Buy a ticket and go on a trip around the world – but not for 80 days, but for almost a whole year. To be among people inhabiting different parts of the planet, to feel the rhythm of their life, and not to rush to glance at the sights. Dream? But in fact, such a journey is within the power of many of us.
Every traveler who decides to circumnavigate the world has his own motives. Someone wants to see the world, someone wants to break out of the “work-home-work” cycle and leave, having the opportunity to work remotely (designers, programmers). The dream of a long journey has haunted me since childhood. However, there was neither an excess of money, nor a craving for extreme sports. But the moment came when the internal crisis (both in creativity and in personal life) reached its climax, and it seemed to me the most correct thing to do what I always wanted most of all – to see the world.
Take a new turn. Any journey is a metaphor for the path to oneself, personal growth, transformation. “The craving for wandering is provoked in us by an unconscious fear of stopping, reconciling with life, of ceasing to feel,” commented Jungian analyst Valery Miller. “After leaving the former shelter, throwing off the old “shell”, it is easier to create a new image of yourself, form new attitudes, and get an impulse for development.”
Gain confidence in the world. To travel means to enter into a relationship with the Other, to go beyond the boundaries of one’s own culture. Unusual colors, new tastes, a different daily routine, unfamiliar attitudes and rules of life… “Unlike a vacation, which is usually well planned, it is almost impossible to foresee everything on a long journey,” notes Dmitry Kiro, editor-in-chief of the travel site This unpredictability is scary. But gradually you begin to understand that the world is more friendly than hostile, and that you can and should hope for the help of people around you. Perhaps this is what is called trust in the world?
Let yourself dream. “If I had money,” “it’s impossible with my job,” “but what about my family?” – these weighty arguments, as a rule, can be reviewed, adjusted. Of course, it is impossible to travel without money. Let’s say a round-the-world ticket costs from 2,5 thousand euros. To reduce costs, you can develop a route to visa-free countries in Asia and Latin America, where a minimum budget is required. And, of course, find the opportunity to work remotely. Leaving loved ones for a few months is not an easy decision, but Skype allows you to keep in touch with them, share news and impressions. Think about a reliable companion – traveling together is more comfortable and safer.
Learn more,, Flying alliances offer round the world passes on these sites. On the site of the Russian-speaking community of travelers, you can find first-hand information about cities and countries, ask questions to seasoned travelers.