Dried fruits for proper nutrition and weight loss – useful tips and tricks

Dried fruits and berries are a great choice for those who train, watch their figure and cannot do without sweets. It is a natural source of fast carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids, vitamins, pectins, trace elements (calcium, iron, chromium, potassium, magnesium, etc.). The concentration of nutrients is highest in naturally dried fruits – up to 90% in comparison with fresh ones (when dried in a dehydrator – up to 80%). In addition, properly dried fruits and berries have a unique taste.

Popular dried fruits and their beneficial properties

According to a survey conducted by one of the Internet portals, most often our compatriots buy: dried apricots (79%); prunes (70%); raisins (63%); dates (58%). The rest of the respondents answered that they prefer figs, dried apples, bananas, mangoes and pineapples.

Dried fruits normalize the functioning of blood vessels, the heart, the brain, improve digestion, help get rid of slagging, lower bad cholesterol, increase immunity, help to establish metabolic processes in the body, give energy, help recover from surgery or illness, calm the nerves, and more. others


Dried fruits against hunger

All dried fruits tend to reduce appetite and normalize metabolic processes. They are saturated with easily digestible fructose, which can satisfy the body’s need for sweets.

When you feel hungry, have a snack of dried fruits and a few nuts. Chew them carefully and slowly. If you first drink water, the food will be saturated with it and fill the stomach, ensuring the quality of the digestive tract. In this case, hunger will recede for several hours.

When and how much can you eat dried fruits?

According to experts, in the summer-autumn period, fresh fruits should be preferred. But in regions with harsh climates where the timing of seasonal produce is limited, dried fruit is a great alternative to meet your daily nutrient requirement.

Renowned nutrition expert Lauren Manaker believes that the benefits of dried fruit are similar to those of fresh fruit: 1⁄4 cup of raisins contains approximately 6% of your daily requirement of potassium (= 1 cup of grapes). But at the same time, a glass of grapes contains about 64 calories, while a glass of raisins contains about 500! Therefore, nutritionist Daniel Gaffen calls for caution: “If you want to increase mass, eat dried fruits in peace. But if you’re counting calories and keeping track of your portion sizes, this isn’t the best choice. You can quietly swallow a bag of delicious treats and get a huge amount of calories.

Dried fruits and berries are recommended to be used as an addition to various dishes (porridge, salad, pastries) or made as an independent meal. This is a natural energy drink, so it’s good to eat a handful before training (except for prunes). See also: How to eat right before a workout?

What are the best dried fruits to eat?

It is believed that dried berries and fruits contain a lot of sugar. This is true if sweeteners are added to them: glucose; sucrose; dextrose; cane sugar, etc. Experts emphasize that there is no added sugar in healthy products. Diabetics are recommended dried fruits with a low glycemic index (figs, dried apricots, prunes).

Daniel Gaffen also points out that dried fruits can be treated with sulfite preservatives to help preserve their beautiful color. Therefore, you should always read the label. Dried fruits without sulfites don’t look very good, Gaffen says, but they do taste nicer and more natural.

Sulfites are dangerous because asthma sufferers and chemically sensitive people may notice side effects from eating foods processed with them: abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea, stomach cramps, skin rashes, or a serious illness such as anaphylaxis.

You should buy dried fruits from trusted manufacturers. They should be matte (shine is formed after treatment with vegetable oil, which increases the calorie content of the product), without cracks on the peel, without the smell of smoke, gasoline. Before use, it is advisable to soak the product in warm water for 15-20 minutes. See also: Vegetarianism and sports – good or bad?

How to choose the right dried fruits and what to consider when buying?

Due to the sugar syrup coating, most dried fruits are more correctly considered candy, and after processing, only pesticides and preservatives remain in them. Very few dried fruits can be considered healthy.

Almost all raisins and dried apricots sold in regular supermarkets are treated with sulfur dioxide (labeled as E220) to extend their shelf life and give them a pleasant golden yellow color. Remember that natural raisins and dried apricots are always brown, not gold at all.

The traditional method of making dried fruit is drying in the sun, but on an industrial scale, faster methods are always used, such as a dehydrator – special drying chambers. They use either warm air or infrared radiation, due to which vitamin C is lost. As a result, B vitamins in dried fruits remain in very low quantities.

Many fruits lose their shape when dried – as a result, they are not dried at all, but caramelized in sugar syrup. It should be noted that the share of sugar in the final product can reach a significant 70–80%. In addition, absolutely all dried fruits are treated with detergents, pesticide vapors and preservatives.

Dried fruit technology is primarily used to minimize the losses of the production industry. The cheapest fruits that lose their presentation due to partial rotting or mechanical damage are cut into pieces, processed with chemicals and dried (or caramelized in sugar syrup).

TOP 8 most useful dried fruits and their properties

Almost all dried fruits are good for your health, but there are real champions among them. Let’s consider them in more detail!

  1. Candied papaya Strengthen the body as a whole, activate protein metabolism and increase activity.
  2. dried dates They increase efficiency and can be used as an analgesic, they contain a large amount of vitamins (B5, E, H), strengthen the immune system.
  3. Dried pear It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, removing toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  4. Dried apricots (apricot/dried apricot) It is an indispensable source of potassium; It has a beneficial effect on the heart and is an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer.
  5. Figs It has a lot of useful qualities – it normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, helps to eliminate parasites from the body, and in alternative medicine it is used as a remedy for bronchitis.
  6. prunes  An excellent tool to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract; helps those who suffer from hypertension, have problems with the heart, kidneys, liver. It helps with rheumatism and, thanks to vitamin A, improves vision.
  7. Raisins It is an antidepressant and helps with thyroid diseases.
  8. dried cherry Neutralizes the action of free radicals and has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

If you adhere to proper nutrition, then buy those dried fruits that are obtained by drying (raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, apples and pears). Carefully study the packaging and choose only those dried fruits that are clearly labeled as “bio” – this ensures that the production technology has reduced the use of chemicals to a minimum. Never buy indeterminate dried fruit mixes. See also: How to count nomu calories per day?

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