Drought in a relationship or how to revive a sex life after 45: look for answers on the free Healthy Food Near Me webinar

Three things only get better over the years: wine, taste (both in clothes and in men) … and, of course, sex! We were able to learn about the role of the latter in the life of mature women and some of the problems that arise at this age at the free Healthy Food Near Me webinar with the gynecologist Olga Pavlovna Landekhovskaya.

They say that surging hormones and a decrease in estrogen levels at a certain age make adjustments to intimate relationships. Is it true? How to keep your libido in check and lead a vibrant and intense sex life after 45 years? These and other questions were asked by the participants of the previous Healthy Food Near Me webinar to obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Pavlovna Landekhovskaya. The topic is very relevant, and we could not leave it unattended and not answer the newly received questions.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, chief physician of the medical multidisciplinary center “Institute of Health”

Look for answers to all your questions in the broadcast recording on OK live.

Olga Pavlovna Landekhovskaya, candidate of medical sciences, chief physician of the medical multidisciplinary center “Institute of Health”, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category with more than 20 years of experience.

The webinar was supported by Lady’s Formula.

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