for dry skin of babies.

The main characteristics of healthy baby skin

Soft, tender, velvety – that’s how we usually talk about baby’s skin. But even if the child is healthy, it does not become so immediately after birth.

Bathing water should not be too hot.

Usually, by the age of two, the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis thickens and the skin becomes more protected from external influences. The sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work more actively, the process of thermoregulation gradually normalizes.

Normally, the skin of the child should be pale pink and have good turgor, that is, be soft and elastic to the touch.

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Causes of dry skin in children

“Children’s skin can become dry under the influence of both external and internal factors,” says Alexander Prokofiev. Let’s list the external causes.

  1. Improper care

    Use of detergents more than once a week, too hard water for bathing (it is better to pass it through a filter).

  2. Sun exposure without protection

    The skin of the baby is not able to resist the effects of UV rays, so children under one year old can be kept in the open sun for no more than five minutes a day, and even then “under cover” of special children’s creams with a high SPF.

  3. Dry indoor air and overheating

    Superheated air is a test for the child’s imperfect thermoregulation system: the skin turns red, becomes hot, and irritation appears. The same thing happens if you over-wrap your baby.

  4. Weather impact

    Cold air, in contact with delicate baby skin, can cause redness, dryness and irritation.

Internal factors may be due to:

  • malnutrition, which is expressed in a lack of vitamins;

  • lack of water;

  • some diseases, primarily skin and endocrine;

  • circulatory disorders;

  • helminthic invasion.

After the bath, the baby’s skin can be further moisturized.

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What does dry skin mean in a child?

Very dry baby skin is a cause for concern. It is more vulnerable, easily injured, and damaged skin is more susceptible to infections, especially in infancy.

In addition, dryness can signal the presence of:

  • atopic dermatitis;

  • ichthyosis (violation of keratinization of the skin, which manifests itself in the form of the formation of scales);

  • other diseases, including diabetes.

If dryness is a constant symptom of your child’s skin, it makes sense to first consult a pediatrician and then see a dermatologist for appropriate treatment.

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Dry patches of skin on the face and body of a child


Rubbing shoes and clothes can also cause redness and flaking of baby’s delicate skin. Sometimes the cause of hypersensitivity is the disease, which was mentioned above. In any case, choose clothes and shoes made from natural materials for your baby, and use hypoallergenic baby powders for washing. As a preventive measure for dry feet in summer, it is better to wear open shoes.

Hands and palms

As we have already said, infant skin is imperfect. The work of the sweat glands is not established and continues to form. That is why it is so important to observe the hands and palms of babies. Due to the very dry air in the room, the wrong cosmetics that wash and treat the baby, dry patches of skin may appear not only on the hands, but also on the palms.

Face and neck

Dry skin most often occurs due to too hard and hot water in which the baby is bathed. The condition of the skin is affected by indoor air, weather conditions can also cause dryness. Use for bathing and after it special products for babies, do not forget to rinse behind the ear folds.

Life and back

Dry skin on the abdomen and back of the baby is another cause of parental distress. Alexander Prokofiev believes that due to increased dryness, the risk of microtrauma of the skin increases, which means that infections of various kinds are introduced. After bathing or washing, lubricate the baby’s skin with baby oil or cream. If dryness cannot be eliminated, it is worth contacting a pediatrician to exclude diseases such as atopic dermatitis or ichthyosis.

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How to eliminate dry skin

Use moisturizing creams, lotions, or body milks made specifically for baby skin. On such funds it is always written what age they are intended for.

  • Bathing water should not be hot. The optimal temperature for the bath is 36-37 degrees.

  • Bathe your baby every day, but use detergents no more than once a week. Choose special delicate formulas for this.

  • Moisturize dry areas with baby cream, milk or lotion.

An important condition against dry skin in children is compliance with the drinking regimen.

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Precautions for dry skin

Dry skin brings a lot of anxiety to the child. It itches, itches, flakes – all this causes whims and a bad mood. What can parents do in this situation? First of all, eliminate any factors that provoke dry skin of the baby.

  1. It is undesirable to use soap when bathing and washing, it dries out the skin.

  2. Washcloths made of coarse materials are also harmful. Washing should be as gentle as possible.

  3. Do not wrap your baby during a walk to avoid sweating.

  4. Do not self-medicate. If dry skin persists, see your doctor.

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Rules for care at different times of the year

The skin of a child needs protection in both heat and cold.

  • Lettom

    Remember that you can not be in the sun during the hottest time, from 11 am to 16 pm. On the beach, be sure to wear a T-shirt and panama for the baby, use children’s sunscreen. After returning from a walk, wash off the SPF cream and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

  • in winter

    Exposure to cold and dry indoor air contributes to excessive dryness of the skin. Install a humidifier in your home or regularly cover the batteries with a wet towel. Moisturize your baby’s skin after bathing.

In extreme cold, 30 minutes before going outside, apply a protective cream to the child’s cheeks. For example, restorative and healing agent Cicaplast Baume B5 from La Roche-Posay. This balm will save delicate skin from frost and wind.
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Preventive measures

To avoid dry skin, offer your child to drink frequently. Make sure he has enough vitamins in his diet. Moisturize your baby’s skin after bathing. In care, use only hypoallergenic products tested by dermatologists.

The composition of creams should include moisturizing and soothing ingredients: panthenol, niacinamide, oils (shea, olive, wheat germ), zinc oxide, vitamins A, B, E, F, plant extracts (chamomile, calendula, string).

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Funds overview

Milk for very dry skin Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

The formula with shea butter, thermal water and niacinamide nourishes the skin and restores its lipid barrier. Suitable for babies, children and adults.

Gel for cleansing the skin Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay

Contains shea butter and niacinamide and is fragrance and paraben free. It has skin-soothing properties, suitable for the whole family.

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