Drugs worth nearly 300 zlotys were destroyed. zloty

According to Rzeczpospolita, drugs worth 300 zlotys were destroyed in the Silesian Voivodeship. zlotys. The absurd regulations are to blame for everything.

In 2012, the specialized Psychiatric Hospital in Międzybrodzie Bialskie was formally liquidated. The facility was well stocked with medicines – there were 4481 packages of drugs that were fit for use. Their total value was about 281 thousand. zlotys.

After the facility was closed, the drugs became the property of the Silesian Voivodeship. It was up to the voivodship marshal to decide what would happen to them. Adam Matusiewicz, who was then in charge of this function, decided to distribute the funds to other medical facilities. It turned out then that from a legal point of view it was impossible.

A long correspondence with the Ministry of Health and Pharmaceutical Supervision began. Attempts to obtain consent to transfer the drugs to places where they could be useful took as long as two years. During this time, many of the stored funds have already expired.

In the end, it was decided that the drugs should be destroyed. Interestingly, you had to pay an additional PLN 2 for burning the medicines. zlotys.

As Rzeczpospolita noted, while the Ministry was sending the Marshal back with the receipt, the pharmaceutical law was amended as many as six times. If officials showed goodwill, they could also deal with the amendment regarding the transfer of medicines between institutions during this time. Unfortunately, the result of omitting such an important matter is money literally blown up in smoke.

Based on: Rzeczpospolita, http://katowice24.info/

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