Drugs that should not be used in driving a car

Many commonly used drugs that are intended to alleviate various ailments may have a negative impact on our concentration, efficiency and proper work of the senses. It is very important to be aware of this, especially if you want to drive a car while taking them. Which drugs affect our body to such an extent that they prevent or significantly hinder driving?

  1. There is a large group of drugs that act on our body like alcohol
  2. Their use is associated with a temporary ban on driving a car
  3. Even more numerous is the list of drugs that can adversely affect drivers’ behavior and reactions
  4. So we should carefully read the leaflets of the medications we take if we want to drive
  5. You can find more similar stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Drugs and car driving

Medicines are substances that affect the human body. They operate, among others on the efficiency of the brain, the motor system or the organ of vision, which may reduce the speed of reaction, disturb coordination of movements, limit the field of vision, worsen vision, cause drowsiness and lethargy. So they negatively affect the ability to drive a car.

In Poland, the sales of painkillers and other over-the-counter drugs are growing year by year, and awareness of side effects is still low. A driver who takes medication sporadically is not always able to predict how his body will react to the active substance contained in them. On the other hand, patients who take medications regularly are accustomed to their effects, so their assessment of driving ability may be distorted.

Therefore, it is worth reading the leaflets attached to the medications, and if in doubt – consult a doctor.

Drugs that should not be used in driving a car

The Ordinance of the Minister of Health on the “list of agents acting similarly to alcohol and the conditions and manner of testing for their presence in the body” defines agents that resemble alcohol.

  1. Driving a car after an anti-migraine drug

These substances include:

  1. opiates (including morphine),
  2. amphetamine and its analogues,
  3. cocaine
  4. tetrahydrocannabinols, barbiturates and benzodiazepines.

As you can see, most of them are psychoactive substances, such as anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants or strong painkillers. Taking these drugs is associated with a ban on driving for a few to 24 hours. after their adoption. This time depends, among others on the dose of the drug, the route of its administration and interaction with other drugs.

Medicines that can affect your ability to drive a car

There is also a large group of drugs that are not expressly prohibited from driving, but their action may adversely affect the concentration, efficiency and reflexes of the driver, as well as the organs of sight and hearing.

Do you have doubts if you can drive a car? A certified test will allow you to check the alcohol content in the exhaled air. You will find it in Medonet Market

They include, among others

  1. popular medicine for motion sickness containing dimenhydrinate, a compound that could impair the dexterity of the driver
  2. local anesthetics containing lidocaine
  3. some antiallergic medicines containing the active ingredient – desloratadinewhich may in rare cases cause drowsiness
  4. pseudoefedryna when used in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, in high doses, it may be overstimulating, causing anxiety and disturbing the balance
  5. antibiotics containing aminoglycozydy can cause disturbances in balance and hearing 
  6. atropine used in eye drops may cause visual disturbances
  7. antihistamines (XNUMXst and XNUMXnd generation) may cause drowsiness, weakness and a slower reaction time
  8. also herbal medicines (dietary supplements) containing in the composition valerian, lemon balm, passion fruit and hops, may impair the ability to drive.

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