- The effect of dried rose hips on the body
- Useful Properties
- Cooking application
- How to choose the right dried rosehip
- Dry the wild rose correctly
- Ways to store dried rose hips
- Dried rose hips: brew in a thermos
- Dried rose hips: brew without a thermos
- How long to store dried rosehip infusion
- Dried rosehip infusion – indications for use
- Dried rosehip infusion – contraindications
Dried rose hips are an amazing product, the healing properties of which have been known to mankind for a long time.
Even in the era of Ivan the Terrible, there was a separate profession – a dog rose picker. Specially trained people went behind the fruits of a wild rose, carefully making sure that not a single berry was lost. The collected fruits were kept in the royal treasury. They prepared “svoroborin molasses” from them – a decoction that was given to soldiers to drink in order to increase their combat effectiveness. The price of the infusion was fabulous – they gave brocade, velvet, sable skins for it.
Even now, in an era when medicine is advancing by leaps and bounds, dried rose hips continue to be used to prevent and treat many diseases.
The effect of dried rose hips on the body
Due to the high level of vitamins and minerals, dried wild rose fruits have a whole range of beneficial properties for the human body.
First of all, an infusion of them has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect, “boosting” the immune system. It is advised to use it for infectious diseases, physical and emotional overload. In addition, dried fruits have a choleretic effect, stimulate the digestive tract and help accelerate metabolism. An infusion of berries accelerates cell regeneration, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. It also effectively relieves itching from insect bites, promotes healing of wounds and burns.
Useful Properties
The thing is that wild rose is a unique multivitamin plant. At the same time, in dried form, the content of nutrients in the fruits of wild roses remains unchanged. Moreover, after drying, the concentration of vitamins and microelements increases!
Proteins | 3,4 g |
Carbohydrates | 48,5 g |
Fats | 1,5 g |
Alimentary fiber | 23,2 g |
Mono – and disaccharides | 42,2 g |
Starch | 6,3 g |
Saturated fatty acids | 0,2 g |
Ash | 4,7 g |
Vitamin C | 1000 mg |
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) | 0,07 mg |
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) | 0,3 mg |
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) | 1,2 mg |
Vitamin E | 3,8 mg |
Vitamin A (retinol) | 8167 MO |
potassium | 50 mg |
Calcium | 60 mg |
Magnesium | 17 mg |
Sodium | 11 mg |
Phosphorus | 17 mg |
Hardware | 3 mg |
In addition, pectins, pigments, tannins, malic and citric acid are present in the composition of dried wild rose fruits.
Calorie content of 100 g of dried berries – 284 kcal.
Cooking application
Dried rose hips are also used in the confectionery industry and cooking. Kissels, compotes, medicinal tea are prepared on their basis. The taste and medicinal qualities of berries are fully revealed in combination with honey, lemon, as well as mint and lemon balm.
How to choose the right dried rosehip
Many of us are deprived of the opportunity to collect and dry rose hips on our own and purchase it on the market or in stores. In this case, there is a risk of acquiring an improperly dried product that has lost its healing properties. Therefore, you should choose berries very carefully.
First of all, examine the surface of the fruit. They should not have a white coating. Rosehip dried in compliance with the technology does not crumble when pressed. The peel is springy with a barely audible crunch. The fruits are whole, not split or broken, they are cleared of sepals. The stems have also been removed. Of course, there should not be any debris and foreign objects among the berries.
These guidelines will help you choose high quality dried rose hips. But still, to be safe, you can dry the berries yourself at home.
Dry the wild rose correctly
Drying is the leader among the ways to save rose hips for the winter. This is due to the fact that dried berries retain all the beneficial properties that characterize fresh fruits – you just need to follow certain rules.
First of all, take into account that the wild rose must be harvested before the first frost. Ripe berries, depending on the variety, acquire either a bright orange or intense scarlet color. If the fruits did not have time to ripen or overripe, then the content of vitamins and microelements in them is an order of magnitude lower.
It is necessary to cut the fruits for drying together with the sepals. Do not delay the processing of plucked berries – it must be carried out immediately after harvest, otherwise the valuable substances contained in the wild rose are destroyed. Please note that the fruits are not washed before drying.
The best option is to dry the wild rose naturally. However, this does not mean at all that the berries should be laid out in the sun! On the contrary, dry them in rooms with good ventilation, out of the reach of sunlight. The thing is that vitamin C categorically does not like intense ultraviolet radiation and simply collapses in the sun.
Another option is to use the oven. In this case, it should be remembered that the maximum temperature for drying wild rose should not exceed 90 ° C. The fruits should be evenly spread out on a baking sheet in a thin layer and kept in the oven for a quarter of an hour. After that, the temperature is reduced to 50 – 60 degrees and the berries are simmered for seven or eight hours. Periodically they should be shaken and mixed. Please note that the oven door must always remain ajar – this is necessary in order for moisture to evaporate. Finished fruits acquire an intense dark yellow or reddish-brown hue.
Some people use a microwave oven to dry rose hips. This should not be done – there is a high risk that the berries will burn inside, although they will look perfect on the outside.
After drying is completed, sort out the wild rose so that it “breathes”. Soak the berries for two to three days at normal room temperature. Only then should they be stored away.
Ways to store dried rose hips
In high-quality dried berries, useful properties are preserved for two to three years, but only if stored properly.
First of all, forget about plastic bags once and for all. This material completely blocks the access of air, as a result of which the berries begin to “suffocate”, and mold appears on their surface.
The ideal container for storing rose hips are cardboard or paper bags. Their bottom should be pre-lined with paraffin paper.
Another option for proper storage of wild rose is in bags made of natural fabric. It is best to choose flax – it “breathes” perfectly, so mold will not threaten your stocks.
Glass jars are also suitable for storage, but on one condition: they should not be tightly closed. Use plastic lids, which must first be pierced with a hot awl. If there are no lids at hand, cover the containers with three layers of gauze folded.
Regardless of which container you choose for storing dried fruits, place it in a dark place with good ventilation. Please note that wild rose is highly susceptible to foreign odors and easily absorbs them. Therefore, containers with dried berries should not be placed near products with intense aromas.
Dried rose hips: brew in a thermos
The best option for preparing a decoction of dried wild rose is brewing in a thermos. You should choose a thermos with a glass flask – an ordinary metal one will not work, because when it is used, due to chemical reactions, the beneficial properties of the finished broth are reduced.
Wash the berries thoroughly. For one liter of boiling water you will need about 100 g of berries. Place them in a thermos and fill with water heated to a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Do not close the thermos right away – it should “breathe” for 3-5 minutes. Then seal the container tightly. The broth should be infused for 7-12 hours – therefore it is best to brew rose hips at night. In the morning, drain the finished infusion and strain it, and add a few fresh ones to the used fruits and pour water again (60 ° C). You can reuse the same berries 3-4 times.
You can also brew chopped fruits. Rinse them, then grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. Place the finished powder in a thermos and add water (60 ° C). Should be insisted for an hour. After that, strain the infusion. “Sediment” mix with water at the rate of 1 tsp. 0,5 liters and boil for half an hour. Filter the broth, cool it and mix with the infusion.
Dried rose hips: brew without a thermos
In the event that a thermos is not available, you can brew rose hips in a teapot. In this case, it is necessary to change the amount of raw materials used. The thing is that when brewing in a thermos, rosehip “gives off” useful substances and vitamins more intensively.
Therefore, more berries should be put in the teapot: 120 g per liter of water. Please note that you should not use boiling water, but water with a temperature of about 60 degrees Celsius. Cover the kettle immediately. You can wrap it with a towel to create a “thermos effect”.
The drink should be infused for one and a half to three hours.
How long to store dried rosehip infusion
It’s no secret that many people prefer to cook a large amount of rosehip infusion at once, so as not to bother repeating the brewing procedure. This is a wrong practice, because even in the refrigerator, a drink made from dried fruits of a wild rose loses its healing properties. The maximum storage time is 24 hours.
Dried rosehip infusion – indications for use
As already noted, an infusion of dried wild rose fruits has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it should be taken primarily for diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract. In this case, it is recommended to drink 0,5 cups of warmed infusion with honey half an hour before meals. As a tonic, diuretic and choleretic agent, rosehip infusion is used for two to three weeks, 0,3 cups before meals.
Dried rosehip infusion – contraindications
Despite all the beneficial properties of wild rose fruits, it is still not recommended to abuse the infusion of them. It is not worth taking it without interruption for a long time. In addition, this drink is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis, increased acidity, peptic ulcer, flatulence, pancreatic diseases), thrombophlebitis and increased blood clotting. Also, rosehip infusion can thin the enamel of the teeth, so it should be used with caution in case of caries.