Dry drowning – what is it?

Breathing problems are otherwise known as dry drowning, which is associated with water getting into the respiratory tract. There is a lot of talk on television about drowning, but you rarely hear about dry drowning, which is just as dangerous. Lack of knowledge may mean that the symptoms are not recognized early enough, which may even lead to the death of the victim. How to identify the symptoms of dry drowning? Can it be prevented? When do such cases occur?

  1. Dry drowning is the pinching of the larynx to prevent water from entering the lungs. This reaction of the body makes it impossible to breathe
  2. Dry drowning is most often manifested by coughing, chest pain and drowsiness
  3. When playing in the water, be especially careful and follow the basic safety rules
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is drowning?

Drowning is called asphyxiation caused by obstruction of the airway by water (most often) or other liquid. When drowning, a person tries to hold his breath. However, without the supply of oxygen, human lungs do not last longer than about a minute. After this time, the body’s carbon dioxide content increases. This is the moment when the victim instinctively tries to breathe. With the breath, water enters the body at the same time. As a result of hypoxia, irreversible changes occur in the brain after three minutes. The heart stops pumping blood, and death occurs.

What exactly is dry drowning?

Dry drowning is quite a rare occurrence. They are called otherwise post-immune syndrome. Such a reaction may occur within an hour of being flooded or choked with water. It involves tightening the muscles of the trachea to prevent water from entering the lungs from the nasopharynx. At the same time, the flow of air from the lungs is obstructed, which can lead to suffocation. It becomes most dangerous while sleeping. Then we are not able to react appropriately.

The rest of the text below the video.

How long does dry drowning take place?

Dry drowning is especially dangerous because at first it is confused with standard fatigue. It can happen in one to 24 hours. During this time, the larynx tightens more and more. Remember that the victim must be treated as soon as possible. Each organism is different and can react at different rates and in a slightly different way. The key to diagnosing dry drowning is to carefully observe your body. In case of any doubts, it is worth contacting a doctor immediately.

What are the symptoms of dry drowning?

Symptoms that something bad is going on in your body can occur within hours of staying in a swimming pool or bathing. The basic ones include:

  1. cough,
  2. breathing difficulties,
  3. sleepiness and chest pain
  4. severe fatigue,
  5. dizziness.

If any of these symptoms occur, contact your doctor immediately. Dry drownings are most common among childrenthat is why it is so important not to let your child out of his sight while playing in the water.

How to reduce the risk of dry drowning

All precautions should be taken in contact with water. Above all be careful not to choke on water while bathing: wear vests or other swimming equipment. It is worth remembering not to rush into the water when you are hot or you have just eaten a meal. Under no circumstances should you take a bath after drinking alcohol, which dulls the body’s reactions, including the view of reality.

If there are any suspicions of dry drowning, it is worth asking, even on the spot, when it is possible to contact a rescuer, if you should worry about the situation. If not, and the disturbing symptoms persist, it will be good to contact a doctor, you may need to do a chest X-ray.

What to do if the child gets choked?

Choking can occur under a variety of circumstances. In this case, the child’s head should be directed downwards (preferably resting the toddler on the knee). Water can be removed by gently pressing alternately on the chest and loins.

If the child is not breathing, start artificial respiration immediately (two rescue breaths for 30 chest compressions). The activity should be performed until vital functions return or when an ambulance arrives. If the injured person regains his breath and is still unconscious, place him in a safe position.

Dry and secondary drowning – how are they different?

The holiday season is particularly suitable for fun in the water. Lots of people spend their time in the pools and beaches. The youngest are most at risk of dry or secondary drowning. Children often go crazy in the water and sometimes choke. Dry drowning is called when a small amount of fluid enters the nasopharynx, causing the muscles of the larynx to constrict. After the lungs are depleted of oxygen, suffocation occurs.

Secondary drowning causes a large swelling of the lungs due to the small amount of fluid in it. Then pulmonary edema occurs, which also prevents oxygen supply.

Dry drownings most often occur during sleep, after returning from the pool. It is worth remembering that special precautions should be taken when coming into contact with water. First of all, you should not enter it after alcohol or a large meal. Do not run into the water violently as thermal shock may occur.

What happens to the body when it lacks oxygen?

Breathing is a process of gas exchange between the body and its surroundings. As a result, oxygen is supplied to the cells and carbon dioxide is released. These are the changes in an oxygen-deprived body:

  1. up to 30 seconds, nothing happens. Any sane person can hold their breath for such a period of time;
  2. from half a minute to two, the body begins to sense a non-standard and dangerous situation caused by a lack of oxygen. Then you can feel pain in the lungs, the level of carbon dioxide in the blood begins to rise;
  3. after two or three minutes stomach cramps begin. It is the body’s reaction to force you to breathe;
  4. up to six minutes, the body begins to shake. Muscles contract uncontrollably;
  5. after six minutes a person loses consciousness; if during a fainting the casualty is in the water, dangerous flooding of the lungs occurs.

Don’t panic over the water

Don’t panic unnecessarily. Drowning does happen, but if you take extra care, nothing serious should happen. Young children need the most attention, they should be educated and made aware of the dangers of water. You have to remember that the little ones cannot be left out of sight while playing in the water, even for a second. When melting, a person does not scream.

Probiotics can support the body’s efficiency. Bifidobacterium breve BR03 and Streptococcus thermophilus FP4 support the overall immune response of the body and defense mechanisms. You will find them in the preparation N ° 1 SportBiotic, available from Medonet Market.

Dry drowning not only after visiting the bathing beach

Even a small amount of water in the respiratory tract is a real threat to life. You don’t need to bathe in water or a lake for complications to happen. This danger occurs even when taking a bath or when drinking water. Vigilance and observation are two principles that should accompany you after choking with water. If at least one symptom of dry or secondary drowning occurs, see your doctor. Under no circumstances should the victim’s symptoms be “anticipated”.

Fresh water versus salt water

Whether you choke on fresh water or salt water is of fundamental importance. In the former case, water from the lungs should be absorbed into the body (similar to oxygen). However, if the liquid was contaminated, a respiratory infection and even pneumonia could occur.

When you choke on salt water, the opposite occurs. This liquid can cause components to enter the bloodstream, to shift towards the alveoli. In this case, the lungs are flooded and life-threatening.

Check also: Water in the lungs (pleural fluid) – causes, symptoms, treatment

Drowning statistics

Drownings most often occur in unguarded places. Common causes of death are alcohol, bravado and inattention. According to data published on the website of the Main Police Headquarters drowning occurs more often by a lake than by the sea. Be aware that even in shallow water you can drown. In hot weather, it is worth knowing not to step into the water abruptly. First you need to wet your head, then the armpits and the chest. If the bottom is unknown, then under no circumstances should you jump on the head in such places.

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