Drinking alcohol with hemorrhoids: pros and cons

Hemorrhoids are an insidious disease: it worsens at the most unexpected moment. Often, patients who have not felt discomfort for a long time, during a feast, do not even think about whether alcohol is possible with hemorrhoids, and do not deny themselves anything. But already a few hours after immoderate libations, the disease reminds of itself with burning, pain, swollen bumps and bleeding.

The effect of alcohol on hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a consequence of the weakening of the walls and the constant expansion of the venous vessels located in the submucosal layer of the anal canal. Therefore, patients with hemorrhoids, doctors strongly recommend that you carefully treat any products that increase blood flow.

Ethanol provokes vasodilation, an acceleration of the heartbeat and, as a result, a rush of blood to the rectum. But the hemorrhoidal veins are already dilated! When under the influence of alcohol they expand even more, the weakened walls do not always withstand additional stress. Hence – cracks, bloody discharge from the anus.

The decay products of alcohol and fusel oils contained in distillates (cognac, tequila, whiskey, moonshine) irritate the mucous membrane. Oddly enough, weak carbonated drinks: champagne, beer, a variety of cocktails with sparkling water – are no less dangerous for patients with hemorrhoids than strong alcohol.

Carbon dioxide not only accelerates the absorption of ethanol into the blood, but also irritates the intestinal mucosa. A variety of dyes and aromatic additives, which are part of the cocktail ingredients, also contribute.

Beer, even non-alcoholic, is a ticking time bomb. For the diseased rectal mucosa, fermentation products, hops, yeast residues, carbon dioxide, and preservatives are dangerous.

Alcohol with hemorrhoids is also dangerous because even small doses of alcohol weaken internal control, and the patient begins to eat fatty, spicy, smoked foods that are contraindicated for him. These dishes complement the destructive effect of ethanol on hemorrhoidal veins.

Alcohol, especially beer, provokes urination and dehydration of the body, which is why the next morning after a feast, there is a high probability of constipation. Therefore, even if the patient does not exacerbate hemorrhoids immediately after drinking alcohol, bleeding may occur due to excessive efforts during defecation.

Rules for drinking alcohol with hemorrhoids

Not every patient with hemorrhoids is ready to become an absolute teetotaler. Scientists have found that a relatively safe dose for a patient with hemorrhoids in remission is 100 ml of strong or 150 ml of weak non-carbonated alcohol. This dose is allowed to be used no more than 1-2 times a month.

To mitigate the effect of alcohol on hemorrhoidal veins, it is recommended to follow the rules:

  • alcohol with hemorrhoids can be consumed only in remission;
  • 15-20 minutes before the feast, you need to take 2-4 tablets of activated charcoal. It serves as a sorbent, prevents the absorption of toxins into the blood. A few tablets of charcoal will do no harm in the evening, at the end of the holiday, and the next morning;
  • you can not alternate alcoholic drinks, cocktails are not welcome;
  • it is better to avoid champagne and beer. If you still want to take a chance, you should drink 100-150 ml of champagne or 200-300 ml of beer and follow the reaction of the body. In the event of a subsequent exacerbation of hemorrhoids, these drinks will have to be completely excluded;
  • drink alcohol little by little, in small sips, so that 50-100 ml is enough for the entire feast;
  • snack on fruits, vegetable salads and other light meals;
  • so that there is no stagnation of blood, do not sit in one place during the holiday, but periodically walk or dance;
  • in no case do not combine alcohol and coffee;
  • in the evening after a feast, you need to drink 3-6 glasses of water;
  • if in the morning there are difficulties with defecation – do not push, but take a laxative.

Compatibility of alcohol and drugs for hemorrhoids

Many hemorrhoid medications do not combine with alcohol. For example, candles and Relief ointment are allowed to use:

  • men – no later than 18 hours before, and no earlier than 8 hours after drinking alcohol;
  • women – 24 hours before and 14 hours after drinking alcohol.

Other restrictions may be imposed on the use of other drugs, you need to find out the exact information from the instructions.

If hemorrhoids become aggravated after alcohol, and ointment or suppositories cannot be used, folk methods are used:

  • make a warm bath with a decoction of oak bark;
  • a tampon soaked in aloe juice is placed in the anus;
  • another option for impregnating a tampon: a mixture of camphor oil with honey (for pain relief, you can add half an ampoule of novocaine).

Alcohol after hemorrhoid surgery

After removal of hemorrhoids, the patient is usually prescribed antibiotics. Alcohol is allowed to be consumed no earlier than 10-14 days after the end of the course. But if the patient has problems with bowel movements (permanent constipation or diarrhea), it is better to wait until the stool returns to normal.

Thus, a person who has undergone surgery is required to completely abandon alcohol for at least 1,5–2 months. Only the attending physician can determine the period of absolute sobriety more accurately.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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