Air travel is a stressful situation for the body and psyche. Alcohol helps to relax and maintain peace of mind in flight, so the question of drinking alcohol before or during the flight remains relevant for travelers. Let’s talk about the rules of airlines, the legislation of different countries and what a drunken brawl on an airplane can lead to.
Alcohol on planes in Russia
So far, there are no strict bans on alcohol at Russian airports and planes. Before boarding, employees do not check passengers for the degree of intoxication, although such a proposal was submitted for discussion to the State Duma. A bill on “prohibition” during air travel has already been proposed, but was returned for revision to the Ministry of Transport.
Currently, the rules of customer behavior are set by the airlines themselves. The adequacy of the state is determined by the employees of the liner, they also decide whether a drunk passenger can get on board. Permission depends on each specific case. A glass of whiskey before the flight will not be an obstacle to boarding, but in case of severe intoxication, the company has the right to terminate the contract with the client unilaterally.
If the passenger’s inadequate condition is noticed during check-in, then they will not be put on the plane, but the money for the ticket will be returned. The situation before the direct landing in the liner is fundamentally different. Employees will draw up an act where they indicate the reason for terminating the contract and will not allow the passenger to board the plane. Then the prepayment for services is not refundable, since when buying tickets, the passenger agrees with the internal rules of the company.
Drunkenness on board
Airlines are tightening requirements for passengers, as unacceptable behavior threatens flight safety. Drunk fights and defiant behavior are one of the common causes of course deviations and emergency landings.
It should be remembered that the Air Code is in force on board the aircraft, according to which all decisions are made by the captain of the vessel. By his order, the brawler can be fixed in a chair, and in case of resistance, force can be used. After landing, the passenger is handed over to law enforcement agencies.
A brawl on an airplane is a reason for bringing to administrative responsibility under several articles:
- petty hooliganism;
- appearance in public places in a state of intoxication;
- failure to comply with the orders of the commander of the liner.
Inadequate actions of the passenger may entail criminal liability. Most often, airline customers are judged for fighting and causing minor bodily harm, as well as for resisting the police. Another article provides for punishment for attempted hijacking of an aircraft.
Attitudes towards drunkenness on board abroad
The UK criminalizes drunkenness on board an aircraft. Only beverages provided by the airline are allowed. If, through the fault of a passenger, a dangerous situation is created on board, then he faces a prison sentence of up to five years.
Despite fairly strict legislation, the British continue to drink alcohol before boarding, which forced the low-cost airline Ryanair to call on airport authorities to limit the sale of alcohol to two servings per passenger.
In the US, hundreds of passengers are prosecuted every year for violating the rules of conduct on board. Since airliners are subject to federal law, the punishment will be the same, regardless of the state of residence of passengers. For example, an attack on a crew member threatens the violator with a 20-year prison term.
![Drunk brawl on the plane: how drunk passengers are punished](
Notable drunken brawls on board
A Ryanair plane was heading from London to Slovakia in 2016, but was forced to make a detour and land in Berlin. The reason was the behavior of a whole group of men who flew to Slovakia for a bachelor party. Drunk young people, led by the groom, demanded to serve them alcohol on board, which, in principle, is not provided for by the rules of the low-cost airline, did not listen to the crew’s exhortations and even tried to take off their clothes. It was this incident that forced the company to issue a call to limit the sale of alcohol before boarding.
Fighter Alexander Emelianenko, who in 2012 was almost removed from a flight to Barnaul, has repeatedly acted as the hero of air scandals. The athlete smoked on the plane, was rude to flight attendants and almost got into a fight with one of the passengers. The star passenger got off with a fine of 700 rubles and community service, which a year later did not prevent him from making a brawl again – already on the way to Tyumen. Here the consequences were more severe – the tournament organization terminated the contract with the athlete.
An ugly story happened to Gerard Depardieu, who was not allowed to use the toilet immediately after boarding a plane flying from Paris to Dublin. The flight attendants said that they would open the room only in the air, after which the actor took out a bottle and relieved himself publicly. They did not remove the star from the flight, as he apologized several times to passengers and crew. A spokesman for Depardieu then categorically denied that the actor had consumed alcohol before the flight.
How not to get drunk on board
Keep in mind that alcohol is stronger in the air than on the ground. Low blood pressure makes it difficult for tissues to absorb oxygen, so even a small amount of strong drink can lead to severe intoxication. In addition, the body quickly loses moisture, as the air in the liner is very dry.
As a result, a person can drink more without noticing it. Before flying, drink more than safe amounts of alcohol and drink as much water as possible to avoid dehydration.