Drops from nasal congestion

In the cold season, it is difficult to find a more urgent problem than a runny nose that exists on its own or accompanies colds. In order to regain the ability to breathe freely, most people resort to a variety of pharmacological agents, the choice of which is made by the doctor or, which happens more often and is wrong, by the person himself.

A drug is a complex chemical substance or a whole set of substances, the action of which must be known and able to be predicted individually in each case, which is why it is necessary to contact a doctor for a list of necessary pharmaceutical products, and not to relatives, acquaintances or a pharmacy worker.


The most common remedy for the common cold at the moment are vasoconstrictors, produced in two dosage forms: drops (suitable for young children) and sprays (designed for children from 6 years old and adults). The principle of action of these drugs is a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which quickly removes the edema that closes the respiratory passages. Due to a decrease in the volume of blood flow, the rate of mucus formation also decreases, it becomes thick and tightly fixed on the walls of the nasal mucosa, which greatly facilitates breathing.

The prevailing majority of people, when showing signs of a runny nose, are accustomed to using drugs with vasoconstrictive components. The correct use for such drugs is occasional use – then there will be no side effects or abnormal reactions. In the instructions for any drug in this group, you can find an indication not to use it for more than three days in a row.

The thing is that the artificial narrowing of the vessels of the nose with the help of chemicals occurs in extreme mode. In the first week of constant use, the vessels become dependent on the drug: while you are using it, they are narrowed, but as soon as the stimulant substance disappears from the surface of the mucosa, the edema returns. And, as in all such cases of addiction, a larger dose is required each time to maintain stable effectiveness.

But the problem is not addiction, but what happens after the first week of using vasoconstrictors. If they are used too often, the vessels generally stop responding to attempts to stimulate their narrowing, and in some cases, the opposite effect of increasing edema is possible. Even if the use of the drug was not too frequent, with chronic rhinitis, against the background of the visible effect of eliminating mucosal edema, a gradual disruption of metabolic processes occurs, due to which the walls of the vessels become thinner and become fragile. As a result, frequent bleeding with rises in blood pressure and even minor injuries.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the side effects from an overdose of vasoconstrictors. This list, according to various sources, includes symptoms such as palpitations, headache, nausea, increased pressure, sleep disturbances and depressive states. Glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis are contraindications to the use of drugs based on vasoconstrictor substances. Arterial hypertension, problems with the cardiovascular system and the thyroid gland require a doctor’s consultation before prescribing drops and sprays from this group. When treating a runny nose in children with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs, a pediatrician’s consultation is mandatory, as is a therapist’s consultation for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Rules for the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold:

  • Sprays and drops based on vasoconstrictor substances do not need to be used daily and several times a day. It is better to use them only as a means of quickly restoring breathing with complete blockage of the airways by edema;

  • Do not use medicines at the first sign of difficulty breathing. First you need to try to return the airways to normal throughput with the help of physical exercises and breathing exercises;

  • During the day, it is recommended to use funds that last only 3-4 hours, since nasal breathing may not be used during vigorous activity, and temporary swelling is eliminated by the body. Preparations that act from 8 to 12 hours are intended for use at night;

  • In any case, you need to use vasoconstrictor drops as little as possible. Usually the most severe runny nose disappears after the onset of the disease, so try to stop using vasoconstrictors immediately after the first improvement in the condition of the nasopharynx. It is better to continue the fight against a runny nose by instilling a weak salt solution or inhalation.


Xylometazoline is the most common vasoconstrictor component of drops and sprays that make breathing easier with a cold. The time of its action is limited to 4 hours, so drugs for stuffy nose based on it can be classified as “daytime”. Xylometazoline is the main ingredient of drops known to many doctors and mothers called Galazolin.

Dosage forms of this drug are nasal drops and gel, which can be used by both adults and children. Xylometazoline in the form of a spray is presented in such pharmaceuticals as Xymelin, Dlyanos, Rinonorm and many others. Sprays are considered a superior form, as they have a lower chance of side effects due to a more accurate dosing method (each time you press, approximately the same amount of medication comes out). This also contributes to the economical consumption of the drug.


Oxymetazoline is the main component of well-known nasal drops:

  • Nazivin – the advantage of this drug is the presence of several varieties of release forms with different concentrations of the active substance for adults and children. This medicine in the form of a spray is also strictly dosed and has a lower risk of side effects due to improved uniformity of distribution;

  • Nazol is an Italian-made adrenostimulant that shows excellent results in the treatment of acute rhinitis, colds and sinusitis. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age;

  • Fervex – a spray that helps eliminate nasal congestion with symptoms of a cold, allows you to quickly get rid of a runny nose;

  • Fazin – this new nasal spray is gaining significant popularity and is already available in most pharmacies in the country;

  • Nazol Advance is an example of a pharmaceutical product with oxymetazoline and additional components (eucalyptus, levomenthol, camphor, propylene glycol) that can eliminate the feeling of dryness after using other sprays and drops and soothe irritated nasal mucosa.

Oxymetazoline is a long-acting vasoconstrictor and provides an effect for 10 to 12 hours. It has a higher toxicity compared to xylometazoline, so drugs based on it should not be taken with functional disorders of the kidneys, diabetes, pregnant women and children under 12 months.


Naphazoline is the main component of drugs such as:

  • Naftizin – available in two concentrations of the active substance for adults and children. In addition to intranasal use, naphthyzine can be used to treat conjunctivitis of bacterial origin by instillation into the conjunctival cavity;

  • Sanorin – is remarkable in that, in addition to the usual forms of drops and spray, it is also available in the form of an emulsion that contains vaseline oil, eucalyptus essential oil and boric acid, which helps fight the cause of the disease. The effectiveness of the emulsion compared to drops and even spray is much higher, and there are practically no side effects;

  • Tizin, Faryal – belongs to the most modern means for quickly solving such a problem as a runny nose. These pharmaceutical preparations have increased rates of duration of action (up to about 8 hours) and may be the only way to quickly get rid of swelling of the nasal mucosa if other drops do not work. Unfortunately, Tizin is not recommended for children under two years of age, and Farial is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

Naphazoline, unlike its counterparts described above, causes vasoconstriction within 4-6 hours. Usually pharmaceuticals with naphazoline are the cheapest among vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold.


Means for moisturizing a stuffy nose are not designed to directly treat the causes and symptoms of a runny nose, but are needed as an aid to accelerate the discharge of mucus from the maxillary and nasal sinuses. Many doctors consider the use of such funds in the complex for the treatment of stuffy nose mandatory. Moisturizing the mucous membrane is required to maintain its health and integrity, since in the process of mucus discharge and when using various drugs against the common cold, it often dries out and is injured, especially in chronic atrophic rhinitis.

Moisturizing drops are created on the basis of mineral or sea water, due to which they are a source of natural trace elements and salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and others. These components are necessary to stimulate the active movement of mucus by the cilia of the epithelium and normalize the work of the glandular cells of the mucous membrane. Moisturizers usually don’t have any special active chemicals added to them, so they don’t have side effects and can be used multiple times a day.

Most often, the airways are blocked precisely by mucus, so there is no need to immediately eliminate the edema and carry out extreme vascular stimulation for the nose.

When there is a lot of mucus, but there is no swelling, it is much safer to rinse the nose with salt water, using drugs such as:

  • Aquamaris;

  • Salin;

  • Marimer;

  • Aqualor.

Nose drops for edema and allergies

Preparations for the treatment of allergic rhinitis combine a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine action, which allows not only to quickly remove swelling and make breathing easier, but also to prevent the development of an allergic reaction. They usually contain two main components – decongestants and histamine receptor blockers, which provides a complex effect. Used to treat allergic rhinitis and colds.

Popular combined drugs for allergic rhinitis:

  • Vibrocil – Swiss remedy, available in the form of drops, gel, spray. It is well tolerated even by the smallest patients, for which pediatricians like to prescribe it;

  • Sanorin-Analergin – a combined preparation for instillation of the nose with allergic rhinitis, the release form – drops. Side effects include lethargy and drowsiness, so it is recommended to use it at night;

  • Rinofluimucil – Italian spray with a mild vasoconstrictor and mucus-thinning effect, contains antihistamine components;

  • Koldakt – Indian tablets for allergic rhinitis, among the side effects may be drowsiness;

  • Orinol – American drug for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, is available in tablet form.


Combined medicines based on plant materials and antimicrobial components help to successfully fight bacterial and fungal rhinitis, stimulating the restoration of the mucous membrane and the subsidence of edema.

Popular means of this group:

  • Dr. Theiss Nazoline – contains essential oil of eucalyptus with natural antibacterial properties and vasoconstrictor component xylometazoline;

  • Pinosol – a complex of aromatic oils of medicinal plants with natural antimicrobial properties. Available in a wide variety of forms – drops, nasal ointment, cream, bath capsules.

  • Bactroban – nasal ointment based on antibiotics, used to treat staphylococcal infections, which are characterized by purulent discharge from the nose;

  • Polydex with Phenylephrine – a combined preparation containing antibiotics is available in the form of a spray. It also contains anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive components, which allows not only to eliminate the cause of the common cold – a bacterial infection – but also to alleviate the negative manifestations of the disease. Contraindicated in viral rhinitis, it should not be used in children under three years of age, pregnant women, and patients with renal insufficiency.


In addition to antihistamines, hormonal drugs are also used to treat allergic rhinitis. A common form of release is a spray, the effect is local, which does not disturb the hormonal balance of the body as a whole.

Common hormonal drugs:

  • Baconase;

  • Nasonex;

  • Flixonase;

  • Nasobek.

Hormonal sprays do not bring an instant effect, like from vasoconstrictor drops, the fastest of them – Nasonex – gives a result 12 hours after application. You can use this tool to treat allergic rhinitis in children from the age of three. Baconase and Nasobek are prescribed to patients not younger than 6 years old.

You can use hormonal drugs only on the advice of a doctor. They are strictly contraindicated in bacterial and fungal rhinitis, as they can lower the local immunity of the mucous membrane and promote the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to serious complications.


Medicines of this group are distinguished by the fact that they produce a refreshing effect on the nasal mucosa with the help of natural essential oils. Most often, the main component of such drugs is menthol (peppermint oil), coniferous and eucalyptus oils. These complex substances do not contain ingredients that would eliminate mucosal edema, constrict blood vessels, or change the properties of nasal mucus. The improvement of the condition occurs due to the action of essential oils on cold receptors, which creates a feeling of freshness and eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of a runny nose.

Popular herbal drops include:

  • Sinupret is a combined pharmaceutical preparation that can stimulate the outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses, has anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and secretolytic properties. Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, soothes irritations and improves resistance to physical and biological influences. Children can be taken from the age of two, it is found in pharmacies in two forms: drops and dragees.


One of the few types of drops that are aimed at treating the cause of a runny nose, and not its symptoms. Antiviral agents are needed both for the prevention and treatment of viral infections that provoke a runny nose. These pharmaceuticals are obtained from donor leukocytes or created using genetic engineering technologies. Drugs from this group are able to suppress the reproduction of viruses. They can be taken when there is a threat of infection, during the first symptoms of SARS (cough, runny nose, sneezing), and until complete recovery.

The following antiviral agents have become popular among the population:

  • Grippferon – solution for nasal instillation;

  • Tamiflu – capsules;

  • Arbidol – capsules;

  • Viferon – rectal suppositories;

  • Kipferon – rectal suppositories;

  • Remantadine – tablets.

Drops from nasal congestion based on silver

These drops use a silver solution as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory component, which makes it useful when there is a threat of chronic rhinitis and at the beginning of the development of hypertrophic rhinitis.

Based on silver, such pharmaceutical preparations are produced as:

  • Collargol – against the common cold, a two percent solution is used, it fights well with the developing hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa;

  • Protargol – a 2% solution of colloidal silver is also used, the astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of which make it an effective remedy against hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils.


A runny nose caused by a bacterial infection is usually a prerequisite for sinusitis or sinusitis, so antibacterial drugs should be used to prevent complications. Aerosols, the particles of which penetrate deep into the nasal sinuses, qualitatively disinfect the mucous membrane and stop the runny nose. The action of the sprays is completely local, which makes it possible to treat bacterial rhinitis even for pregnant and lactating women.

Among modern antibacterial pharmaceuticals for the nose, you should pay attention to:

  • Framycetin – metered aerosol;

  • Polydex – spray;

  • Mupirocin – drops or ointment for the nasal mucosa.

When to contact an ENT doctor?

Chronic rhinitis is treated by different methods, depending on the cause of the disease. The complex of therapeutic measures includes taking medications, physiotherapy and restorative procedures. In severe cases of chronic rhinitis, surgery may be required.

One of the most modern methods of treating chronic rhinitis is laser exposure. After the laser therapy procedure, the mucosal edema subsides, breathing becomes easier, the amount of discharge from the nose decreases.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, the help of an otolaryngologist and an allergist is necessary, the specialist must identify the allergen and draw up the optimal course of treatment.

Contacting an ENT specialist is necessary if a runny nose and nasal congestion do not go away for more than three weeks. Concomitant symptoms – headaches, pain in the eyes, the presence of pus in the nasal mucus, lacrimation – may appear when the disease becomes severe, indicating the presence of complications. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Medicines used in the treatment of acute or chronic rhinitis can be very diverse. However, they should be prescribed by a doctor, since taking the wrong medication will not only not improve the situation, but can lead to complications, for example, provoke medical rhinitis.

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