Drink recipes How to escape the heat

Drink recipes How to escape the heat

On hot summer days, we all dream of a cool drink that will quench our thirst. Despite the fact that water is the main means of fighting heat, sometimes you want to add a little taste and color to it.

Mojito with orange

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

For cooking you will need: 1 orange, a bunch of mint, 2 strawberries, 1 lemon, 1 glass of assorted garden berries of your choice, a glass of ice.

Cut into cubes 150 g of orange, strawberries in flat slices, finely tear 10-15 mint leaves and put everything in a bowl. We crush our fruits for potatoes. After squeezing out the juice, put ice crumbs on top and fill with homemade lemonade. Mojito can be garnished with lime and orange slices.

Galina Salmova, regular reader of the Telesem magazine:

Pineapple drink (squash)

Cooking time: 10 minutes + time for the drink to infuse.

For cooking you will need: 2 green zucchini, 1 lemon, seasoning – cloves, a glass of sugar.

Peel the zucchini and cut them into cubes. We put it in a three-liter jar. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon there, put 5-7 grains of clove seasoning, pour boiling water, stir and leave for 24 hours. Then we mix the infusion, filter through cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the drink, which tastes like pineapple, is ready to drink. You can store it for several days, drink it chilled.

Artem Khapaev, bartender of the restaurant “Fiolet”:

Fruit Smoothie

Cooking time: 7 minutes.

For cooking you need: 2 kiwi, 100 g of fresh or canned pineapple, 3 walnuts, a bunch of mint, banana, 100 ml of juice, physalis, berries and whipped cream.

We put peeled chopped kiwi, 100 g of pineapple, 2 tablespoons of walnuts, half a banana in a shallow container and add 100 ml of multifruit juice. Add mint syrup, for the preparation of which we soak mint leaves in boiled water for 15–20 minutes. Beat all this with a blender until smooth and transfer to a glass. Thanks to kiwi, the drink turns out to be grayish, so you can decorate it with whipped cream, physalis and fresh berries.

By the way: A glass of smoothie can replace breakfast or lunch, so it can help you lose weight. And tasty and fast.

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