Dry eyes when wearing contact lenses
One of the most common complaints of contact lens wearers when contacting an ophthalmologist is considered dry eyes and discomfort when using contact correction. What to do in such a situation, is it necessary to refuse to wear lenses?

A condition in which the mucous membrane of the eye suffers due to a decrease in moisture is called dry eye syndrome. This problem can cause difficulty and discomfort when wearing contact lenses.

Dry eye syndrome is the result of tear film instability, which can form for various reasons. This problem has rather non-specific signs – sensations of discomfort, burning, a feeling of sand or a foreign body in the eyes, increased sensitivity of the eyes to familiar irritants (wind, hot and dry air) and, paradoxically, lacrimation may disturb in the initial stages.

Violation of the hydration of the mucous membrane of the eyes often occurs due to prolonged work in front of a computer monitor, during which the frequency of blinking decreases, which leads to an increase in the evaporation of the tear film. Also, the reasons may be adverse climatic conditions, some systemic diseases, eye diseases and taking certain medications.

Why do my eyes dry when wearing contact lenses?

Dry eye syndrome in people using contact correction is quite common. The risk of tear film dysfunction is especially increased, in the presence of additional provoking factors. This happens for several reasons:

  • poor fit of the lens, due to an incorrectly selected model with an inappropriate design or inappropriate material from which it is made, which leads to constant mechanical irritation of the eyes;
  • non-compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations on the mode of wearing for a particular model – exceeding the time of use during the day, violating the terms of replacement, etc.;
  • neglect of the rules for caring for lenses, which can lead to changes in the properties of their surface;
  • the development of an allergic reaction both to the material of the lens itself and to care products.

What to do if your eyes dry while wearing contact lenses

If wearing contact lenses causes irritation of the eyes, a feeling of sand, dryness, discomfort, you should stop using them as soon as possible and seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

At the appointment, the doctor will carefully study the history, evaluate previous diseases and conduct a complete examination in order to accurately establish the diagnosis. And if the listed complaints are associated with dry eye syndrome, the doctor will give recommendations that will help in eliminating the problem or reducing the severity of the condition, restoring comfort to the eyes. These can be special moisturizing preparations, the selection of new contact lenses, the correction of the wearing mode, recommendations for visual stress, etc.

Use moisturizers

In order to relieve the symptoms associated with dry eyes, moisturizing drops are first prescribed. They can significantly improve the tolerance of external adverse factors – the operation of air conditioners, high eye strain when working with gadgets or at a computer, strong wind, heat, etc. Only low-viscosity moisturizers without preservatives can be used without first removing the lenses from the eyes. The use of drops eliminates the feeling of pain and burning, redness of the eyes decreases.

It is recommended to use lenses with greater hydrophilicity – these are water-gradient and hydrogel lenses, they are made of special materials that attract moisture and keep it on the surface of the product.

Properly selected care solutions reduce the possibility of toxic-allergic reactions, which can cause disruption of the normal functioning of tear-producing cells.

Viscous gels and ointments to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and restore the mucosa are used only after removing contact lenses – they are usually recommended at night.

Proper care of contact lenses

Failure to follow the rules for caring for lenses can also indirectly provoke manifestations of dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. This is true for products that belong to the category of planned replacement lenses. Therefore, for those who do not have the time or opportunity to fully care for the lenses, it is worth choosing one-day options that are disposed of after a single use.

If lenses with a longer period of use are preferred, for example, two-week or monthly replacements, the lenses are treated with special multifunctional solutions. They help to remove all contaminants that have settled on the surface, destroy pathogens and maintain a normal level of moisture in the lens material itself.

Comply with lens usage conditions

It is important to always observe the mode of wearing contact products. If the lenses are worn longer than the period declared by the manufacturers, there may be problems associated not only with a violation of the stability of the tear film, but also with oxygen starvation of the cornea and infectious complications.

Different materials from which lenses are made differ in resistance to the formation of organic deposits, mechanical wear, oxygen transmission, and other characteristics that are taken into account when creating recommendations for use.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with ophthalmologist Fatimat Hulamkhanova the problem of dry eyes when wearing lenses, identified contraindications, possible problems and dangers of dry eye syndrome.

When is it contraindicated to wear contact lenses for dry eyes?

With severe dry eye syndrome, lenses are contraindicated.

What drops can be used for dry eyes?

Now the arsenal of means to combat dry eye syndrome is quite wide. Preparations can differ from each other in viscosity and a number of other physical indicators. In most cases, hyaluronic acid is included as a moisturizing component. There are also funds that compensate for the deficiency of the lipid layer. There are differences in the content and composition of preservatives. The selection of moisturizers for the eyes is always carried out individually and is made depending on the causes of dryness, the severity of symptoms, the clinical picture, etc.

When using drops while wearing contact lenses, an important point is the absence of preservatives in the composition and the low viscosity of the drug. Viscous drops, gels and ointments will deposit on the lens surface resulting in blurred vision and discomfort.

Can the lenses themselves cause dry eye syndrome?

Yes, they can, this can be explained by mechanical irritation of the mucosa, a decrease in oxygen supply to the cornea, as well as the reaction of integumentary tissues to the lens material and solutions that are used for care. To minimize the risk of developing and aggravating dry eye syndrome, it is important to choose the right lenses, follow the operating mode and the rules for caring for products.

Can dry eye syndrome lead to vision loss?

With a pronounced degree of dry eye syndrome, severe inflammatory diseases of the cornea may develop, which, unfortunately, can lead to loss of vision.

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