
Not all of us have the same skin. We have dry, oily or combination skin. Similarly, there are people with a natural tendency to strong exfoliation of the epidermis. Their dry skin requires more care and deeper hydration. It happens, however, that excessive flaking is just the tip of the iceberg, under which there are much more serious problems.
Why does the skin peel off?
This is due to the insufficient work of the sebaceous glands. They produce sebum, which prevents water loss from the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to it, an invisible protective film is created on our skin, protecting us from the harmful effects of external factors. Too little of it causes dehydration of the skin, which makes it rough, tight, and the epidermis takes the form of flaky patches.
When is it normal or temporary?
Excessive dryness of the skin can be congenital or acquired. It can simply be inherited or acquired after excessive sunbathing, the use of some medicine, cosmetic, jewelry or chemical agent. In the latter cases, we are talking about the so-called contact dermatitis, when the skin peels off as a result of local contact with an allergen. However, the above things are not a reason to panic. It is enough to properly care for the skin and use proper care in the form of emollient preparations that will renew the epidermis barrier and everything should return to normal.
What other, more serious causes could there be?
In the case of excessive flaking, we can also deal with various types of diseases:
- Psoriasis. It is a disease that may be caused by a poor diet, the use of certain medications, type 2 diabetes, gout, and a hereditary tendency. As the name suggests, the problem here is exaggerated flaking, as a result of which sometimes whole patches of skin are covered with dry scales. The problem requires the use of appropriate external therapy, and if necessary, oral medications.
- TineaWhen scaling is accompanied by inflammation, it may mean a fungal infection. It should be remembered that the risk of infection with the fungus increases in the absence of proper hygiene and frequent and improper use of public spaces, such as a swimming pool, sauna, gym or toilets.
- CholestasisIt is a disease of the liver consisting in the disturbance of its secretory functions. Its characteristic feature is severe itching of the skin, mainly around the face, neck, abdomen, hands and feet. Pregnant women in the last trimester of pregnancy are most at risk, because at that time their liver cannot cope with the excess of progesterone and estrogen.
- Atopic dermatitis It is a type of allergy to pollen and mites, manifested by peeling of the epidermis mainly in the bends of the elbows and knees, as well as the face and the area behind the ears. The skin is excessively dry, irritated, red, often with a rash. Hay fever and asthmatic symptoms often go hand in hand with atopic dermatitis. The disease requires specialized treatment.
- hypothyroidismExcessive peeling of the skin in combination with other changes can also indicate poor thyroid function. When skin problems are accompanied by: frequent freezing, drowsiness, hair loss and swelling of the hands and eyelids, it may be a signal that the problem lies here.