Dried fruits: benefits and harms to the body
Dried fruits are a source of beneficial vitamins, acids and minerals needed in the daily human diet. Dried berries or fruits are rich in pectin, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B, A and P

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We analyze dried fruits: what vitamins are rich in, who should not eat them and what can be prepared from dried fruits and berries

Each type of dried fruit (be it prunes, dried apricots or raisins) contains a unique set of substances that have a beneficial effect on the body. They are useful for beriberi, depression and even anemia.

The benefits of dried fruits

For example, calcium in dried fruits strengthens hair, nails and bones. Magnesium and potassium are good for the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Iron normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis. Dietary fiber and fiber are responsible for the functioning of the stomach and the entire digestive tract.

For example, raisins have laxative properties. It is recommended for frequent constipation. Prunes normalize blood pressure, fights oncology. Dried apricots are useful for people who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Dates strengthen male power, and figs are famous for their antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Harm of dried fruits

Dried fruits contain high levels of glucose. Therefore, people with excess weight and diabetes should not eat dried fruits. The optimal dose for a daily diet is a handful of about 40 grams.

If there is an allergy to fruits – plums, grapes, citrus fruits – then most likely the reaction will be to dried fruits of these species.

How to choose dried fruits

When choosing and buying dried fruits, pay attention to their appearance. Quality fruits – whole, without cracks and mold.

If possible, touch the dried fruit. The fruits should be elastic and resilient, not dry.

For example, good raisins are black or brown, dried apricots are pale orange. If dried apricots are bright orange, then they are treated with sulfites. Quality prunes have a glossy sheen and a bluish tint. Dates should not be heavily wrinkled or have sugar crystals.

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