Dry blackcurrant jam

A real delicacy for many is Kiev dry blackcurrant jam. You can cook it from different berries and fruits, but it is currant that turns out to be especially tasty. Such a preparation has long been served to the imperial court of the Romanovs: a dry delicacy was one of the family’s favorites.

Features of the preparation of dry currant jam

Everyone can make dry currant jam, this process is not difficult, but it will take a little time. It will take about 2-3 days to prepare a dry treat, mainly for drying the berries.

Among other features of dry harvesting, it is worth highlighting:

  • minimum cooking time for jam;
  • preservation of most useful substances;
  • universal use of the finished dish;
  • great looking jam.

The prepared blank looks like dry candied fruit, each black berry will be separate from the others, so larger fruits are selected for delicacy. Wrinkled, crushed – do not take: they will give excess moisture, which is not needed, and the appearance of black currant will not be attractive.

jam ingredients

Dry blackcurrant jam

First you need to prepare the necessary ingredients for jam. They use freshly harvested large blackcurrants, sugar, water – nothing else is needed.

The ingredients are taken in a certain proportion:

  • 1 part blackcurrant;
  • 1 part of granulated sugar;
  • 0,5 parts water.

Additionally, a small amount of powdered sugar is used for pouring before being sent to storage, it will need a little.

Kyiv dry blackcurrant jam recipe

Making blackcurrant jam is not laborious, you will have to wait more than to make an effort. The result will be an excellent result: if everything is done according to the proposed recipe, dry jam will become one of your favorite seamings.

The cooking procedure can be divided into certain steps:

  1. It is necessary to sort out the available berries, sort out the crushed, crumpled, small and greenish ones.
  2. Next, wash them thoroughly in several waters, while removing the tails.
  3. Let the water drain well.
  4. After preparing the berry raw materials, add the required amount of sugar and pour water into the container for cooking.
  5. Boil the syrup for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Dip the prepared blackcurrant into the hot, still boiling syrup.
  7. Turn off the heat immediately and let the syrup cool completely.
  8. After blackcurrant with syrup, it is important to warm up until the first foam is formed and immediately turn it off. Let cool completely.
  9. So it should be welded in 2 – 3 calls, each time boiling for no more than 3 minutes.

After the last boil, again you need to let the syrup cool, and then drain it completely. Only black currants should remain in the colander; sugar liquid is no longer needed to make dry jam.

Advice! The syrup should not be poured out: it is used for making compotes, watering pancakes. You can boil it to a thick state and roll it into jars for the winter.

When the syrup is drained, it is necessary to start drying the workpiece: the candied fruits are laid out on baking paper, sent to a draft, away from direct sunlight. This is how black currants are kept until dry.

Readiness is checked tactilely: well-dried components of the jam should not stick to the fingers. Next, sprinkle the finished dry product with a small amount of powdered sugar, it will become the main preservative.

Terms and conditions of storage

Dry blackcurrant jam

In the old days, such currant jam was stored in wooden alder boxes, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Now another, more modern container is used for this. Nowadays, after preparing the blank, the berries are poured into prepared glass jars, tied with parchment, a couple of holes are pierced for ventilation and sent to a dry, cool place, without access to sunlight.

At the same time, it is necessary to shake and check the product periodically. At high humidity, dry blackcurrant jam is dried in the oven, the temperature indicator should be at 100 оC, the procedure itself – last no more than 10 minutes. Then everything must be poured into clean jars, sealed with parchment and sent for storage.

Observing all the conditions, the jam is stored for up to two years, but it is unlikely that a tasty delicacy can withstand so much: it is usually eaten quickly.


Kiev dry blackcurrant jam prepared in this way is in great demand: it is used as a decoration for cakes and pies, simply eaten as candied fruits, and given to children. If you are not too lazy, then you can get an amazing delicacy that the Romanov royal family loved so much.

9th place: Kiev dry jam – Everything will be delicious. Season 4. Issue 62 dated 20.05.17/XNUMX/XNUMX

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