Drinking water: why and how much?

Drinking water: why and how much?

Why drink water?

The body is composed of 60% to 70% water, depending on the morphology. After oxygen, water is the most important element for life. This water is essential for all vital processes. Fluids occupy almost every space in our body, both inside cells and outside. The water :

  • maintains the volume of blood and lymph;
  • provides saliva for swallowing food;
  • serves as a lubricant for the joints and eyes;
  • maintains body temperature;
  • allows chemical reactions in cells;
  • allows the absorption and transport of ingested nutrients;
  • allows neurological activity of the brain;
  • ensures hydration of the skin;
  • removes wastes from digestion and various metabolic processes.

How much water to drink?

In a temperate climate, an average person spends more than 2 liters body water per day. In fact, the body loses more than a liter per day of body water through urine, and the same amount through sweat, stools and breathing (as evidenced by the mist on a mirror placed near the mouth ).

The losses in water are more important:

  • in hot weather;
  • during physical activity;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • in case of illness.

Each person therefore has water needs that are specific to her, given her size, the climate in which she lives and her way of life.

To assess these needs, the Mayo Clinic1, in the United States, offers three approaches which take into account the fact that our diet also provides water, especially with fruits and vegetables which, for many, are composed of more than 80% water. These measures serve as scales. They are not based on precise scientific data.

Replacing. Evaluate the amount of urine excreted per day (approximately one and a half liters in an adult) and add one liter of body water expended for metabolism (moderately active person). The loss is 2 and a half liters. As the feed supplies on average 20% of our water needs, there are 2 liters left to recover. It is found in broths, hot or cold drinks and, of course, in drinking water.

The eight glasses of water a day: a myth. Rather, it is eight glasses of water or other liquids: juices, broths, hot drinks, etc. Drinks other than water contribute to the total water intake. Each glass is the equivalent of one cup (8 oz), making a total of approximately 2 liters.

The nutritional recommendation. In the United States, the Institute of Medicine recommends men drink 3 liters of beverage daily and women 2,2 liters.

For her part, nutritionist Hélène Baribeau formulates her recommendations to her clients: “To someone who does not exercise, men and women, I suggest drinking six to eight cups of water, or 1,5, 2 to 2 liters. People who do not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables should consume XNUMX liters. As for people who do heavy sweat training, I say take an extra liter for an hour of exercise. “

When to drink

“You shouldn’t rely on the thirst signal to decide to drink,” says Hélène Baribeau. When we are active, we have time to lose a lot ofwater before feeling thirsty. It is therefore necessary to make a habit of drinking throughout the day. “

Is it better not to drink during meals? Nothing is opposed to this in the scientific literature. According to Hélène Baribeau, the only constraint is that it can generate discomfort because of the volume in the stomach. The important thing is to drink enough. If a person likes to drink moderately while eating, they should not be deprived of it.

However, pregnant women who have problems with nausea and vomiting may reduce their discomfort by avoiding drinking just before meals, during or right after3.

According to the precepts of Chinese dietetics, drinking a cup of hot water after a meal helps digestion. Hélène Baribeau does not see the need for it. “If you need a digestion aid,” she says, “you add lemon to the water to increase the acidity. But water alone will have no effect. “


Are the rules different for athletes?

Athletes are very exposed to dehydration due to sweating. They sometimes risk hyponatremia, which is the electrolyte imbalance in the blood system. Here are the recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine4,5 :

  • Drink enough water every day.
  • Drink half a liter of water about two hours before an activity.
  • Drink throughout the activity, enough to replace the water lost through sweat. In the case of intense aerobic activities, a person can lose more than a liter in the form of sweat in an hour.
  • The water should be cool, 15 ° C to 22 ° C.
  • If the activity is strenuous and lasts longer than an hour, use an isotonic drink (which includes carbohydrates, sodium and potassium), also called an energy drink.

Can we drink too much water?

Even when we drink a lot ofwater, there is no danger of “diluting” the nutrients that have been ingested or excreting them. Although it is extremely rare in a healthy person, too much water can still cause a potentially dramatic blood problem. This is sometimes encountered during sporting events, among marathon runners or cyclists.

A very large intake of water, beyond the quantity necessary for biological functions, will not cause magical benefits, also recalls nutritionist Hélène Baribeau. “It will not improve the firmness or appearance of the skin, nor the health of the nails and hair,” she says.

Note that excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes. Consult our special Diabetes section to learn more about this disease.

Is it dangerous to drink too much mineral water?

People with hypertension should avoid Mineral water, which contain high proportions of mineral salts, such as sodium. Those with kidney problems should also avoid consuming it. Indeed, drinking water concentrated in minerals imposes an increased strain on the kidneys. The mineral salt content is indicated on the label of bottled water. These are the main warnings noted in the specialized literature. This is also the opinion of Hélène Baribeau.

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease who want to drink mineral water should choose it still and not carbonated. It is better, for these people, to avoid any source of additional gas or air, explains Hélène Baribeau.

For the rest of the population, the nutritionist suggests drinking no more than half a liter of mineral water in the same day. THE’mineral water can, for example, advantageously replace a carbonated or alcoholic drink. At other times, it is better to choose plain water.

What is the best water to drink during a fast?

Among naturopaths who advocate the practice of fasting, most recommend thedistilled water because it is the purest. Indeed, distilled water is completely demineralized water. It is obtained by collecting the water vapor after boiling.

Nutritionist Hélène Baribeau does not share this point of view. “There is no advantage in depriving yourself of the mineral salts normally present in water. I rather suggest thespring water, or even thetap water if it is treated by carbon filter. “

What is dehydration?

La Dehydration is defined according to body weight. Water loss representing as little as 1% to 2% of body weight is already considered dehydration. Loss of up to 15% to 20% of body weight can cause death.

Dehydration can be acute, as after intense exercise, or rather chronic, as a result of insufficient and prolonged consumption of water or other beverages.

The best way to detect dehydration is to observe the urine color. In healthy people, it should be a very pale yellow.

The first signs dehydration:

  • dark urine;
  • dry mouth and throat;
  • a lack of energy;
  • dry skin;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • heat intolerance.

We can compare these symptoms to those of a plant that is not watered often enough: etiolation, yellowed leaves, shriveled ends.

At a more advanced stage:

  • muscle weakness or cramps, due to an imbalance in the potassium and sodium balance in the muscles;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • painful urination;
  • confusion or delirium.

The consequences of dehydration

By interfering with vital functions, a permanent state of mild dehydration could cause health problems. “We are still at the stage of hypotheses regarding the effect of chronic dehydration,” says Dr.r Paul Lépine. Due to their fragile metabolism, elderly are more sensitive to it. They also feel less thirsty than adults. The Dr Lépine believes that this factor can contribute to the loss of autonomy. “On the other hand, we do not yet know to what extent it does it”, he specifies.

The children and are also particularly at risk because a loss of just over 3% of body weight can lead to heat stroke and hypovolemic shock, which is potentially fatal. Some observations suggest that dehydrated children have a harder time learning in class2.

According to the Dre Susan Shirreffs, a dehydration expert in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen, Britain, people who drink little are at risk of problems with their body. liver in digestive system and even at coeur, as well as disturbance of mental functioning – all problems related to low blood volume6. “The liver, brain and kidneys are organs that depend a lot on the blood supply to function,” explains Dr.r Paul Lépine. If there is a lack of blood, they will be the first to suffer. “

Doctor goes further by saying cell imbalance caused by dehydration can lead to serious illnesses like asthma and type 2 diabetes7,8.

Chronic dehydration in a adult relatively healthy probably has no effect on daily activities, says Dr.r Lepine. The effect could be felt in athletes professionals, who need to be at their peak.


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