Drunk adults and children will not be allowed to walk pets

The authorities want to ensure not only the safety of pets, but also the citizens themselves.

Recently, the government considered a new bill of senators “On Amendments to Articles 7 and 13 of the Federal Law” On Responsible Treatment of Animals and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation “. According to the initiative, Russians who are in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication, as well as children under 14 years old, want to be banned from going for a walk with animals.

It has not yet been stipulated what kind of pets (most likely, dogs and cats) we are talking about and whether the project will come into force, but debates on this topic are already underway.

It is assumed that this measure will be introduced for security reasons. A drunken owner can harm not only himself, but also the animal, walking around the city and even in his own yard. The degree of intoxication in this case will be determined by law enforcement officers. It also explains that the owner should not trust the pet to third parties if he himself cannot go for a walk for this reason.

As part of the same initiative, the regional authorities were asked to settle the clause on the length of the leash when walking dogs. It is reported that this is also necessary to protect citizens who are faced with the owner walking the pet.

In the near future, the authorities also plan to limit the number of animals in the house, as well as exclude the use of corridors and stairwells for these purposes. “News”.

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