Every year spring bursts into our life with a fresh stream and fills it with joy and expectation of something new. Perhaps that is why most romantic meetings happen in the spring. And in order for this pleasant event to happen for sure, you can use a few small tricks.
Trick One – “nose in the wind”
Sometimes it is enough to take a shower and, armed with a good mood, “go out to the people.” The rest of the work can be done by pheromones. Scientists have established that it is the smell of secretions emanating from a person, secreted by the endocrine glands, that is one of the main erotic signals for the opposite sex. But, be careful! Any “foreign matter”:
Trick Two – “wild beast”
A man is by nature a hunter. Why not take advantage of this? Try a blouse or dress with a zebra or leopard print that is trendy this season. With such a “call” a man will not be able to resist an active offensive. The main thing is to make sure that the spots are only in the form of fashionable colors, and not as treacherous stains on the armpits.
Trick Three – “hands like birds”
One of the most noticed female body parts by men are the hands. They can tell about temperament, habits and lifestyle. For example, a bright manicure suggests that its owner is an active woman, capable of making quick decisions. French manicure testifies to the fact that a woman is inclined to compromise and is more practical in life. Flexible and smooth hand movements make an indelible impression – they always fascinate the eye. But, it is very important to take into account the fact that often the hands are among the first to come into contact with the chosen one. The most pleasant sensations are given by warm and
Fortunately, there is an effective remedy for increased perspiration – Dry Dry.
Sweating is as natural for a person as breathing. After all, the process of sweating performs very important functions – heat exchange and the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Still, finding sweat stains on your clothes or, even worse, an unpleasant smell is not a pleasant situation. But, fortunately, European scientists have long “invented” an effective remedy for increased sweating –
The advantage of the product is that after just one application, as they say, “there will be no trace of sweat” for several days. Moreover, this antiperspirant can be used not in one area, but in several areas at once – armpits, palms, feet.
The image of an attractive and desirable woman consists of many small details … Enjoy the spring yourself and gladly give men the opportunity to enjoy you. Enjoy your spring meetings and feelings!