Dried barberry

Barberry (berberis vulgaris) is also known as berberia, European barberry, holy thorn. It is assumed that the barberry originated in Europe, North Africa and Central Asia. The bark, berries and roots have been used medicinally. The medicinal properties of the product are often attributed to the alkaloid berberune. This ingredient has antibacterial properties. In Iran, it is widely used to treat liver and gallbladder disorders. Tea with berries is considered a natural remedy for fever and mild infection. The red berries and bark of the barberry plant are alkaloids.

Organic dried barberry is a truly unique fruit with an incredible tart taste. Known for its incredible healing and nutritional properties, it helps with heartburn, restores the stomach and intestinal motility, and even helps cleanse the liver. There are no pesticides and no additives in natural dried barberry berries, only a healthy environmentally friendly product.

Enjoy dried berries

Dried organic barberry has an exquisite tart flavor that complements savory and sweet recipes. They are most commonly used in Iran to add flavor to saffron rice and meat dishes. Dried barberry berries are also an interesting addition to chicken salad, couscous, fried vegetables and soups. If the dish is too sweet or has a strong flavor that overwhelms the dish, using a stick of dried berries can help tone down the sweetness.

Benefit for health

For over 2000 years, barberry vulgaris has been actively used in medicine for its medicinal properties. It was used to treat a number of diseases of the digestive system and liver diseases. The composition of dry barberry contains a lot of nutrients necessary for the health of the body. They provide the body with vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and supports the cardiovascular system. Barberry also contains a unique compound known as berberine that fights bacteria and viruses. To support overall health and well-being, barberries provide the body with B-complex vitamins. One serving of dried berries contains a huge amount of antioxidants that fight free radicals and reduce the risk of premature aging.

Barberry berries are actively used in dietetics due to the lack of low calorific value and incredibly useful and unique chemical composition. The product is low-calorie.

Calorie content (kcal)156 Kcal
Proteins (g)0 grams
Fats (g)0 grams
Carbohydrates (g)thirty eight grams

The product is often compared to goji berries, which are actively used for weight loss. Goji is a Chinese variety of barberry. These berries have anti-aging and soothing properties. Due to the fact that goji berries are not always available, dieters often replace them with regular dried barberry, which is no less effective for the human body.

Dried barberry is especially popular among nutritionists, as it has the following beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the gallbladder and liver (substances in the composition improve the choleretic process, reduce the risk of gallstones);
  • prevents constipation, as the berries have a mild laxative and tonic effect;
  • excellent antioxidants (dried barberry berries have protective properties, stop the development of tumors of various etymologies);
  • are used to combat a variety of diseases of bacterial or infectious origin, stopping the increase in the number of harmful microorganisms (with berries they treat sore throat, sinusitis, runny nose);
  • used to treat intestinal disorders;
  • cleanses the blood, strengthens blood vessels, supports the work of the heart, stimulates the immune system.

Dried barberry has a huge range of useful properties, the most important thing is to choose the right berries and not overeat it. You should always stick to the daily dosage.

Dried barberry berries for weight loss

For people who want to lose weight, barberry berries are a real find, because with them there is no need to exhaust yourself with strict diets. The first thing to do is to cleanse your body of a variety of toxins and toxins, for this it is recommended to drink tea with berries or tincture for two to five days. It is important to buy only ripe berries, since the unripe ones contain a large amount of a toxic substance – berberine, and the benefits of dried barberry are minimized.

Terms of use for barberry

It is not recommended to use this product as a snack. This is due to the fact that it contains easily digestible carbohydrates, they cannot saturate the body for a long time, so the feeling of hunger returns as quickly as possible after eating. To lose extra pounds, you should not add berries to food as a spice, as dried berries can significantly increase your appetite. Where to add dried barberry to reduce weight? The best option is to use barberry for making compotes, decoctions, tinctures, tea. These drinks do not use sugar, they are low in calories and perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, contributing to effective weight loss.

Tea with barberry: recipe at home

Weight loss tea with barberry nutritionists recommend drinking a couple of days before the start of the diet to cleanse the body of toxins. To make tea, you need to take one hundred grams of berries and pour them with two cups of boiling water. Boil over low heat for twenty minutes, then pour the resulting tea into a thermos and leave for at least four hours. Just during this period of time, the berries will “share” their nutritional and beneficial properties. The resulting tincture on dried barberry must also be poured with two cups of boiling water and taken four times a day, one hundred and fifty milliliters after meals.

Contraindications for the use of barberry berries

Despite the huge number of useful properties of barberry, the use of berries and drinks for weight loss based on it is contraindicated in the following cases: simultaneously with the use of laxatives; the presence of gallstones; during pregnancy and lactation; the presence of cirrhosis, hepatitis; an allergic reaction to barberry; children under 12 years old.

Doctor’s comments

Doctors believe that barberry berries are very effective for weight loss, but it is strongly recommended that you strictly follow the dosage, and consult a specialist before embarking on this type of weight loss. Weight loss results with Barberry can be greatly improved by combining barberry tincture with proper nutrition and regular exercise (morning jogging, going to the gym, swimming, etc.). Within 3-4 weeks of the diet, you can get rid of three to six extra pounds.

Scopes of dried barberry

Where is dried barberry used other than dietetics and medicine? Dried barberry berries are universal in use, as they have found their place in both cosmetology and cooking. There are an incredible amount of dishes with the addition of these unique berries, the most popular is rice with barberry and chicken.

To prepare this dish you will need: three cups of long unsteamed rice, half a kilogram of chicken fillet without peel, half a cup of dried barberry berries, two tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, two teaspoons of cumin, a pinch of saffron, salt and pepper to taste. Before cooking, rice must be soaked for three hours in lightly salted water, then put on fire and bring to a boil, strain the rice. Cut the chicken fillet into even strips, fry in sunflower or butter until a beautiful crust forms, add all the spices and half of the berries to the meat during the frying process (saffron must first be scalded with boiling water).

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil and three tablespoons of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add half of the half-cooked rice, put meat with spices on it, cover the meat with the second half of the rice, cover with a lid and put on a minimum fire. After ten minutes, add three tablespoons of oil and the same amount of boiled water to the pan, make the fire as small as possible and cook it for at least another hour and a half. Fry the remaining berries in butter with powdered sugar and saffron. Decorate the resulting dish with caramelized berries before serving. Gourmets can use orange jam as a sauce.

1 Comment

  1. Kan man äta torkade berberisbär som dom är i yoghurt med musli eller måste de blötlöggas ellet tillagas?

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