Dry lips: what to do

The skin of the lips is so thin, delicate and sensitive that it reacts sharply to any irritants, including allergens and stress, weather and temperature changes. That is why she needs special attention.

Causes of dry lips

Lips are a zone of increased vulnerability. Thin skin is devoid of fatty tissue, prone to premature aging and quickly responds to changes in the state of the body and external conditions.

Dry lips can be caused by many factors.

  • Sun burns. In the summer, we do not even notice that the skin of the lips receives hefty doses of ultraviolet radiation.

  • Strong thirst. You can check for yourself: coffee drinkers who drink little water and a lot of cappuccino have chapped lips.

  • An increase in body temperature during illness. It is no coincidence that the most famous recommendation of doctors is to drink as much water as possible when you feel unwell.

  • Intoxication of the body. During poisoning, the body experiences an acute shortage of moisture, which cannot but affect the condition of the skin of the lips.

  • Strong stress and habit of licking lips. Without noticing it, we provoke dryness by licking or biting our lips.

  • Allergy to cosmetics. The reaction to the lipstick that is not suitable for you will not be slow to manifest itself in the form of peeling of the skin of the lips.

  • Lack of vitamins. Rigid diets, vegetarianism and other reasons for refusing animal products rich in fat-soluble vitamins do not affect the condition of the skin of the lips in the best way.

  • Bad habits. Constant contact with an absorbent cigarette filter deprives the lip tissue of already deficient lipids.

“Dry lips can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. For example, the only sign of early stage diabetes or kidney disease. If neither lip balm nor taking vitamin E helps, immediately see a doctor, ”warns Ekaterina Turubara, Vichy medical expert.

Among the causes of dry skin of the lips are weather conditions, UV radiation, bad habits, diseases.

Signs of dry lips:

  1. feeling of tightness and feeling of heat;

  2. peeling;

  3. discomfort;

  4. cracks on the lips and “jamming” in the corners of the lips.

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Features of lip care

In order for the skin of the lips to remain soft, smooth and well hydrated, it must be taken care of.

Regular exfoliation

Now there are special scrubs for lips. But even if such a remedy is not at hand, honey or a damp thick towel will do.

To avoid injury to the delicate skin of the lips, do not put too much pressure on it when distributing the product.

Moisturizing and nourishing

In the composition of balms, hygienic lipsticks and creams for very dry skin of the lips, look not for vaseline (it is appropriate only in a protective product), but for waxes. The best of them are vegetable: unlike bee, they rarely cause allergic reactions. Also useful are natural oils and vitamins, especially fat-soluble ones (E, F, provitamin A). In summer, the SPF factor becomes an essential component.

Lip balm should always be at hand: in your purse, desktop drawer, in the bathroom.

Decorative lipsticks, even with precious extracts of exotic plants, are not lip care products. Before lipstick, you need to apply a nourishing balm, especially if the lipstick has a matte finish.

Balanced drinking regimen and proper nutrition

Drink more clean water and add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, nuts, vegetable oils) to your diet.

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Safety measures

Here are some preventive measures that can help you avoid dry lips. All recommendations start with NOT. What can’t be done?
  • Remove makeup from lips with soap or a tissue. To do this, use special products labeled “for removing makeup from the eyes and lips.”

  • Use resistant lipstick in severe frost. This is a direct road to dryness and flaking.

  • smoke. Cigarette smoke dries out the thin skin of the lips, and the mimicry of the lip area when smoking provokes the appearance of purse-string wrinkles around the mouth.

  • Going outside in cold weather without a protective balm.

  • Ignore lip cosmetics with a sunscreen factor in the summer (especially during a beach holiday).

Exfoliate your lips regularly with a scrub

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Vitamins for dry lips

Speaking of dry lips, it would be wrong to say that the cause of this condition lies in the inevitable seasonal lack of vitamins. Shops and farmers’ markets sell foods rich in vitamins and minerals throughout the year.

But nevertheless, vitamin deficiency is a phenomenon familiar to many. Usually faced with:

  • vegans and vegetarians;

  • people who follow strict diets to lose weight;

  • people with diseases of the digestive system.

“Integumentary tissues, including the tissues of the lips, are nourished according to the residual principle, because first the body distributes nutrients between the internal organs,” explains Ekaterina Turubara. “So the skin and hair are the first to suffer from beriberi.”

In the same way, taking supplements will first fill the needs of the internal organs, and only after a few months the nutrients will reach the epidermis.

Vitamin manufacturers understand this and honestly warn that it is necessary to wait for the result after a few months of taking it, and not after the first capsule. If the skin has become dry and grayish, first pay attention to pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamins A, E, D and F.

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Overview of lip care products

Tint balms

Lip gloss Infaillible, L’Oréal Paris

The formula, enriched with hyaluronic acid extract, antioxidants, vitamin E, moisturizes and protects lips from chapping.

Lip Gloss Serum Paradise, L’Oréal Paris

Intensively moisturizes throughout the day, stimulates collagen synthesis, increases lip volume.

Moisturizing and nourishing balms

Lip balm Cicaplast, La Roche-Posay

Heals chapped lips and relieves irritation in the mouth area thanks to panthenol MP-lipids. Suitable for both adults and children.

Nourishing lip balm Nutritic Levres, La Roche-Posay

Balm in a stick with lipids and ceramides fights against the signs of aging, reducing wrinkles, softening and moisturizing the skin of the lips.

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