Drink and lose weight: 7 types of tea that burn fat

Tea can work wonders – it actively participates in digestion and improves metabolism. Therefore, it is not surprising that those who want to get rid of extra pounds pay attention to this drink.

We have selected seven types of tea that will help you lose weight in one way or another. Each of them has a different feature: some block the feeling of hunger, some increase metabolism, some burn fat. But they are all tested and effective. 

Ginger tea

Ginger is an ancient weight loss product that has proven its worth. Previously, ginger root was a rarity, but today it is not difficult to buy it. Grate the ginger and brew with your favorite tea. Adjust the amount for taste and comfort.


Green tea

Green tea actively affects the blood and metabolism, increases muscle tone. Green tea will be a great alternative to coffee, it will give you the energy you need in the morning. Green tea with lemon has a fat-burning effect and helps to remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate edema.


Hibiscus red tea also has a tonic effect on the body and speeds up metabolism. Hibiscus is especially useful for athletes, as it has a strong invigorating effect. But drinking it at night is not recommended – for the same reason.


All kinds of overseas curiosities are no longer a rarity for us. And today we have a chance to lose weight with the help of Indian masala tea – the oldest remedy for maintaining a beautiful figure. Masala has a fat-burning effect and makes the intestines work harder, helping to digest heavy and fatty foods.


Rosehip broth is used not only to enrich the body with vitamin C during colds. It also has anti-edema properties, and therefore helps to keep the figure in good shape. It removes excess fluid from the body and prevents its further accumulation.


Rowan tea helps to calm hunger. Drink it before bed so you won’t be tempted to snack before bed. Rowan has a specific taste, but in a hot drink it is fragrant and tasty, just season it with honey to taste.


To prepare this drink, you will need the leaves of this plant. A hot drink accelerates metabolism, promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body and improves bowel function.

Enjoy your tea and speedy effect!

Recall that earlier we talked about how tea bags can be dangerous to health, as well as how tea is drunk in different countries of the world. 

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