Category: edible.
Hat (diameter 5-15 cm): dull, white or dirty gray, with buff or yellow spots, slightly convex, completely procumbent or slightly depressed. Slightly wavy edges are usually tucked up to the inside.
Records: thin, narrow and frequent.
Leg (height 2-5 cm): cylindrical shape, rather short for a massive hat. Solid and white in young mushrooms, hollow and pronounced taste and smell.
Doubles: violin (Lactarius vellereus), which, unlike dry podgruzdka, has a milky juice.
Mushroom podgruzdok dry grows from the end of July to mid-September.
Where can I find: in forests of all types, often near birches, aspens and oaks, rarely with spruces.
Eating: dry podgrudok is considered a very tasty mushroom in raw, pickled and salted form. Connoisseurs prefer dry salting.
Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.
Other names: white boot.