Drugs to improve brain function

Drugs to improve brain function

Many, if not all, at least once in their lives have noticed vivid manifestations of unpleasant symptoms that characterize the onset of organic changes in the brain: causeless headaches, ringing and noise in the ears, memory problems, photopsies (false sensation of light in the eyes), etc.

These symptoms indicate cerebral ischemia, or, more simply, a violation of cerebral circulation.

Cerebral ischemia is usually secondary and is caused by some other disease. In 95% of cases, such a pathology is atherosclerosis. The essence of the disease is the formation of fatty layers (cholesterol complexes) on the walls of large vessels that supply blood to the brain, and the subsequent narrowing of their lumen.

Blockage (occlusion) of blood vessels leads to an increase in blood pressure. As a result, the vessel from excessive load may simply burst. This damage to brain tissue is called a stroke.

However, not only atherosclerosis, but also a number of other diseases and conditions lead to disruption of the organ. Among them, the most common are vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD), migraine, traumatic brain injury, etc. The essence of these processes is not occlusion, but narrowing (stenosis) of blood vessels as a result of spasm.

With these pathologies, brain neurons also receive less blood rich in oxygen and nutrients. As a result, characteristic symptoms grow brighter and more intense and neuron cells die, which can lead to dementia praecox.

Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health, and not dismiss problems, hoping for “maybe”.

Fortunately, circulatory insufficiency can be compensated by taking medications. Treatment of circulatory failure is successfully eliminated by a complex of specialized drugs, some of which relieve spasm, others qualitatively improve blood characteristics (viscosity, etc.), thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Drugs designed to dilate blood vessels

Calcium blockers (calcium antagonists)

Calcium channel blockers prevent the penetration of calcium ions into the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the tone of the arteries. At the same time, the drugs do not have any harmful effects on the veins.

Calcium antagonists produce the strongest vasodilating effect. As a result, vasospasm subsides, blood supply returns to normal, and the brain is provided with the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

At the moment, the third generation of drugs in this group is being developed.

The first generation blockers were developed back in the 60s and include the following items:

  • Phenylalkylamine and its derivatives (verapamil, trade name Iso- and Finoptin).

  • Dihydropyridine and its derivatives (nifedipine, trade names Adalat, Kordipin, Corinfar, Fenigidin, etc.).

  • Benzodiazepine and its derivatives (diltiazem, trade name identical or Diazem).

The second generation drugs were characterized by greater efficiency and fewer side effects, as well as a longer duration of action:

  • Amlodipine and other medicines ending with the postfix “dipin”, except for Kordipin.

  • Klentiazem.

  • Anipamil and other drugs ending in the suffix “amyl”, except for verapamil.

  • Lamir (Isradipin).

The group of calcium antagonist drugs has a lot of side effects from most body systems, so these drugs should be used with caution, in strict accordance with the dosage, and only as directed by a competent specialist.

All the drugs described above are of general action. This means that they do not act selectively, but affect all vessels to the same extent at once.

Especially for the impact on the vessels of the brain, there are drugs that act purposefully, for example: Cinnarizine, Nimodipine and others.

Preparations based on plant alkaloids

Drugs to improve brain function

Vinca-based preparations

Preparations based on an alkaloid contained in a common plant – a burial ground (periwinkle) – have a significant therapeutic effect. The active substance from this plant has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, expanding the walls of blood vessels. In addition, vinca alkaloid improves blood properties, increases circulation rate, thereby providing brain cells with the optimal amount of nutrition and oxygen.

Among the drugs of the alkaloid group are common:

  • Cavinton (and Cavinton Forte, which has a prolonged action).

  • Vinpocetine (or Vincetine).

  • Bravinton.

  • Vero-Vinpocetine.

  • Tellectol.

  • Vincetin.

Preparations based on plant alkaloids are widely advertised on television and are well tolerated by patients. They have a minimum of contraindications and side effects, therefore, in moderate doses, their independent use is allowed.

However, any drug must be prescribed by a doctor, and often Cavinton alone or another drug in this group is not enough. Therefore, self-treatment can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous, since the patient spends precious time on empty chores.

Alkaloid drugs are available both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections. The latter are much more effective, since they are injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The optimal method of application is determined by the doctor.

Preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba

It is also widely advertised, but unlike many drugs of dubious quality, the “laudatory odes” about this drug are sung quite rightly.

Preparations based on this plant have a whole range of useful properties: they reduce the tone of arteries, increase the permeability of their walls, have a vasodilating effect, and in addition, they have a pronounced antioxidant effect and prevent the oxidation of cellular structures (which is important for the prevention of oncology).

Medicines containing the extract of this plant also relieve swelling and improve the metabolism of the nerve tissues of the brain.

People suffering from nervous or cardiovascular diseases are likely to know the names of these drugs:

  • Tanakan

  • Ginkor

  • Gingium

  • Bilobil

Medicines of this type are dispensed without a prescription, so there are no obstacles to acquiring and taking them. Some of them are not recognized as drugs at all, but are considered biologically active additives (BAA). However, before taking them, the best solution would be to consult a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of even seemingly safe substances can turn out in an absolutely unexpected way.

You should also be aware of the compatibility of drugs. So, ginkgo preparations are not combined with aspirin, because they increase blood fluidity. Because of this, there is a risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Nicotinic acid and its derivatives

Preparations, the main active ingredient of which is nicotinic acid and its derivatives (i.e. such substances that have a chemical base similar to acid, but there are 1 or more substituents in the structure) have a dual effect:

  • Firstly, they effectively eliminate excess “bad” cholesterol in the blood and thereby cleanse large arteries from cholesterol plaques.

  • Secondly, nicotine preparations dilate capillaries, improving blood microcirculation in small blood vessels. Veins and arteries, at the same time, are practically not affected, since the vasodilating effect is designed for small vessels, which are rich in all parts of the brain.

The drug is most often prescribed for atherosclerosis, due to its properties. The main form of introduction into the body is an injection.

Nicotine-containing medicines have rather unpleasant side effects and cause a strong burning sensation and heat, as well as redness of the skin. These manifestations are precisely associated with the expansion of an extensive network of capillaries. In some cases, the doctor may find it more appropriate to take oral nicotine preparations. Among the drugs of this group can be found: Nikoshpan, Enduratin and others.

All nicotine medicines are dispensed only by prescription, since their self-administration can lead to severe damage to the liver and excretory system.

Preparations that strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Drugs to improve brain function

Many cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by changes in the brain, significantly affect the vessels. The blood lines become brittle and lose their normal elasticity. Especially to increase the intensity of the metabolic processes of blood vessels, restore their elasticity and permeability, drugs of a special group are prescribed.

As a rule, this group includes vitamins, as well as some minerals and trace elements:

  • Routine (P-vitamin). The collective name of a whole group of active substances, including flavonoids, anthocyanins and others. It contributes to the normal synthesis of cellular structures, therefore it is necessary to maintain optimal vascular tone. The greatest effect of the substance is achieved in combination with vitamin C, which prevents the re-destruction of cells under the influence of oxidizing agents.

  • Trace elements Potassium, Selenium and Silicon.Vitamin complexes containing these microelements will be a good help in healing the vessels of the brain. In addition to vitamin complexes, it is also recommended to take some dietary supplements, food supplements produced on the basis of adaptogen plants.

  • Dihydroquercitin.Dihydroquerticin has the ability to dilate blood vessels and maintain their stable tone.

Within the limits of the dosage indicated in the annotations to these drugs and vitamin complexes, self-administration is allowed. Active substances are useful not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of brain dysfunction.


Among the nootropic drugs described above (Piracetam, Aminalon, etc.), the most effective nootropic drug of the new generation is Noopept.

Nootropic drugs are aimed at stimulating the brain, improving memory and protecting the brain from adverse effects. The pharmacological action of this group of medicines is based on improving blood circulation through the capillaries and large blood vessels, as well as increasing the intensity of metabolism in the vessels.

Noopept stands apart in the group of nootropic drugs, as it has a prolonged action and practically no side effects. It is prescribed to persons with pronounced ischemic manifestations resulting from injuries, atherosclerotic changes, etc.

Yet, despite the effectiveness of the drug, manufacturers do not recommend taking it to persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating, as well as persons with impaired liver and excretory system. The drug is characterized by a minimum of side effects. Nevertheless, Noopept should not be taken uncontrollably.

Medicines for the treatment of migraine

Drugs to improve brain function

Migraine is a complex neurological pathology affecting blood vessels. In the course of development, it goes through a number of stages, at each of which the vessels undergo certain changes.

  • Vascular tone is reduced.

  • A spasm occurs in the branching of the carotid artery.

  • The vessels of the head dilate, but remain in a spasmodic state, which makes them vulnerable to stretching.

  • The vessel wall and adjacent tissues swell because the permeability of the blood line is reduced.

  • The vascular tone is normalized, and the highway returns to its original state.

Since the vessels at the time of a migraine attack are already in an expanded state, vasodilator drugs will not help here.

It is most effective to take the following complex of drugs: analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, serotonin antagonists (to eliminate excessive vasodilation). If with the first two, everything is clear, serotonin antagonists include several drugs: Amerge, Zomig, etc.

Despite popular belief, migraines are by no means safe, and their treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a physician. Self-administration of drugs is not allowed.

Nutrition in violation of cerebral circulation

To reduce the risk of developing complications due to impaired brain function, it is important to adjust your diet.

Be sure to use the following products:

  • Cereal products. Bran, fresh bread, cereals from cereals provide the brain with essential B vitamins.

  • Nuts and seeds. Needed to replenish the “reserves” of vitamin E.

  • Vegetables.

  • Eggs.

  • Berries (blueberries and black currants). Helps improve memory.

  • Broccoli.

  • Fish. Rich in phosphorus.

  • Fresh fruits (especially apples). Prevent oxidative processes, increase brain activity. In addition, apples cleanse the vessels of harmful substances.

Thus, there is no panacea for brain disorders. Depending on the pathology, it is necessary to select a specific treatment. Often the problem of brain disorders lies not in one, but in several factors at once. In this case, the treatment will be complex. One way or another, without competent medical care, it is impossible to cope with the problem.

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