Dry martini (Martini Dry) – Roosevelt’s favorite drink

The original name of this exquisite cocktail is the Dry Martini Cocktail. In our country, it is known as the “Dry Martini”. The drink has a very delicate incomparable taste, so I advise all connoisseurs of good alcohol to try it. How to make a “Dry Martini” at home, I will tell further.

US President F.D. Roosevelt in December 1933 celebrated the repeal of Prohibition, which prohibited Americans from drinking alcohol. This case went down in history, because before it was difficult to imagine an American president drinking on television.

But with this extraordinary act, Roosevelt only strengthened his authority in front of the voters. He showed that politicians of his rank are not alien to the desire to drink a little, and the very lifting of the ban on the sale of alcohol was welcomed even by politicians in opposition to Roosevelt.

Recipe “Martini Dry”

Composition and proportions:

  • gin – 60 ml;
  • vermouth (preferably martini) – 10 ml;
  • olive or lemon slice – 1 piece.


1. Pour gin and martini into a chilled glass.

2. Stir well.

3. Garnish the cocktail with an olive or lemon wedge.

Dry martini (Martini Dry) – Roosevelt’s favorite drink

The cooking technology is described in more detail in the video. There, in addition to the ingredients we used, the bartender adds ice to the Dry Martini, but I think that this spoils the taste of the cocktail.

Dry Martini (Martini Dry) – a classic cocktail recipe

The fashion for martini cocktails came to the United States in the 80s of the last century after the book “The Bartender’s Manual” by Harry Johnson saw the light of day. There, for the first time, a recipe for a drink based on the Rosso martini was published.

Americans liked the new cocktails and within a few years they became popular throughout the country. No wonder Roosevelt decided to celebrate the lifting of the ban on drinking alcohol with a martini and gin cocktail.

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