Drug for joints withdrawn from pharmacies. The reason is a quality defect

The Main Pharmaceutical Inspector issued a decision to withdraw several batches of Structum from the market nationwide. This is due to a qualitative defect in the form of “Total Aerobic Bacterial Out of Normal Score”. Check that your series has not been withdrawn from the market.

  1. GIF decided to recall the Structum prescription drug from pharmacies
  2. Three product series have been discontinued
  3. Structum is used to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis
  4. Medicines withdrawn from the market in Poland (CURRENT LIST)
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Structum drug withdrawn from pharmacies – lot numbers

The Main Pharmaceutical Inspector withdrew the drug Structum from the market throughout the country. Responsible entity is Pierre Fabre Medicament SAS, France.

What series have been discontinued?

Structum 500 mg, capsules, package of 60 capsules:

  1. batch number: G20076, expiry date: 31.10.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
  2. batch number: G20077, expiry date: 30.11.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
  3. batch number: G20078, expiry date: 30.11.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX

Structum – why was it withdrawn?

«The Main Pharmaceutical Inspectorate received information from the authorized entity’s representative about a quality defect and the need to withdraw several batches of this drug, for which it was found TAMC (Total Aerobic Bacteria) results are out of specification and the presence or probability of Bacillus cereus has been demonstrated» writes GIF.

“The occurrence of incompatibility in the medicinal products with which we are dealing in the present case does not require evidence carried out on the possibility of an immediate threat to health or life, because it is enough to justify the potential risk. In this sense, the pharmaceutical inspection has the task of reacting when it is potentially endangered ”- explains the Inspectorate.

“The Main Pharmaceutical Inspector informs about the possibility of returning the above-mentioned series of medicinal products to pharmacies” – we read in the statement.

Structum – in which diseases is it used?

Structum contains chondroitin (as acid sulphate) to complete the treatment joints affected by degenerative changes.

Capsule structure contains chondroitin sulphate – it is a building block of joints – bones and cartilages, thanks to which some building elements of the joint have the appropriate properties – flexibility and mechanical resistance. This component additionally inhibits the activity of lytic enzymes within the cartilage and enhances the synthesis of proteoglycans.

Do your joints need support? At Medonet Market you will find a hyaluronic acid supplement to improve the quality of synovial fluid and joint mobility.

Auxiliary substances are talc, gelatin, titanium dioxide (E 171) and indigo carmine.

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