One of the most common patient complaints is dry eye syndrome. Feeling uncomfortable? Make an appointment with your doctor and try to alleviate the situation.
Observe the vision regimen – while working at a computer or tablet, we blink less often. The eye is not well hydrated and becomes vulnerable to contamination and germs. Try to break every hour for 10-15 minutes, do gymnastics: 1) close your eyes tightly, and then blink quickly for a minute; 2) move your eyes up, down, left and right; 3) hold the pencil at a distance of 20 cm from the face, look at its tip, and then into the distance, repeat 10 times; 4) roll your eyes clockwise and in the opposite direction; 5) close your eyelids, sit for a couple of minutes in the dark.
Eat more green, red, and orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, parsley), liver, fish oil – they contain vitamin A, which affects the quality of tears.
Do not abuse heaters and air conditioners… Can’t do without them? Use eye drops, moisturize your face with thermal water. Dry air reduces tearing.
If using contact lenses, follow the wearing regimenrecommended by your doctor. Don’t fall asleep in them.
Timely undergo examinations by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, therapist… The causes of vision problems can be hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders.
It is impossible to choose drugs on your own, this will significantly worsen the situation. Only an ophthalmologist can recommend treatment, if necessary, after assessing the quality and quantity of tear fluid production.