Drowning. A tragic balance between the first month of summer holidays and last weekend

The government’s Security Center reported terrifying statistics. 12 people drowned last weekend. This is one of the worst weekends since the beginning of summer holidays. In July, drownings happened almost every day. During those 31 days in the water, 86 people lost their lives. During the first two days of August – already 12th RCB and the police appeal.

Drowning in Poland – sad statistics

Drowning is the third leading cause of unintended death. The World Health Organization estimates that 320 people die under water each year. people. In Poland, 2019 people lost their lives in this way in 456, 98 people consumed alcohol before drowning.

This year, since April 1, 223 drownings have already been reported.

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Preliminary police statistics show that the first weekend of August was one of the most tragic since the beginning of June. The last weekend in July was by far the worst in this respect. On July 25-26, 17 people lost their lives under water (7 on Saturday, 10 on Sunday). Slightly fewer people drowned in the last weekend of June – 14 victims. The first two days of August are already 12 drownings.

Source: https://statystyka.policja.pl/st/wybrane-statkieta/utoniecia

Why are Poles drowning?

The most common causes of drowning include overestimating one’s own skills and entering water under the influence of alcohol. This applies not only to swimmers, there are also drunk helmsmen. Example? Police mention one of the interventions carried out over the weekend in July. The drunk man was riding a speedboat on the Druglin Duży lake. When police water sportsmen inspected him, it turned out that he had 1,7 per mille of alcohol in his body.

Meanwhile, “water enters the element that does not forgive mistakes, which is really easy, when the basic principles of safe rest by the water are ignored” – reminds the police and calls for prudence and common sense. “Do not disregard water, do not enter it under the influence of alcohol!”.

  1. How not to drown? We ask the WOPR lifeguard

The rules of safety over the water are reminded by the Government Safety Center: swimming in designated areas, wearing a life jacket on boats and kayaks, following the lifeguard’s instructions and not consuming alcohol or other intoxicants before entering the water.

How to behave on the water – basic rules

The police also call for the observance of the rules of safe behavior by the water:

1. Remember that a safe bath is a bath in a designated place, which is properly marked and where a lifeguard watches over the safety.

2. We must abide by the regulations of the bathing beach where we are staying.

3. Children should play by the water only under the careful supervision of adults.

4. When we enter the water with the children, we should secure them with special sleeves.

5. Let’s not jump into the water in unknown places. This could result in serious injury, disability, and even death.

6. Head jumping is absolutely forbidden in such places, the bottom of the natural reservoir may change within a few days.

7. Do not swim in places with a lot of seaweed or we know that there are water swirls or cold currents.

8. Under no circumstances should you enter the water after drinking alcohol.

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