The drug test is one of the fastest express methods for determining the content of narcotic substances in the human body. Rapid tests can be purchased without a prescription, they are not too expensive, and they are quite easy to use.
In today’s world, the problem of drugs is very relevant. Every day there are various new types of drugs, and accordingly, the number of users is growing.
The drug test allows you to determine whether a person is using drugs or whether the suspicions are unfounded. Quite often, signs of drug addiction are evidence of some kind of disease. You can buy such a rapid test in almost every pharmacy or specialty store.
Outwardly, it is a paper strip on which there is a special layer impregnated with a composition of protein and chemical origin. In the case when saliva or urine gets on this layer and impregnates it, then it, in the presence of drugs, reacts with it. As a result, a bright band appears.
There are also tests in the form of a cassette. In this case, 3 drops of a biological sample should be dropped into a specially designed window. Rapid tests are sensitive enough to detect drug residue within five days of drug use. If the drugs are lighter, then within two weeks.
Types of tests
There are three types of drug tests: test strips, rapid tests, tests from the Narcoscreen series. With the help of a test strip, drugs can be detected in the urine. Such a study can easily be carried out at home, and it can be used even when the type of drug is unknown. In express tests, the name speaks for itself. It is very convenient to use such tests in any institutions, and the whole procedure takes about 10 minutes. However, it does not require special equipment. This method examines the urine of a person.
The test from the Narcoscreen series is more informative, it can be used to determine the presence of several varieties of drugs at once. In this case, human saliva or urine is examined. The test has a special panel on which saliva should be applied. When examining urine, the test is immersed in a container with liquid. Typically, such tests are completed with a saliva pipette and a urine cup.
Any narcotic substance in the body turns into a metabolite. For example, opiates, heroin, morphine, or codeine are converted to morphine, which can be detected using a multidrug test. It is found in urine, in saliva, on hands, and even on clothes.
Operating principle
Each test that determines the presence of drugs in the body has a control area on which you can see the result of the study. The principle of operation of such tests is quite simple.
In the event that there are narcotic substances in the biological material, the antibodies with which the test strip is impregnated begin to react to the metabolic products of these substances. As a result – one strip on the control area.
If the person did not use drugs, then the result will be negative, and two red stripes will appear on the control area.
It is worth noting that most relatives do not believe in a positive test result, as their loved one behaves adequately. This is due to the fact that narcotic products (marijuana, cocaine) are excreted from the body for a long time. The withdrawal time can last about two weeks.
Rules for using the test
To get a reliable result, you must follow some rules. Saliva and urine should be collected exclusively in a clean glass or plastic container. The collection of biological materials must take place in such conditions that a person cannot in any way replace the analysis. If urine is collected but no test is available, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a while. Testing can only be done when the urine is warmed to room temperature.
Both the biological material and the test itself must be at room temperature for the final result to be correct.
The test strip should be dipped in urine up to the indicated line for 30-60 seconds, and then placed on a dry and even surface. You can evaluate the result after 5-10 minutes. If the test showed 2 strips, the result is negative, which means that the person did not use drugs. If the test showed 1 strip, then drugs are present in the human body.
There are times when not a single strip is displayed on the test. In this case, the study should be considered erroneous and retested.
In the modern world, drug addiction has reached too much proportions. First of all, children and teenagers suffer.
It is worth noting that drugs have ruined the lives of many children. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the presence of addiction in a loved one in time in order to have time to help cope with this difficult problem.
The rapid test is sold without a prescription in almost every pharmacy, so finding and buying it is not a problem.
The advantages of these tests are high reliability of the result, efficiency, economy and ease of use. In addition, an important advantage is anonymity.
Self-testing excludes the involvement of unauthorized persons in this process. This greatly simplifies the life of a person, because not everyone can admit to addiction and accept the help of absolutely strangers.