Drinking a lot of milk is harmful for teens.

Boys who drink a lot of milk during adolescence further increase the risk factor for hip fracture. This theory belongs to scientists from America.

To confirm it, experts analyzed data on the health of 100 thousand women and men and interviewed them about the content of the diet. The survey results confirmed that there is a link between a significant amount of milk consumed in adolescents and bone fractures in adulthood… Especially the femoral neck. And it is caused, according to scientists, as follows: adolescents who drink milk 3-4 portions (glasses) a day, later grow 1,7-1,9 centimeters taller than the rest. And their tall stature ultimately increases the risk of fractures.

Based on the findings of the research, scientists advise adolescents to limit their milk intake to two glasses a day… They are sure that this amount is enough to replenish the body with the substances necessary for growth and health and reduce the risk of fractures by 10% in mature years.

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