Dried figs: benefits and harms

Due to their questionable appearance, dried figs are not popular. But fresh, it is rarely found on the shelves, as it is demanding on the conditions of storage and transportation. The benefits and harms of dried figs for the body are not known to everyone. It is believed that the product can partially fill the daily need for iron and vitamin B.

The benefits of dried figs for the body

The fig tree grows in areas with a subtropical climate. Its fruits are called figs or figs. When fresh, they retain their taste and beneficial properties for no more than 3 days. Therefore, most often figs are found in dried form. It is valued for the content of the following substances:

  • cellulose;
  • manganese;
  • ficine;
  • calcium;
  • fatty polyunsaturated acids;
  • tannins;
  • sodium;
  • antioxidants;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • pectins;
  • beta carotene.

Dried fruits, in comparison with fresh ones, are no less useful. They are introduced into the diet during combination therapy. The fig tree has a general strengthening effect, activating the body’s defenses. With regular use, it helps to reduce weight and eliminate bad cholesterol. Useful properties of dried figs are as follows:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • normalization of the reproductive organs;
  • restoration of the function of the respiratory system;
  • strengthening bones;
  • expectorant action;
  • diabetes prevention;
  • elimination of toxic substances;
  • improvement of the digestive tract.

Due to the content of fructose, the product quickly replenishes the energy supply in the body. With a constant presence in the diet, it helps to maintain the amount of hemoglobin at the proper level, which is important for iron deficiency anemia. Dried figs are also valued for their tryptophan content. This substance is involved in the production of melatonin, which is responsible for the quality of sleep.

Due to the presence of pectin in the composition, the berry accelerates the regeneration processes. Rutin improves the absorption of vitamin C, so doctors advise combining dried fig trees with citrus fruits. Due to the presence of ficin in the composition, the level of blood clotting decreases.

The fig tree is most useful for women who are carrying a child and planning a pregnancy. The product contains a large amount of folic acid. It contributes to the proper formation of the nervous system in the baby. Dried figs are often recommended to be treated for colds, since it is undesirable to take medication during pregnancy. In case of problems with reproduction, figs are recommended to be introduced into the diet to stimulate the production of estrogens. As a result, the periodicity of the menstrual cycle is normalized and the state of the nervous system is stabilized.

Dried figs: benefits and harms

The benefits of the fig tree for supporters of a healthy lifestyle are due to the nutritional value and sweet taste of the product. Thanks to this, they are replaced by flour desserts and chocolate. With intense physical exertion, figs help to avoid injury by strengthening the skeletal system.

Given the benefits of figs, it is recommended to use it in the following cases:

  • colds;
  • prevention of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • violation of the chair;
  • fragility of bones;
  • the need to cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • skin rashes and pigmentation;
  • avitaminosis.
Attention! Before eating dried figs, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

What is harmful dried figs

The benefits of the fig tree are neutralized if the product is used contrary to contraindications. Its main drawback is its laxative effect. On the road, away or at work, this effect can put a person in an uncomfortable position. Dried figs, the photo of which is shown above, has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gout;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • diarrhea.

Due to its high sugar content, figs should be eaten in limited quantities. The abuse of the fig tree irritates the intestinal mucosa, which can aggravate the inflammatory processes in it. It also slows down metabolic processes and increases the risk of caries. With proper and moderate use, dried figs are not harmful to health. If the product is abused, the following reactions are possible:

  • decrease in physical activity;
  • flatulence;
  • low blood pressure symptoms;
  • intense weight gain;
  • allergy.

Intolerance to the product is accompanied by the release of antibodies into the blood. In this case, allergy symptoms may appear immediately or gradually. The most characteristic signs of intolerance include a rash, watery eyes, abdominal pain and itchy sensations. In rare cases, an allergy develops so rapidly that Quincke’s edema occurs. It threatens to completely block the airways, which leads to death.

How to dry figs at home

To keep the benefits of figs longer, you can dry them at home. Initially, you need to choose the right fresh fruits. They must not be deformed. If the fig tree is unripe, it is brought to maturity by putting it in the refrigerator for 3 days. Maturity is indicated by a dense skin of a dark purple color, slightly amenable to pressure. Too hard surface indicates a violation of the conditions of transportation and storage. It is undesirable to buy such a berry.

Dried figs are prepared as follows:

  1. The fruits are cut in half and placed in a container. They are sprinkled with granulated sugar on top so that they let the juice flow.
  2. For 24 hours, the berries are in the refrigerator.
  3. The syrup is prepared separately. Pour the same amount of water and sugar into a small container. The syrup is boiled over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Each half of the fig is dipped into the syrup and then placed skin side down on a tray.
  5. The fruits are dried in the oven, electric dryer or in the sun for 3 hours.
Comment! So that the fruits do not turn out too sugary, they are dried without adding sugar.

How much and how to eat

Dried figs go well with a variety of foods. It is added to cereals, desserts, salads and hot dishes. It goes well with poultry and lamb. The fruits of the fig tree are used for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions. In a crushed and soaked state, they are used to heal damage to the skin surface. The fig mass is placed on the problem area and rewound with a sterile bandage.

To increase sexual activity, men soak the product in milk overnight before drinking. The daily dose of dried figs is eaten for breakfast. The duration of such treatment is determined on an individual basis. With moderate severity of erectile dysfunction, 1 month is enough.

Useful properties of the product retains only with moderate use. It is enough to eat 2-3 fruits per day to provide the body with the right amount of nutrients.

Dried figs calories

People who are trying to lose weight should not get carried away with dried figs. Calorie content of 1 piece, weighing approximately 30 g, is 76 kcal. 100 g of the product contains 255 kcal.

How to store dried figs at home

A cool place is selected for storing fig fruits. A cotton cloth is placed at the bottom of the glass container. Only after that, dried figs are placed in it. The container is closed with a tight lid.

A dried fig tree can also be stored in a suspended state, after placing it in linen bags. In this case, good air circulation is ensured. To avoid insect breeding, figs can be removed in a paper bag.

Freezing will help preserve the benefits of the fig tree for as long as possible. Before its implementation, the figs are placed in an airtight container. If necessary, the fruits are pre-crushed. Freezing increases the shelf life of the product up to a year.

Important! The average shelf life of nutrients varies from 5 to 8 months. It depends on the storage conditions.


The benefits and harms of dried figs for the body depend on a combination of various factors. Proper drying and storage ensures maximum preservation of all useful substances.

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