Dried apples

Now that fresh apples can be bought at any time of the year, fewer and fewer people use dried apples. And it’s completely in vain, because dried fruits retain a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins. In addition, it is very convenient: they take up little space and can be used as a delicious snack.

In dried apples, all useful substances are preserved, including in the apple peel. They have the same high concentration of antioxidants as in fresh [1]. It is important to remember that dried fruits are much higher in calories due to their low water content. Approximately one glass of dried apples contains more than 200 calories, while one fresh one contains only 80 calories.

Apples instead of drugs

Dried apples are very beneficial for people who suffer from allergies. [2]. Scientists have found that apples, firstly, do not cause any allergic reactions in people who are prone to them, and secondly, they suppress the manifestation of allergies. So dried apples can be considered a tasty and healthy treatment for allergies. Of course, they are great for kids too. Moreover, they contain a large number of useful substances that are simply necessary for a growing organism.

And, of course, dried apples have a positive effect on immunity. For a long time, everyone has known the phrase that if a person does not want to get sick, he needs to eat 1 apple every day. [3]. Given that almost all the useful properties of the product are preserved in dried raw materials, it is quite possible to replace fresh fruits with dried ones.

Disease restrictions.

Many are interested in whether diabetics can eat dried apples. They are quite acceptable for use by people with diabetes, but not in the case when the disease is at the last stage. Despite the sweet taste, dried apples do not contain much sugar and do not provoke a jump in blood sugar levels, and can even lower it a little. This means that they can be consumed by diabetics, but in moderation. Since dried fruits take a long time to digest and assimilate, they are just as healthy as natural ones.

Is it possible to give dried apples to a baby

Many mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use dried apples for babies. The answer to this question is no. The fact is that dried apples are very poorly digested, not to mention the fact that they are quite difficult to chew. They can be introduced into the diet of children only after 6 months of life, and this is only if you prepare compote from them. To make such a compote, you need to take a glass of water and boil a couple of pieces of dried apple in it. Such a compote can already be given to a child, but not more than half a glass a day. It is undesirable to add sugar to it, since the fruits themselves are quite sweet, and it is undesirable for children under 3 years old to consume sugar. If your child tolerates berries well, you can add cherries, currants or other fruits to this compote.

For pregnant and lactating women

Women are often interested in whether dried apples can be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you follow the measure in the use of these products, of course, they can be consumed during pregnancy and lactation. Since dried apples retain the maximum amount of nutrients, they are just as healthy as fresh ones.

For losing weight

Despite the relatively high calorie content of the product, dried apples are also recommended for weight loss. [4]. This became possible because they give a feeling of fullness, and also significantly speed up the metabolism, which makes them a very useful product for losing weight. This is especially useful if you are on a diet, but feel very uncomfortable because of the ban on sweets. Just dried apples can be a very good substitute for sweets. They are rich in dietary fiber, so they will only benefit the body.

Composition of dried apples

Dried apples, like fresh ones, contain insoluble fibers that have a good effect on the human digestive system, relieve intestinal problems and normalize blood cholesterol levels. With the regular use of dried apples (of course, in a limited amount), digestion improves significantly, blood cholesterol levels decrease and well-being improves. The only significant drawback of dried apples is that there is practically no vitamin C left in them after drying. If you need this particular vitamin, give preference to fresh fruits.

Composition of dried apples
Caloric value253 kCal
Carbohydrates59 g
Proteins2,2 g
Fats0,1 g
Saccharides55,6 g
organic acids2,3 g
Ash1,5 g
Alimentary fiber14,9 g
Water20 g
Starch3,4 g
Vitamins [5]
E (TE)1 mg
V20,04 mg
PP (NE)1,2 mg
Beta Carotene0,02 mg
V10,02 mg
С2 mg
A (RE)3 μg
Minerals [6]
Ca111 mg
Fe1 mg
Mg30 mg
P77 mg
Na12 mg
K580 mg

The B vitamins contained in the dried product support and improve metabolism and promote the renewal of body cells. Some B vitamins are indispensable for the normal functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system, as they improve connections between neurons. Iron, which is found in fresh apples and remains in dried ones, stimulates the formation of blood cells and maintains its normal state, being its indispensable component.

What Can Dried Apples Do? [7]:

  • provide the body with energy, which is very useful for athletes;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • normalize bowel function;
  • support proper nutrition;
  • improve immunity;
  • support the work of the nervous system;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • support the work of the circulatory system and the heart [8][9].

They contain a lot of sugar, but they have a relatively low glycemic index, so they can be consumed in moderation by diabetics.

Use in cooking

Dried apples go very well with a variety of foods. For example, they can be included in the daily diet by adding a little to oatmeal or natural yogurt. A combination of dried apples, nuts of your choice, and raisins is ideal. Dried, they are used by some cooks to season poultry dishes, especially chicken. For such an original seasoning, it is enough to mix dried apples with dried cranberries, add a little cinnamon and use it to marinate meat.

If you have the opportunity, try to replace the usual desserts with dried apples. First of all, they saturate very well and give energy for the working day, while providing the body with useful substances. This natural and healthy dessert will even speed up the metabolism, so it is more likely to promote weight loss than weight gain.

Cook at home

The best dried apples are those that you have prepared yourself at home. The fact is that even fresh fruits contain a fairly high concentration of sugar, and in dried fruits per 100 grams of the product, this concentration only increases. Some manufacturers sometimes add some sugar to the product to make it more palatable. [10].

To get really high-quality dried apples, it is best to take sour or sweet and sour varieties. So, if you have a lot of fruits growing and you don’t know how to store them so that they don’t spoil, it’s best to dry them. In this case, they retain the maximum concentration of nutrients, they will take up little space and will be stored for a very long time. If dried properly, apples can be stored for several years.

How to dry

It is best to choose apples for drying with the onset of autumn, when they ripen. Stop at the period when it is still warm enough outside, since it is the fruits dried in the fresh air that will have the greatest amount of nutrients. Although, of course, you can use the oven for these purposes. Ideal drying takes place outdoors or in a dry room with fresh air. Apples need to be cut (preferably into circles), the thinner the better.

Then lay them out on paper or parchment and send them to a dry place in the shade. As soon as you notice that the top side has started to dry out, turn the apples over and let the process continue. Such natural drying usually lasts more than a week. Despite the fact that this is the longest option, this is how the highest quality product is obtained.

If you are wondering how many dried apples are obtained from a kilogram of fresh ones, keep in mind that they lose almost 90% of their weight. Count on the fact that from one kilogram of fresh apples you will get about 100 grams of dried ones. Since they retain most of the minerals and vitamins, a certain concentrate of useful substances is obtained. [11]. If you do not have the opportunity to dry fruits in natural conditions, and you are going to do it in the oven, you need to repeat the procedure: just lay them out on parchment and put them in a warm oven. Some cooks recommend blanching apples beforehand so that they are easier to cut and dry faster, but we strongly do not recommend doing this. The fact is that during heat treatment, a huge amount of useful substances are removed from fruits, so be patient and dry them naturally. [12][13].

Before drying apples, be sure to remove the seeds from them. The fact is that they contain a substance that, when digested, can harm the body. Try not to eat a lot of apple pits, at least not more than 5 per day.

Drying in the oven

Drying apples in the oven is divided into three stages: the first is at a temperature of about 50 degrees, during which it is necessary to slightly open the oven doors. Then the temperature must be raised to 65 degrees and wait until most of the moisture has evaporated. The last part is complete drying. The temperature should be raised to about 80 degrees and wait until the apples are completely dry. Each step takes approximately 30 minutes, but can be reduced if you cut the apples very thinly with a slicer.


Of course, it is ideal if you have a special fruit dryer. In this case, it is enough to carry out preliminary preparation, wash and cut the apples, and then simply follow the instructions and dry them in the dryer. By the way, it is in the dryer that they turn out to be of the highest quality, since it is designed specifically for this and retains the maximum concentration of useful substances in the product.

How to store dried apples

Dried apples can be stored for a very long time, up to about 2 years. It is very important to store them in a room that is well ventilated and has a minimum level of humidity. It is best to place apples, like any other dry product, in glassware or place them in special bags made of natural fabric. If you keep dried apples on hand in the kitchen, their “life span” is significantly reduced (to about six months), since the kitchen is usually very humid.

Daily rate

Every day, an adult who does not suffer from diabetes or obesity can consume 3 to 6 cups of dried apples. It will benefit with regular use, especially if you replace your usual desserts with them. For children under 6 years old, only 1 to 2, maximum 3 mugs per day are needed. If the child is 6 years old and tolerates fruits well, just one such circle twice a week is enough.

Harm and side effects

As for the side effects, they are exactly the same for dried apples as for other dried fruits. Since they contain a high concentration of fiber, its excess can also be harmful, so dried apples should be consumed in doses. The fact is that a high concentration of fiber, especially if your body is not used to food of this kind, can lead to stomach pain, flatulence and constipation. So you need to either regulate your intake very strictly, or if you need a lot of fiber, start introducing it into the diet little by little, gradually increasing the pace.

Of course, dried apples are much healthier than candy, but it is important to remember that they contain a fairly high concentration of sugar per 100 grams of weight compared to fresh fruit. Treatment with dried apples can significantly increase your daily calorie intake, which will lead to inevitable weight gain. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the teeth, since fruits contain substances that make the product sticky, as well as a high concentration of sugar, which can lead to the development of caries. So, if you like dried apples and use them regularly, be sure to drink them with enough water, and, no matter how trite it may sound, do not forget to brush your teeth regularly.

Sources of
  1. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Dried fruits: excellent in vitro and in vivo antioxidants.
  2. ↑ O.V. Chizhik, O.V. Kovzunova, V.N. Reshetnikov. – Apples and allergies – is this a familiar fruit?
  3. ↑ Health website Healthline. – An apple a day keeps the doctor away – fact or fiction?
  4. ↑ Calorie counting site Calorisator. – Dried apples.
  5. ↑ Internet portal “IntelMeal”. – Dried apples.
  6. ↑ U.S. Department of agriculture. – Apple, dried.
  7. ↑ Internet portal “Fruits and Berries”. – Dried apples.
  8. ↑ Natural medicine journal. – Daily Dried Apples Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women.
  9. ↑ Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. – Daily apple versus dried plum: impact on cardiovascular disease risk factors in postmenopausal women.
  10. ↑ Electronic fund of legal and regulatory and technical documentation. – Interstate standard (GOST): Dried fruits.
  11. ↑ U.S. National library of medicine. – Physicochemical properties of dried apple slices: impact of osmo-dehydration, sonication, and drying methods.
  12. ↑ Journal of an agronomist No. 1. – Useful properties and contraindications of dried apples: harvesting and storage.
  13. ↑ Internet portal “Russian farmer”. – Drying for the winter.

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