“Drinking” French fries invented in Japan

Koike-ya, a Tokyo-based snack food maker, noted that french fries are not always convenient for people. Especially if this snack is associated with something else: talking on a mobile, walking by the hands with a loved one or walking when one of the hands is busy with a bag or briefcase.

Therefore, Koike-ya set out to invent a version of fries that would be convenient for busy and hurried people. So that people both have a snack, and do their own thing, and do not get their fingers dirty in the oil at the same time.

So the world was presented with a new variation of french fries called One Hand Сhips.

The french fries are packaged in such a way that they can be poured into your mouth with one hand. In addition, the fried potatoes in the bag are already crumbled, so you can practically “drink” them without getting your hands dirty. The emphasis on this “drinking” opportunity has become a hallmark of the product.


One Hand Chips Potatoes come in 3 flavors – BBQ, Chili and Salt. Japanese consumers greeted the new product with great interest. The very same company Koike-ya called its product “the new style of snacks that humanity has been waiting for.”

By the way, these are not the first experiments with French fries. This popular product is absolutely inspiring! So, more recently, French fries were released, which are sold in a peel. The thing is that the natural eco-friendly packaging of the product consists of processed and dried potato skins.

And soon the world will surely see unusual french fries of purple and pink flowers, as in Holland they learned to grow purple potatoes. 

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